GOOD MORNING ANGELS FANS! Yeah, I am amazed too. Have some links.
Angels News
The Angels have a winning record. And on a winning streak. They beat the Marlins yesterday. Here, have some highlights.
Oh and the on base streak stays alive. 34 straight games to begin a career. That’s 13 away from tying the MLB record.
Maybe that means drafting MLB ready guys is a good strat after all. Well, 10 and a half Million is available for the Angels first 4 picks in the draft. Lots of talent to be had.
Around Baseball
A’s may stay in Sacramento next year as talks between them and Oakland break down. Again. The notes they give the ushers did not help.
Kansas City may lose the Royals. To Kansas City. Missouri vs Kansas, who you got?
With Miami losing again, Burger King doesn’t have to give out Whopper Jrs. 0-6 no burgers for Marlins fans.
There is a new shortest active MLB player. He is still taller than the average US adult woman.
Joey Bart is now a Pirate. I remember wanting to trade for him with Adell years ago. And that is why I am not a GM.
Speaking of Pirates, they are undefeated still, one of 3 teams that are. Brewers and Tigers makes that 3 Central teams. Huh.
Want to watch a day game? Go to Wrigley. Want a Night game? Dodger Stadium is where it is at. Angels though only get day games away (and Sundays…) mostly. Because Baseball.
How much WAR does Wash have so far?
At least 1.
Glad that Wash is making good on his word to strategically start Trout at DH once per week.
Minor league rosters are firming up… Rocket City unveiled their’s today. Probably the most prospect-rich in the org with blue-chippers (Rada, Dana) and still-promising question marks like Calabrese (still only 21), Tucker Flint (13 HRs last year) and Maderos. Will be fun following them this season…
I know the first two games were brutal beatdowns, but if we’re being honest and I said last week the Angels will lose 2 of 3 to Baltimore and win 2 of 3 in Miami we’d have all said that sounds perfectly reasonable.
Most of us would’ve gladly accepted 3-3 thru 6, but now I’m feeling greedy. Let’s head home at 4-2 instead….
The A’s in Sacramento makes a ton of sense. That’s a nice ballpark, the city will sell out most of the games, and the market is close enough to keep the broadcasting revenue.
I lived in Sacramento when the ballpark was built. There was talk of luring the A’s even back then as the AAA RiverCats would often outdraw the big league A’s.
It isn’t sustainable. There isn’t enough corporate money in Sacramento. But it would be fun for a few years.
Chance of Death on the way to the ballpark is a lot lower also.
Much safer there now than in the 1990s
Oakland? Comparing now to the 90’s is basically saying that it was F’ing horrible then versus horrible now.
I had a meeting near Macarthur Park in LA today and 5 minutes before I arrived some nutter tried to stab the UPS driver that was entering the same building that I was going to.
The truth is that violent crime is spiraling out of control in most US cities and the supposed “reduction in rates” is a flat out lie from the government-media-complex. People are not reporting many crimes, cops aren’t responding and the 5th column DA’s are not prosecuting.
It’s a shit show.
Murder rates were far worse in the 1990.. Thanks for your exaggerations and fake news, however.
As an Angels fan who has lived in the Sacramento area since 2002, I really hope to see the Sacramento plan happen. I don’t like for A’s fans who have been treated so badly by ownership for so long, but I would love to have the Angels in my backyard for a couple of series a year. That ballpark really is a nice place to watch a game too (much nicer than the Coliseum).
So, Joe (Maddon) smells a rotting fish in Shohei’s story too. He believes Ippei could potentially paid Shohei’s everyday bills, but why did not the “Agency pick up on Shohei losing money from bank account long before it got to $4.5 million? ” They are into everything he does such as what radio and TV shows he appears in, personal appearances, etc.
MLB is 29 billionaires; all they really care about is the money or why else follow the NFL and invite sorts gaming into their house. Did Manfraud really care about the Game when we all knew that many more teams were involved in sign stealing than just Houston and Boston? How about giving players involved in cheating a free pass?
Do I believe that MLB will try their hardest to cover up the Shohei Ohtani gambling scandal up so as to protect the Game up? You bet I do 😎 , and Ippei is going to have free lawyers, be paid a bundle, and take the fall-you betcha. Why? If the average team’s current value is let’s say 2 billion, what would be the value after a shit storm hit concerning MLB, LA Dodgers, LA Angels, Shohei Otani and the sport of Baseball and gambling. Do you think that you know everything about the Pete Rose gambling case or everything about the PED’s scandals? Cover up is the name of the game.
MLB hid Tim Mead’s involvement in the Angels drug scandal very well after it broke, and he was employed by the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. Too much value is involved today unlike Judge Landis and the “Black Sox” in 1919.
The truth may never be revealed, but if I ran the NFL or MLB, I know I would sever all tie ins with Sports Gaming fast, as the end of the road to it has a cliff involved that goes down a long way.
I’ve been saying that financial company that Ohtani (And other celebs) is getting paid to monitor all of his financial activity. No way in H-E-L-L that $4.5M escapes immediate notice, if not flat out blocked.
We should all remember, the same type of company put Michael Jordan on an “Allowance”
Exactly. Watch, no jail time for Ippei. Imagine if Ohtani paid him 1 million for the next 10yrs that’s nothing to him. For Ippei, that kind of cash is life changing for a young man. Cash pay out and loyalty to Ohtani, all worth taking the fall in this coverup.
$4 Million is twice his annual salary… for now.
I think it’s all being controlled by Illuminati on the far side of the moon at the secret Alien base. They need to protect all the gold they looted from Ft. Knox, which funds all their evil conspiracies in the world.
They can’t take a chance on the secret being exposed so people know the REAL truth!
Hallelujah !!
Rendon is not leading-off today. In fact, not even in the lineup !!
Anderson is not fitting the narrative-What do we do?
Good job by Anderson. Garcia…..well let’s hope he gets straightened out soon.
Go Halos!
Hey, maybe playing with no huge outside expectations (Angels NEED to get to the playoffs this year, or Oh-Ta-Ni is GONE!!!!!), and no big FA signings, is really doing some wonders. I’ll take any small miracles we can get.
I’m loving the play of O’Hoppe, Neto and Schanuel so far. Even Adell, on PH’ing and coming off the bench situations, has been great. Trout finally stole a base after 100 years.
One day, Rendon will even get a hit.
I said yesterday that “Tony two sags” would get one or two hits. I was wrong, but at least he moved a runner and hit the ball hard several times. He’ll get some hits soon, before…..well you know.
Not hard enough.
Marlins are not a bad team as record shows, Angels are just playing clutch baseball. The Fish made the playoffs last year, have the batting average champion, and good young arms. Replacing Solers power for Tim Anderson was a mistake. Hoping for a sweep today, the bats need to show up unless Sandbox can quit tossing dirt.
I’m glad we’re winning, but let’s be honest: the Marlins are not currently a good team.
I predict that the Marlins finally win their first game today…. Sandy will not deliver like Anderson did yesterday …
“Sandy Blow-facks”?
Sorry, feelin’ a little grouchy this morning.
Things that didn’t happen today
I took one for the team.
The Pirates scored most of their runs, at least the key ones, against Miami with 2 outs. Now the Angels are coming up with clutch hits.
Two ways of looking at it and both are probably correct. Their bullpen is bad and they’ve had bad luck.
If we go undefeated against bad teams, we are a playoff team. That’s all that matters in the end.
Winning playoff games would be nice, however getting to the playoffs would be a major accomplishment for the franchise.
Glass Half Full…NICE!!!
You gotta beat the teams, “…you’re supposed to beat.”
Let’s beat the Red Sox this weekend.
That is one of the teams we should always beat.
Finally Rengifo and Adell get in. Off day for Schanuel and Mr. 0/19. Lefty on the mound so no Mickey.
It could be an epic season if Mr. 0 -19 could get to 0 – 50, yet The Angels still have a winning record!
Not a Sano fan.
lol, baseball
“the angels are hitting .201 with a .270 on base percentage, their pitchers have the 2nd worst earned run average in the american league, ohtani is gone, and their leadoff man is 0 for 20
they are in 1st place in the AL West”
technically Rendone is 0/19, but who is really counting
He’s ofer 2024 – it’s easier to say.
“This too shall pass”
So is this the reverse Tungsten Arm O’Doyle then?!
A serious go figure, but we’ll take it. It’s fun while it last and sort of like “How many licks to a Tootie Pop center”, as it too is fun while it last. 😋
Very cool but totally unsustainable.
Word of the day: broom
Taylor WORD
Keep it going.
The knock on the Angels last year was we looked good against bad teams but were embarrassing against contenders (that late July winning streak ahead of the trade deadline right into August meltdown vs. good teams the most glaring example).
Hopefully this kind of bounceback early in the season even against a bad team instills some confidence in the the locker room that sticks.
If Sandoval acts like a Major Leaguer…maybe we sweep.
Great game. True it was against a team that hasn’t won yet this season, but over the years the Angels have had trouble beating the cellar dwellers. And Anderson had a Quality Start. According to the stats, he had 7 of those last year which surprised me.
Surprised me too. I remember a few good games but it seemed like 5 runs and 4 innings was his normal outing.