New York MLB officials who all wear thick glass specs really do lean over backwards to accommodate East Coast teams whenever the occasion may arise, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty the Angels for as long as I can remember, love to stick to the Halos, like we are the ones keeping them up late at night.
I am making the decision to allow this gamethread to stay up as a venting/F bomb thread.
Thanks. Because that just fucking sucked.
New York MLB officials who all wear thick glass specs really do lean over backwards to accommodate East Coast teams whenever the occasion may arise, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty the Angels for as long as I can remember, love to stick to the Halos, like we are the ones keeping them up late at night.
at least we didn’t sign Snell, too
Worst replay decision ever
I’m keeping Gameday open, waiting for it to show Jo safe.
I’m generally not one to blame officiating when it comes to the Angels, but THAT was bull shit.
Likewise. It’s tough to say one bad call cost us the game…….but it did
It’s the timing of the call that cost us the game. It was literally the last out so no way possible to work around that.
The incompetency of MLB is seriously shocking
Fuck the blind idiots working the replays. Joe West, is that you?
If they were blind they would have an excuse.
Trouble is, they are not blind — which implies something totally different….
Should have gone apeshit on 2B ump. If he doesn’t fuck it up to begin with, they don’t fuck it up in NY.
Must be Old Joe at the NYC replay desk.
ManFraud sure is vengeful
New York is a Shithole.
On multiple levels.
Even if you like saxophones.
Is Angel Hernandez reviewing the on the field call?
More proof NY hates us
Why even have the fucking replay system? Bullshit
Fucking disgraceful
Bullshit call
Safe !!!