Not lqqking good for the Halos faithful, again, alas. Staring at 3 games under .500
When we get good pitching guy aren’t hitting; when we hit – which is rare, mostly MNT and Ward – our pitching blows. But it seems like it’s been forever so, though we know it’s not true. It just feels that way since…umm…lemme look at a calendar…2015.
I missed why Rendon went out earlier in the game: season-ending attitude sideache?
So: out until mid-August? Again?
Sort of.
They are saying hamstring, though.
70-92 kind of pace now
My 59-103 is still in play.
And they go quietly into the night.
The Kids and on the skids
Alrighty then.
Well, that was…another…baseball…uhhhhh…game. (cough)
Neto is so far off those outside pitches
Not lqqking good for the Halos faithful, again, alas. Staring at 3 games under .500
When we get good pitching guy aren’t hitting; when we hit – which is rare, mostly MNT and Ward – our pitching blows. But it seems like it’s been forever so, though we know it’s not true. It just feels that way since…umm…lemme look at a calendar…2015.
Nine years. And counting.
Come on Schanny, another patented single
STFD, Fraley!
My gawd Garcia is not effing around out there today. So far.
STFD, Benson! Nasty 3 pitches by Garcia there.
This game is a long one, long enough that I’d forgotten Sandy started, with bad results
420 does that to your sense of time.
Or so I have read.
I’d call him RenQUEEF-o but that might violate TOS, or at the very least, taste.
So I won’t
The Mick down to .159
About time Drury!
3 run inning has been requested. Go Angels!
2 out no one on again. Good Grief.
Drury Sucks!
That was the SS play, no harm, no foul.
Launch it, Mike
Schanny singles