LA Angels Wednesday News Crash: Sad News Day

Hey Angels fans, it has been rough recently for the team. The links are not pretty, just like the Angels offseason. Reader discretion is advised.

Angels News

So, Mickey Callaway has (Allegedly) done some bad stuff and the Angels actually acted. To suspend him.

From the Angels Twitter themselves

It is pretty rough, but many are asking why not fire him? The Mets fired their guy last month. Well, he admitted it, Mickey is fighting this, thus the Angels will have to go through the process or risk getting sued for unlawful firing. So, this won’t be over anytime soon.

Oh yeah that trade for Alex Cobb is finalized, Angels will pay 5 million and it is mostly deferred, and gave up Jamal Jones. For a pitcher that was bad. On Baltimore.

Around Baseball

Drew Robinson has opened up about his suicide attempt from last year. It is pretty graphic, and there is a video about the interview.

Simba has opened up about his suicidal thoughts and depression, which were made worse by 2020. It is from OC Register. He was afraid of people judging him for sitting out the last few games of the season, which he did due to the final trip to Oakland and seeing how bad the pandemic and the consequences of that had gotten.

Oh and the players are pissed at the owners, Spring training is in less than 2 weeks. Yeah I am nervous.

Speaking of issues, AP has written that a strike next year is getting more likely by the day. This decade sucks.

At least the Rockies can be a good distraction, as their GM is delusional, their owner is having doubts, whine about being a mid market team, and just made a giant, dumb move that everyone can see. But, maybe Jeff is smarter than we think… (not really)

In lighter news, Chris Archer is now a Ray… again. Pirates got screwed.

Fangraphs predict St. Louis to win the NL Central, with a 79-83 record. Anaheim is kinda in the central right? We can move there instead of Houston right?

Keith Law hates Calvin Biggio still. Wonder if he can hate an Angels prospect, maybe then he will be good.

No one is Puig’s friend, as all the teams interested in him are not anymore. Guy fell off a cliff when he left the Dodgers.

Anything I missed? Post below for upvotes, I need good news right now…

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Super Member
4 years ago
4 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

Hasta La Vista Franklin Barreto

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

I’m not sure why Barreto is still on the team, but if they didn’t dump him yet I’m not sure they will now. The new guy still has an option.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

Barreto has no options and the 40 man roster just hit 39.

Every year teams try to sneak a few guys through waivers at the end of Spring Training. Unless Barreto lights up the Cactus League, he should be a guy who makes it through.

Reply to  Cowboy26

I’d rather have Jones than this guy.

Garcia was out of affiliated baseball from 2014 – 2018. The Cubs saw him playing in the talent laden baseball mecca of Italy and signed him. In his last season (2019) he hit .208 with a .275 OBP. He struck out 35 times in 80 ABs at the MLB level.

Fletch ought to be shakin’ in his boots….

Super Member
4 years ago

That was my first thought, too, but I just noticed he’s a switch-hitting power bat who might actually be able to hit lefties and can play the corner OFs.

He’s a potential platoon corner OF.

Reply to  AnAngelsFan

If I see him roaming the green grass of a MLB stadium in an Angels uniform, I’m taking a shotgun to my TV.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago

I will gladly drive some shells over to your house to see that ha ha .

Super Member
4 years ago

Taylor Ward 2019 v. L: .167/.286/.167 (33 wRC+)
Taylor Ward 2020 v. L: .256/.275/.359 (70 wRC+)
Robel 2019 v. L: .241/.300/537 (109 wRC+)

Who do you want in RF against an opposing leftie, the small sample size that did well, or the larger sample size of suck?

And don’t say Jared Walsh – he’s playing 1B in this situation.

Last edited 4 years ago by AnAngelsFan
4 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

Ward’s wRC+ improved from 2019 to 2020 at a rate of 112%. I expect 2021 to be more of the same, just like GameStop. Oh, wait…

4 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

But Taylor Ward used to be a catcher.

Reply to  AnAngelsFan

I want anyone not named Robel Garcia in RF. Find someone in AA or AAA and put them out in RF. Better yet, put a cardboard cutout of Trout in RF and go with two outfielders.

C’mon – as far as MLB talent goes, this guy doesn’t help. I’m astonished you are defending this acquisition.

4 years ago

This reaction seems to be borne out of sheer jealousy.

Reply to  Cowboy26

I’ve been caught. The phrase “Damn, you be actin’ Robel today” has been used in all my client teleconferences this week.

Super Member
4 years ago

I mean, it’s a dumpster dive, by why not? MLB minimum so it basically costs nothing, has an option so you can stash him in AAA, there was room on the 40-man so nobody had to go, can play multiple positions, showed promise at AA and AAA, and had good splits at the MLB level v. lefties, which is an area where Angels have been really weak.

I’m not suggesting this is a brilliant pick-up, but it’s a no-downside move for a guy who has the small potential to be a decent pinch hittter against lefties and can fill in a few games if someone gets injured.

4 years ago

I KNEW Elvis was alive.

Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

You mean our parting gift from Eppler? Guy knew he was toast and had to be laughing like crazy when he made that deal.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

Cobb has me shaking my head (and crossing my fingers) but I like this move/gamble. Supposed to have a big ceiling if he can adjust.

4 years ago

and despite his noodle for an arm, he’s got outstanding makeup and great guy in the locker room.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

I hear he learned to cook some mean pasta dishes too.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago

Happy Birthday Victor Rojas!

4 years ago

I would rewrite the Angels’ statement to “Recently we were made aware of…” which might be just as untrue as “Late yesterday…” but it, at least, a little closer to the truth. It’s a bit ridiculous to imply they didn’t know all about the story days ago, since we all did. We might not have known all the details but it’s not credible that the Angels were in the dark.

We can be pretty sure that the Atlantic reached out to the Angels while they were gathering details for the story. Did the organization forget that they’d been contacted?

4 years ago

The Atlantic reached out to them but they were busy in a Per Caps meeting.

Super Member
4 years ago

Well, in actuality most if not all of this stuff did not happen on our watch. But WE are the one’s getting the bad press: “ANGELS pitching coach Mickey Callaway blah, blah, blah.”

How come they don’t say “former Mets manager” or former “Indians pitching coach”?

I mean, it happened over there, not with us.


Reply to  JackFrost

He’s been with the Angels prior to the start of the 2020 season. I believe the Athletic article noted he was still perving during 2020.


Honestly, he is probably perving right now.


Having worked in big boy pants on no magic horses world my whole life I just can’t figure out what you are after here. So an employer, who has a contract with an employee, is supposed to fire a guy because there is a “worst kept secret” ,which is another way of saying often repeated rumor, that they hear about… probably? If you can only fire a guy for cause a reporter calling to check on what they have heard qualifies as cause now?

I myself have worked with and for guys far more screwed up than Callaway, and yeah, I heard rumors, some of which were true, but the guys two levels above me? They had no idea until it became scuttle butt in their office…. then we all just sort of started to prepare for the moment that management got a clear and legal reason to get rid of said workers. I imagine it is an even more restrictive HR situation here. So no, there wasn’t much the org could do differently, nor should they. You need evidence to act, they have it now, they may have started looking for a new guy a while ago, we’ll never know cause they’ll never tell. But these are the limitations you work under in big boy land, rumors don’t mean shit once Maddon hires the guy…. and you all have been begging for Maddon since 2010.

4 years ago

I’m saying they didn’t learn about it “late yesterday”. As for how they handle it, I’m not too concerned. We know how it will end.


Oh no, I get that. I’m just saying that “having heard about it” doesn’t really mean anything after the ink’s on paper. Yesterday was the first day where they could actually do something. I’m with you, even outside sources aside, I am willing to bet that at least jokes about how lame Callaway is for desperately texting lady reporters, etc got around the Angels building last year.

red floyd
4 years ago

Just a side note, since we’re into this sort of thing here…

62 years ago today, the Music died. RIP Buddy, Ritchie, and the Big Bopper.

4 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

it’s always a good day to listen to them. So far I’ve heard “It’s So Easy”, “Everyday”, and “Come on, Let’s Go”. Next up, “The Big Bopper’s Wedding”.

4 years ago

And right on cue I get an email today from The Angels touting the fact that they signed superstar pitcher Alex Cobb and can they interest me in a 10 game ticket package. 10 game package for games that may not be open to fans (We have no clue what new rules, tiers, color codes Newsom will come up with, and neither does he or his staff), and if they do open to fans, I am going to need the pitching rotation so I could choose the 10 games to make sure I miss the Cobb starts. i also expect ticket prices to rise, just like golf course green fees, as people will willingly pay just to get out of the house after this prolonged shutdown.

Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

You should write back and threaten to buy a Padres ticket package instead unless they offer you a clear plan on how to improve the team like our neighbors down south have. Worst case: you’re out money on a more exciting team with less drama when the season gets canceled.

4 years ago
Reply to  Commander_Nate

And cool train rides to Petco.

Reply to  steelgolf

Seriously, tell em “Not while Carpino’s still in place.”. If there’s ever gonna be a point where Arte’s a bit shook over the state of his org it’s now. This could be the best opportunity we have to rid ourselves of the East Coast Suck Up Oil Slick.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

Real talk: what short positions does Arte hold that we and a few thousand bored fans could squeeze until we get our way?

Reply to  Commander_Nate

Unfortunately, he probably holds positions in land and a baseball team…. those are hard to squeeze, especially because we’d need him to short those investments first…. stupid Arte and his stupid investments. If only he’d bought 1 billion in Steak and Shake shares…. or Red Robbin.

4 years ago
Reply to  Commander_Nate

If you want to short the Angels just buy playoff tickets.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

That’s hysterical. They worsened the team and they’re acting like they made some great signing.

4 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost


Trusted Member
4 years ago

I know most everyone here leans somewhere politically but Simba was caught up in the same “mental illness” that millions of others did. Based on all the Conspiracy posts on his Instagram, it’s easy to see that it’s not just housewives with no jobs that get caught up those things…,

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago
Reply to  DMAGZ13

I had a similar thought. It sucks to victim blame but he posted a lot of stuff that would depress me seriously if I thought it was remotely possible.

Then again, maybe a depressive mind is attracted to conspiracies like those.

Super Member
4 years ago

Most of our seasons start off great and then go downhill. This year it’s hard to get enthused about baseball starting. If it even does.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

Sometimes I hate liking sports.

Super Member
4 years ago

My heart goes out to Simba, and I wish him the best going forward.

I commend him for his openness and honesty. Hopefully he will inspire other athletes to seek help/support and not feel they have to suffer in silence.

It is too bad that many people here assumed the worst about him late last summer when he left the team.

Super Member
4 years ago

I felt both sides were very much at fault in last Summer’s negotiations but I’m having a hard time with the union not even engaging this time around.

The amount of senior aged coaches, media, staff, stadium operations etc. that would be vaccinated between now and mid-March is really freaking significant. All the arguments *not* to delay a month felt exceptionally weak in comparison.

Owners suck but the union is so tone deaf sometimes.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago
Reply to  ihearhowie3.0

Exactly. Make a counter proposal, get some talks going. Act like you actually want to make a deal.

This circling the wagons and saying our party is great the other one is bad gets nowhere. Just look at DC.

“Here are our concerns, what are yours?”

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I read that to make a counter-proposal, that essentially opens up the MLBPA to have to negotiate (and allows the league to then decide things if there is an impasse).

Basically, unless they see a clear advantage, they aren’t likely to open things up.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago

Wow. Odd construct. You’d think you’d implement rules to increase communication, not shut it down.

Thanks for that insight. I’d never known that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Labor Negotiations are a little more complex than that. In order for the Owners to declare an impasse they would have to prove they have been negotiating in good faith. They tried this tactic back in 1994 & 1995 and got crushed by the courts which ultimately led to the end of the players strike. I really doubt they would attempt this lame brain idea again.

At this point the players want all their dough for the entire season. They figured they got thru last year pretty effectively an if any of them got COVID they would still get paid. There is no motivation for them to change the current deal especially after all the modifications to the agreement that were made last year. I firmly believe training camps will be opening in just over 2 weeks.

Super Member
4 years ago

So, who should we target as the new pitching coach? Can we poach Hickey from the Nationals (he worked with Maddon on the Cubs) or steal the Cubs pitching coatch (Hottovy) since they are selling everyone else?


Unless Arte is willing to throw cash at a coach (instead of a free agent pitcher), why would anyone quit a good gig to come to the dumpster fire that is the current Angels franchise?

Super Member
4 years ago

Well, that is a positive sentiment. Arte has been hiring Front Office staff left and right, and there could be enticement to work for Maddon (from Hickey, perhaps) or to leave an environment in which the team seems to be selling and looking to rebuild (Cubs).

The Angels are at least adding talent and trying to win.


“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

Super Member
4 years ago

A major league job is a major league job. There aren’t that many of them available. It is not gonna be hard to find a coach.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago
Reply to  ryanfea

yes, but probably not one already employed by an MLB franchise at the MLB level.

Langston gives some nice insights, I think. I wonder if he’d come down from the booth.

If not look for guys at the AA and AAA level of other franchises.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Yes and Langley has previous coaching experience as the baseball coach at Orange Lutheran High school.

I’m actually partial to the Angels hiring Troy Percival. he could mix up some more of the Pine Tar concoction he invented and make sure all the pitchers drink 9 cups of coffee before entering the game.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Speaking of coming from the booth Gubi does give insight

Reply to  ryanfea

My response was focused on stealing an existing MLB pitching coach.


I think you need a team’s permission to do that at this point and the fact that it’s a lateral move for an MLB coach also plays a factor, I’d guess. I mean, how many times have you seen a pitching coach just jump ship for another team? Could be wrong, but I think the Angels have to either hire “up” a bullpen coach or similar underling or get a AA/AAA guy (from the Braves mayhaps?) or a college guy…. or a currently unemployed guy.

Or woman…. or them…. or a unicorn…. safe now?

4 years ago

If my memory serves me correctly, Mickey Callahan was pulling down $1.5 million per year. For that amount of money the Angels should be able to find a viable pitching coach even with 12 days & 8 hours until P’s & C’s report.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

That’s solid money.


I’ll take “Unicorn” for 100.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Hickey was hired this off season . I doubt he would leave a job before he really even started it. The Nationals aren’t the Mets.

We could Hire Maddon’s pitching coach when the Cubbies won the World Series. Wait, on second thought, never mind.

4 years ago

No Gubbie, no Butcher, no Langston. Please…for f&ck sakes, go outside the organization.

Hire Darren Balsey, ex-Padre pitching coach. He was moved out in favor of Larry Rothschild and considered by Greg Maddux as the best pitching coach he ever had. Or find someone with a track record of being capable instructing how to introduce different pitches to the repertoire. Hiring a name or a buddy, won’t cut it and Maddon scares me in that he will do just this.

Reply to  FungoAle

BALSEY! Yeah, that’s an actual good idea, he is/was a good pitching coach. Man it’s hard to think of guys, but yeah, he’d be pretty good. Though, now that you mention it, I wonder if Greg Maddox or Tom Glavine would like to give it a shot….

4 years ago

Out of all the bad stuff surrounding the Angels, Simba sitting out a few games last year to protect his and his family’s health is not among them. I’ve always liked him (as we all did) and I wish him the best of luck with his new club.

Reply to  ChillRIL

He took some shit last year for “quitting on his teammates”. Just goes to reinforce you never know the burdens some are carrying. It took courage to share the challenges he’s working through.

Jim Atkins
Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  ChillRIL

Always had the utmost respect for Simba as a player. Now I respect him equally as a person. Takes guts to open up like that.