LA Angels Weekend News Crash: Baseball is Coming!

Why, yes, that is the most clickbaity headline I’ve ever written. But it is true. Baseball is coming, just not of the MLB variety. At least not yet.

Eight days ago the players were underwhelmed by the owners proposal. They promised to respond quickly with their own proposal. Crickets.

Don’t worry, the players are preparing to prepare a proposal and should be presenting that sometime in the near but not immediate future.

But there will be baseball next weekend. The 2022 Caribbean Series kicks off in the baseball hotbed of the Dominican Republic.

I’ve often watched those games and thought of how much fun it would be to attend. It will be very easy to attend in 2024. No passport needed as the Caribbean Series will be played in Miami.

One guy who had himself a good Winter Ball season down in the DR was former Angel and great guy Taylor Cole. He was able to use that as a springboard to a minors deal with Boston.

No matter where he goes or what he does, Taylor will always be remembered here for being the starting pitcher in the Tyler Skaggs no hitter.

I like the guy so much I’m going to wish him luck, even as a Red Sox. He’s just that good of a guy.

There’s a lot of MLB news to get to. Yesterday MLB nixed Tampa Bay’s plans for a split home schedule with Montreal.

This plan was a bit more complex than it appears on the surface. The city of Tampa had proposed to help build a stadium in Ybor City while the Rays built a similar ballpark in Montreal. The team would split the season playing in each ballpark and, I’d imagine, secure broadcasting deals in each city.

Rays ownership calls the news “deflating” and local leaders are now left to figure out how to make this work.

Honestly, my first thought was that Montreal was a lateral move from Tampa: low attendance, bad ballpark, crappy turf. But, as others on the staff brought to my attention, Montreal had good attendance for years and a new ballpark would have been built. I’m changing my tune. MLB screwed up.

In other beleaguered franchise news, the City of Oakland approved an environmental review and the A’s took a step closer to a beautiful downtown ballpark.

The A’s are proposing more than just a ballpark. 3000 housing units, office space, retail, parks. This looks like it would be a very nice development and I honestly prefer the A’s stay here. My sister takes my nieces and nephews to games here and I think many more families would support a new ballpark in better developed area.

This is an Angels themed site and I haven’t yet mentioned them. Well, the Angels had a nice international signing period picking up two top 50 prospects. I also like the mix of players.

The highest rated player on that list is Nelson Rada. He netted a signing bonus of $1.8 million then sat down for an interview with The Athletic.

I’ve been finding more old school Angels stuff on YouTube than looking for longform reading. Please tell me which you prefer and I’ll lean that way. I’m aiming for a bit of both, to be honest.

Here’s a clip that couldn’t be more late 80s/early 90s. Enjoy the guitar riff open, the Winston sign during the home run, and the old Big A configuration. Here’s a 1991 tribute to my favorite Angel.

Have a great weekend. Please link what I missed.

I’ve posted this before, but I finally got to meet my boyhood hero a couple of years ago. Definitely a memory I cherish. We had a good laugh about our last names being homonyms and talked about baseball.

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3 years ago

What a weekend of NFL football. That league is shining while MLB is doing nothing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I mean, it is the middle of January, even in a normal year MLB would be doing close to nothing…

And the 2021 MLB playoffs were great!

3 years ago
Reply to  Mia

Yes but…..the point is it would be a terrible optic for MLB to lose any of the season.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on.

A lot of money at stake to delay, we may lose a few weeks of spring, but I think we’ll be okay.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mia
3 years ago

Yesterday’s NFL was down to the last minute in both games. Home field meant nothing as the visitor’s prevailed in both. Hope for some close scores today.

Hope you have a great day today, we will with a warm day by the fireplace and some game time fun. Happy Sunday.

Super Member
3 years ago

Straight from Rod’s twitter feed.

Rod Carew
I love Angels fans as much as Twins fans. I ‘grew up’ in Minnesota, but my home is in California to this day. I have friends at both organizations who I cherish. The only difference is the Angels’ leadership does not want me to be involved with their club and the Twins do

Last edited 3 years ago by MarineLayer
Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

Well, that is bad on Angels’ management. I remember all of the charity work Carew did when I was growing up, and he has always been admired in the fanbase (correct me if you all disagree).

Would be happy to see him more involved.

Why wouldn’t they want the involvement from a HOFer who played six All Star seasons for your organization (seven over all)?


F***ing Arte. The Angels need to completely change everything…. but also keep every old man who ever worked for them on staff and feeling relevant. Is this so much to ask?

3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

Yeah, they fuck up dealing with their past players pretty regularly.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mia

Really which ones?

3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

How often do you see ex Angels at the Big A before games? Go to a Yankees game or a Dodgers game and former players are there. It is not in the team’s current DNA is all.

3 years ago

Well I see Bobby Grich all the time. In the past I’ve seen Adam Kennedy and Mike Witt. I used to see Rod Carew a few years ago. The Angels already employ, Mark Langston, Mark Gubizca, Garret Anderson and Tim Salmon on a regular basis. The Angels have even employed a speakers bureau where you can get ex angel ball player to attend your charity event if needed.

Many of the old Angels were in attendance during Joe Maddon’s introductory press conference. He even talked about how Important it was to get these players back involved in the organization even if it would be for guest instructional visits during spring training.

Unfortunately some of the Angel legends such as Jim Fregosi and Don Baylor are no longer with us while others have their own careers and interests to follow like Nolan Ryan and Reggie Jackson.

While the last 3 GM’s have chose to bring in more help from outside the organizations roots, and I have no idea what the beef with Rod Carew is, but I believe this concept that somehow the Angels are shunning their old alumni is just manufactured hype.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

Clyde Wright, Brian Downing, Percy, Finley, others…agree with you.
The usual Angle bashing…not all of it is justified.

But, they always seem to give reasons to question…..

Reply to  Twebur

I think it’s pretty obvious that Arte personally punched Rod in the dick and told him to never come to the Big A again. There is absolutely no chance that this tweet came from an old man who isn’t getting his way and is turning to fellow old men on the interwebs for a sympathy pump. Arte feels intimidated by Rod and banned him because Arte is cheap and Arte is evil. If Arte were gone there would be so many happy old man Angels just flocking to the Big A to tell guys like me that they are my friend. I hate you Arte. Did you hear Arte lit Johnny Ray’s dog on fire? Well he probably did.

3 years ago

“No team for old men”

Arte in his younger days….friend’o.

Reply to  Twebur

OMG! Sugar as young Cheapnevil! Perfect.

3 years ago

Anton = Arte

The pressure-gun cattle prod thing is what Arte uses on our players. Its why we have so many injuries.

Last edited 3 years ago by Twebur
Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

I saw Rod at the Big A around 2012. He was doing some promotional or community event before the game started and he walked through the gates before they were open. But it would be really cool to see former players around the stadium more often.

Reply to  tanana40

Sean Burnett, Lee Smith, Kelvim Escobar, Tony Armas, Willie Fraser, John Candelaria, JT Snow, Damion Easley, Jeff Manto…. the list of ex-Angels players who we just don’t see around much is truly troubling. I wonder what positions PTP has totally failed to hire all of these guys to totally revolutionize as the Angels stop being stuck in the old ways of doing things and modernize their baseball ops. If we had a POBO like Andrew Freidman I’m sure Rod Carew would be front and center.

Sweet Jesus we need some Ersty. How many of the men on this site are so so thirsty for Ersty? Probably 110% of us.

I’ve actually kind of enjoyed the “old Angels” vibe in the mix of our front facing org offices. Langston, Gubby, Salmon, GA…. has a nice historical flow. But I don’t want anyone like Weaver or Carew doing anything meaningful in our org. Give a speech in Tempe, shake some hands in a locker room, support a charity, that’s about it. If their ego demands more I don’t care if they’re butt hurt.

Reply to  MarineLayer

I’m sure Rod could be involved with the club. He is probably not being offered the involvement he wants. But hey, if a low key “Do you know who I am?” from an ex-Angel gets you’re blood up then this tweets for you.


Both the A’ss and Rays need to move. Both franchises are wasted on those towns. But the evil in me wants the A’ss to grasp desperately at this latest glimmer of hope that they can build something in Oakland. I can’t wait till 2027 when they are on their seventh final attempt to get something passed through all the interested parties in the Bay Area.

Maybe I’m just as stupid as all of the highly successful men who own baseball teams, but I still have trouble believing how tough it is for the MLB to catch on in Florida.

3 years ago

Over / under new stadium ground breaking….is 2029.
Angels +350
A’ss +355

Angels -350
A’ss -355


That suit you’re wearing is class. You look like you quip wisely in Guy Ritchie movies. And apparently your boyhood hero is the guy who played Walt’s brother in law on Breaking Bad?

3 years ago

Either that or it’s Peter Frampton.

3 years ago
Reply to 

Wally might very well be Lex Luthor or Daddy Warbucks.

Last edited 3 years ago by Fansince1971
3 years ago

I’m getting more of a David Byrne, Stop Making Sense vibe from Jeff in that photo.

Last edited 3 years ago by Fansince1971
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Talking Heads is dope, but you look way more classy than that in that photo. You look like you’re gonna sell Wally his own personal tank.

3 years ago

MLB Insider Robert Murray on the #LAAngels signing of Michael Lorenzen: “There [were] a lot of teams that were intrigued about him as a starting pitcher.”

“I know the Giants were pretty hot after him… but the Angels were not alone in viewing Lorenzen as a starting pitcher.”

Reply to  Mia

The Giants = Smart for thinking outside the box about Lorenzen.
The Angels = Stupid f***ing Perry. So out of his depth. Mere puppet.

3 years ago

Perry kinda feels like the first GM in years to actually go his own way!

At least, IMO

But how smart can a platypus really be?

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Mia

Agent P is the top agent in OWCA!

Super Member
3 years ago

Just to be clear – multiple teams targeted a pitcher. We landed said pitcher.

This is a good thing – right? This is what ‘we’ complained about before (with Greinke, Wheeler, Cole), an inability to get the pitcher we wanted.

But here we are, Perry coming through with the goods. Well done, I say, well done.

Super Member
3 years ago

Lies, if we got him nobody else targeted. I’m sure it was just a bunch of Heyman “mystery teams” who may or may not exist.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

If he can’t start effectively, I just wonder how long it takes us to realize it, and how many games he will lose for us before we move him to the pen.

Reply to  Mia

Nine. The answer is nine.

3 years ago

Nein, komrade, nein.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

If I had to guess without knowing that one of these Jo(i)(y)ners was the ex-baseball great, I’d say it was the guy on the right. Lookin’ sharp, Jeff.

Last edited 3 years ago by El_Duderino
Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Louie Anderson had a great guest star appearance on Remington Steele. He was a funny man, and I am sad to see his passing.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

…and that’s when the big bucks start rolling in.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

Ha! I fell for the click bait heading and was buttercupped!  😂 

“Ooh, ooh something happened overnight <click> Noooooooooooo”

3 years ago

43 million albums sold of Bat out of Hell. Paradise in the dashboard lights is one of the great baseball songs of all time.

red floyd
3 years ago

That’s a rather tender subject. Another slice anyone?

3 years ago

Robot umpires have been given a promotion and will be just one step from the major leagues this season…….

Last edited 3 years ago by Twebur
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

This is such a dumb ass idea, imho.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

Not as dumb as HP umpires

3 years ago

Did not remember that Tyler Cole started that No Hitter. I’m happy for him to get a contract. Hope he makes it back to the “Bigs”.

Who is that with Wally, tall enough to be a pitcher, heck sign him up. PTP.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

That’s where the Dandelions grow

3 years ago

A very, very sad day. Woke up very late today and turned on the PC to the news of the passing of Mr. Aday (Meatloaf), Jan Michael Vincent, and Louie Anderson.

R.I.P. Brothers.

While the Album Bat out of Hell was just awesome and a favorite of mine, I’d do anything for Love is my favorite of his songs. What a voice and a great talent. Louie Anderson was a very funny man and we saw him live at the Hermosa Beach Comedy Club in late 80’s.

It happens in 3’s, but of late it seems like one a day. Maybe years ago I would not have shed a tear, but to seems so different and I am not ashamed as I say goodbye to these talented men.

Super Member
3 years ago

Bat out of Hell came out when i was 16.

I usually don’t think about ‘Paradise ..’ when thinking about songs with a great opening riff, but i should.

3 years ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

I do wish I would have had the pleasure of seeing him live. I was 25 when “Bat” came out and he blew me away.

3 years ago

Jan Michael Vincent passed away in 2019.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Thats what I thought too but its Friday and I figured I was just missing something.

3 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Well I guess that goes to show me I cannot believe everything I read on Microsoft news. A bit embarring though.

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Uninteresting anecdote: sat next to him in a hotel bar on Central Park South Manhattan in the 1980s.He was neither nice nor unnice. Still, it did happen.

3 years ago

Is there something weird about MLB teams signing a bunch of 16-year-old boys from the Caribbean?

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to 

its fine – they’ve known these boys since they were 12 or 14 yrs old

3 years ago
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Only if the scout is wearing an Angel muscle shirt and a red speedo, then yup we may have a problem.

3 years ago

…or a Angels rally thong.

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur


red floyd
3 years ago
Reply to  Designerguy

I didn’t get a “Harumph” out of that guy! [points at Twebur]

Reply to 

It’s OK. I’ve seen a bunch of huge DNC donners and politicians hanging around their games so there’s absolutely no way anything sleezy’s been going on. Not with all that concerned power in one place looking out for their well being.

3 years ago

Well, that’s a relief, but just as long as Jim Jordan (R – Ohio) isn’t one of the coaches.

Reply to 

Is Jim Jordan interested in protecting the young men and women of the world by helping them help him climax to new heights as well? Wouldn’t shock me. I’m sure there are still plenty of private islands full of young people being given the old “opportunity of a lifetime” still.

Super Member
3 years ago

Just read that Ty Buttrey wants to make a comeback. Says he’s over his burnout and has a newfound burning desire. If true, would love to see his resurgence and for him to reach his potential. Such a nice guy. Had electric stuff when on. Could be huge.

Super Member
3 years ago

Like Patrick Sandoval?
Ty Buttrrey was acquired for a old former AS 2B Ian Kinsler as was Patrick Sandoval for a journeyman catcher Martin Maldonado. Lightning rarely happens in a bottle.

3 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven


Super Member
3 years ago

My first name is Phil.

Does the FILL the bill.

For another homonym?

Super Member
3 years ago

Paradise by the Dashboad Light – now there was a baseball song!

Here he comes, squeeze
Play, it’s gonna be close, holy cow, I think he’s gonna make it!

RIP Meat Loaf

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

Meat Loaf ROCKS!!!

Trusted Member
3 years ago

Meat Loaf’s voice was a magnificent instrument. He could have been an opera star had he so chosen. And he was a very interesting fellow, so far as I can judge by the interviews I have read. May he rest in peace, singing in the Angel Choir.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

Wait! That was about baseball? Color me surprised.

3 years ago

Jeff- I think you and Wally needed to order some more Cracker Jacks.

3 years ago

Ha! Very misleading headline. Have you been taking clickbait classes?