So the Angels announced the signing of Matt Duffy over a week ago but through their 6th Cactus League game, there has been no sign of the Duffster. What gives?
This seems so TrAditional. I’m sure he’ll fit right in.
Angels Announcing:
When two smart epople get together they benefit by the total of their IQs adding up but when two dumb people get together they suffer by the IQs subtracting from each other …and we suffer having to listen to it.
Guys on twitter were hyping up Hocking before he started calling these games. Talking about how it would be a treat to hear is extensive knowledge of the game.
I’m sure he knows his shit, it just doesn’t translate to the broadcast very well.
And with Patrick being new to this it’s a recipe for disaster.
So the Angels announced the signing of Matt Duffy over a week ago but through their 6th Cactus League game, there has been no sign of the Duffster. What gives?
This seems so TrAditional. I’m sure he’ll fit right in.
this game is forgettable.
Rough outing for Ramos – but interesting to see Machado and some of San Diego’s regulars in the game this late.
Way to get out of that, Suarez
It’s not so much what Denny is saying… it’s how he’s saying it… the sing song, ending whatever he’s saying on an uptick.
pauly shore vibes
Angels Announcing:
When two smart epople get together they benefit by the total of their IQs adding up but when two dumb people get together they suffer by the IQs subtracting from each other …and we suffer having to listen to it.
Guys on twitter were hyping up Hocking before he started calling these games. Talking about how it would be a treat to hear is extensive knowledge of the game.
I’m sure he knows his shit, it just doesn’t translate to the broadcast very well.
And with Patrick being new to this it’s a recipe for disaster.
Sandoval and Suarez are really big keys to this year. Hopefully they can pitch like they did last year but for more innings.
Can they become “dudes” on the mound?
I’m a big believer in Sandoval. Not that that means much. I think Suarez can be effective too.
The Sicario! Suarez has the swag.
Sandoval was outright thievery. Thanks Billy Epps!
Sicario was a Dipoto transaction.
Suarez time 💪🏽