OK. Now for the race to the Wild Card. I jest. I reckon the links will be rather gloomy for the rest of the season. Somehow the Angels did not get ranked in the top seven trade deadline winners. I demand a recount. Bleacher Report says the Angels are among the seven teams that blew it. George Klassen is ranked pretty high among the prospects that were moved, though. Of course, Perry Minasian says he is happy with the two trades he made. That article refers to Taylor Ward as a “20 year old” but I am sure Brent Maguire knows better than that. It must be a typo.
The Angels are still not being particularly specific about the nature and timeline of Mike Trout’s setback.
The Orioles acquired Livan Soto from the Reds in a trade just before the deadline. Another ex Angel, Brett Phillips, just got a minor league deal with the Yankees as a pitcher. He has a 95 MPH fastball which can reach 97, a curveball, and a split change.
Team USA is cruising in Women’s Baseball World Cup.
Jazz Chisholm Jr. is working out so far for the Yankees at both offense and defense.
Photo credit: Rex Fregosi
2017, Thumb Ligament, missed 39 games
2018, Wrist Inflammation, missed 19 games
2019, Foot Surgery, missed 19 games
2021, Calf Strain, missed 122 games
2022, Rib Inflammation, missed 30 games
2023, Hamate Fracture, missed 74 games
2024, Meniscus Tear, will miss 133 games
Trouts all-around game has waned since 2019. It’s been 5 long seasons since he was relevant. Next…
It would have been the most Angels’ thing ever if we had signed Trout away from his initial team in 2019/20 to a record 10 year 400 million dollar contract.
Good thing we got out of the Ohtani contact
I really don’t think his arm will hold up long term. Agreed.
Remember when a lot of us thought MNT was pretty much a sure thing for 600 HRs before he was done? Now it looks like 500 might be the best we can hope for. And that might be too optimistic. He has 378 right now.
maybe 380
I feel like a fast-talkin’ auctioneer now: do I hear 385? 385 home runs for Trout.
In the back.
Do I hear 390? Humdittyhumdittyhum. In the serge suit.
Do I hear 395?, etc
Going once, going twice…
SOLD! To the man in the Bob Marley T-shirt and…vest, is it?
Ya mon
2025 taglines:
“______ expects to be 100% to start spring training”
A. Mike Trout
B. Anthony Rendon
C. Robert Stephenson
D. Jose Cisnero
E. Andrew Wantz
F. Player(s) to be determined
G. All of the above
A and B
You all remember Ken Griffey Jr.? That’s where we are. Trout will get healthy for each year and then hope to stay healthy for most afterward. What wonder if Arte has an insurance policy that pays when Mike doesn’t play. Same with Rendon. Anyone know???
Mike = Tracy McGrady
If Mike wants to salvage whatever good baseball he has left he has to accept that he’s going to DH the majority of the time. And he should consider a position switch if he is determined to still play the field some of the time.
No more stolen bases, no more stretching a double into a triple, no more putting his body on the line for catches.
And that probably still won’t be enough.
Black cloud over this franchise.
I frequently pinch myself thinking that the 2002 season was some daydream fantasy I had.
Not surprised at all by the Trout news. I saw he had a “setback” and already assumed the worsyest …
Can’t miss what we don’t have.
Maybe Art has Munchhausen by proxy?
And the whole organization is in on it? It would answer some questions.
Even if Trout does come back next year “100%” I cant imagine he wont be gun shy and will have lost a step in the outfield for fear of hurting himself. I suggested retirement a couple days ago…full time DH for sure!!
I think at this point you have to plan like you won’t have him and go from there. Imagine where we’d be as a team if you’d have traded Trout and Ohtani.
I’m getting to the point where I won’t support big contracts for anyone over 30. Period.
Full time DH is the only logical option moving forward and even that is fraught considering his recent track history of getting injured in every conceivable manner. Sigh.
Holy shit – someone messed up big time here. Angels medical staff, the doctor(s) who did the surgery (surgeries?), coaches, himself… jesus.
The surgeon I’m almost certain was not some in-house doctor. Trout and his agent would have picked someone with the best track record and reputation for that kind of procedure.
Mission and Hoag locally both have outstanding orthopedists.
The prophesy that he was the next Mantle matches too closely so I’m blaming the sprinkler in CF. Prove me wrong.
I love Mike Trout. I am so glad that I saw him play in person numerous times. He was an exciting player like Rickey Henderson in 2012 and then a big slugger with amazing OPS numbers. But I no longer think of him in the future of the Angels. I hope that I am wrong.
I’d like to think my dad was the one who messed up by taking me to see the Angels when I was a little kid.
Yeaoyep and it’s because he hated the Dodger stadium parking lot.
fucking parking lot. August.
My parents let me go with my neighbors to my first MLB game in SoCal.
It could have been just as easily a Doyer game.
But nooooooo, stupid ass neighbor had free tickets to the Angles.
Stupid parents, stupid neighbors. Stupid Angels. Stupid Art.
I feel the same way about how my grandfather could have bought a house in LA after he got out of the Navy, but nooooo he had to choose Orange County.
Genuinely curious if Trout has some undisclosed condition or is on a medication that may result in weaker tissue/cartiledge/bones etc. Not joking, I really am curious if there is something to explain the parade of breakdowns.
Yeah I think its called HGH
Yeah its one that came to mind when I wrote that. We know he had some thyroid thing he had a medical exception to use rx drugs for.
Hormone issues are sometimes tied to ligament breakdowns
Getting hit in the hand is one thing, but these other injuries seem to happen when he’s not even exerting himself.
Those things do exist one of my friends does. Certain other meds cause things like bone density loss. Trout needs a holistic trainer and stop preparing for the NFL. I know it’s a meme here I was part of back in the day but I still think he’s too husky. Look I come from the tennis world but as much as I hate Djokovic the dude takes care of his body through incredible diet.
id like to imagine everyone is quiet quitting until arte sells.
Millennial am I right?
My decision not to give Arte a cent this year continues to be a good one.
Agreed. I’m in year two.
Year one. Diverted money from Angels mini-plan to more Ducks games. At least I know they are focused on a true rebuild.
I unintentionally quit this year due to medical crap. Haven’t been to one game but I’ve watched quite a few on TV.
If I was healthy, this would be a higher attendance year than normal. Go when it’s cheap cheap.
I’m pretty sure you can get premium seats for under $5 nowadays. Good times.
Well, get better so we have someone else to disagree with.
Hope you’re doing ok, DD.
Get better, Downing.
Get your health in order, then you can handle the food at the Big A, 😂
Thanks everyone. The worst days are well behind me hence my being absent here for some time. Doing good.
Wow. I hope you continue to get better and better. You’ve always been one of the funniest, most knowledgeable guys, both at this site and the previous one.
Glad to hear you’re doing good.
Staying out of here and not following the Angels is good for your health. Take care but be healthy 😂
It was pretty cheap for me the other night, I just picked up a last minute ticket.
Rest up, get better.
Trout news. Depressing to see him fade away this way.
Any chance he reaches a buyout settlement and retired?
This is the first time I’ve felt hes probably not finishing his contract. Definitely was done being his old self but now I’m not even sure he can play 50 games a year.
I bet if he gets a new injury in 2025 he *will* retire
when* he gets a new injury
I can’t disagree with you
I feel like he’s young enough that he wants to try and play and maybe go out on his now terms. I don’t think it’s about the money. He’s already made more money than he can spend.
There’s no way he’d leave all that cashish on the table. He’s going to “make every effort” to get back on the field to justify the checks all the way to year 10
It’s pretty bad, I’m not even sure he can stay healthy anymore.
I’ve been critical of Trout and how he always seems to take longer than normal to come back but I do feel for him here. Multiple tears in the same knee is going to be tough road.
My wife had the same surgery and things are still compromised for her five years post surgery.
It will be hard, he likes haging with the guys.
How does this joke of a franchise have such a joke of a medical staff? How many times have we seen the initial tests/scans come back negative and then suddenly it’s like “Oops actually we are idiot doctors and we f’ed this one up”
This piece of shit team is so infuriating. I don’t know if my fanhood will survive until Arte sells or dies.
Yeah the “oh it was just some scar tissue and inflammation” psych out had to have been particularly cruel for Trout to deal with.
Tonight’s Lineups
And that was where he was sitting until the injuries hit. He is still the 2nd greatest RH Hitter in History base on OPS+.
The Trout news…
If it wasn’t so fucking sad i’d be laughing hysterically.
What if? this just posted at ESPIN and summarizes whats been missed
Slow fade? More like plane crash into the mountain side.
I surrender. The Halo curse thing is real.
Yeah, it’s goddamn heartbreaking.
It is very sad. Is it time for Mike to retire?
See what I said above. I think it might be. The club simply can’t count on him
at all to stay healthy.
In the famous words of Jeff Lebowski, “that’s a bummer, man”.
Thank Allah for MMA.
The least he could do is invite us all over to watch the games at his house together.
Not with that kind of money on the table.
Do we know for sure this did not happen stepping on Beckham’s Lego?
It must be investigated.
Shocker https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2024/08/mike-trout-done-for-the-year-due-to-meniscus-tear.html
Wow, so Trout. So Angels.
Double-meniscus double-play……..never heard of another athlete having that happen right after a partial rehab.
I’m sure it has?
Double tear – both by doing nothing more strenuous than jogging in the field.
Definitely not normal
Zero surprise. Just sayin’
Wonder what will break next year.
spontaneous combustioning calf, wrist, knee.
What I like best about this debacles, is that the most recent MRI from a day or two ago, was clean, just scar tissue….. in all fairness to any player in this organization, getting injured or dealing with the rehab. Good luck!!!😀😀😀😀
Not directed to you personally but to the entire site – do we really think this is all the medical staff and misdiagnosis or its how the team handles or mishandles communicating information?
Maybe we are the real fools and with insurance its actually better that he doesn’t play when opportunities like these arise from a team wallet perspective
You have a point Chalky.
Yes……they a horrible at many, many things.
Can he even play any more? He had meniscus surgery that people have all the time and have already returned to normal activities as well as lots of pro athletes in all sports. Joan Benoit had similar surgery 3 weeks before she won the olympic marathon. He went though more and better rehab than most people and has this. I’d look for a new Knee Doc.
Is his meniscus made of rice paper?
remember me?
David Fletchers BFF?
And you thought we were done talking about the gambling.