Some notes on the route map:
- Right click on the map and click “show in new window” to see larger version.
- The main red loop connects all players currently on the 40-man roster. These names are also all in bold. Players on 10-day DL are not marked in any special way. However, players on the 60-day DL are marked as per the legend, and are included on the map even though they don’t count toward the 40 player limit.
- There is no specific order to the players as to where they are positioned on the loop.
- Routes with more than one player will get a designated color. Routes with a single player will be gray.
- If more than one player is involved in a trade and they were of the same transaction type, they will be grouped together.
- Only last names are used on the map for a cleaner appearance. If more than one player with the same last name appears, their first initial will be included.
- Any player who has a trade symbol (circle) without a connection, means they were acquired via a cash trade and/or PTBNL who has not yet been named.