Celebrate Mom today. And hopefully an Angels victory.
Picture is of Yadira Huerta and her daughter Alexis who earned a full ride scholarship through the Angels Foundation. Original article on the family is here.
Celebrate Mom today. And hopefully an Angels victory.
Picture is of Yadira Huerta and her daughter Alexis who earned a full ride scholarship through the Angels Foundation. Original article on the family is here.
it’ll probably be awhile for the postgame thread since the one that was being written had to be torn up and thrown out
We got us a ToD!
Poof! Rainey’s ERA goes from 0.00 to 3.12
Almost shut the game off after the 6th, but left it on in the background and happy to see we walked off.
Rendon finally stepped up..
They’re not playing .600 ball, they’re playing .633 ball. Too GA to extrapolate that out. 102? 103? Just get 90, though, lads.
I think the highest they’ve been this season was .667
That was really fun. My streaming feed in Oregon lagged and I learned about the plays via your comments.
Marsh, you almost injured yourself.
Ass over Powerade instead of Ass over Teakettle 😰
Inured list tomorrow lol
Marsh blown knee oh f
No Aybar celebration fails PLEAAAAZZZZZZE
Or morales. I kind of just sit here being like don’t hurt yourself you guys lol
I’m a fan of Anthony’s since his days at Rice University. Great to see him do well.
The streak ends on mothers day! Oh lordy i tell ya.. when I seen enough.. ive seen enough…….
4:37PM mothers day 2022…called
Awesome news.
All you negative Nancies need to be fired.
I could cry….I mean more than I am right now
That is the team I know and love!!!!!
Rendon comes through!!
Fuck yeah!!
Okay I will eat my words.
Mix in some nice Ale and it go down the pipe just fine 🙂