Alex Cobb was on the hill, returning when the fans didn’t think it was possible. It was as if normalcy has returned somewhat, as he dominated the White Sox in his 5 innings of work while the rather putrid offense on paper lit the White Sox up to show how much baseball makes no sense sometimes.
`Pitching, Speed, and Defense
Ohtani hit a 2 out infield single. That was all they could muster in the first. Alex Cobb was back and his first inning in a long time and had a 1-2-3 one.
Walsh walked to lead off the 2nd and then Luis Rengifo hit a 2 run shot, infuriating half the fanbase!
Cobb now had a 2 run lead in the second and had much more trouble this time around. But with good defense including a GIDP, he gets out of it with a 2-0 lead.
The Angels did nothing in the 3rd, putting Cobb right back out there. He had trouble again, but he escapes with the 2-0 lead in tact thanks to great defense.
For the fourth, Stassi hit a very long single to begin the inning. Walsh singled after him, and Rengifo reached on an error to load the bases. Mayfield doubled to clear the bases! 5-0 Angeles!
Rojas followed hat up with a 2 run home run of his own! 7-0!
With a big lead, Cobb pitched confidently, allowing only a walk in the bottom of the 4th, and keeping it a 7-0 lead after 4.
The 5th started good as well, with an Ohtani single, a Stassi walk and a Walsh single put the 8th run on the board. Then a Rengifo HBP loaded the bases for Mayfield again, and he he beat out a double play attempt, making it 9-0 Angels!
Cobb sent down the side in order in the bottom of the 5th. It would be his last inning. 5 innings, no runs, 2 hits, 2 walks, and 5 K in his first start since JULY!
The Angels failed to add on in the 6th, getting only a Marsh single.
Big Lead for the Bullpen
Guerra had the bottom of the 6th, as he has not pitched in a while and a 9 run lead was perfect for him. It did not go as planned, giving up a run and it could have been more, but a 9-1 lead after 6 was still excellent.
Speed was again evident for the top of the 7th, with a Stassi safe with one out on a throwing error, and Walsh escaping the double play with his speed. Not that they could add on, however.
Guerra was in a jam in the bottom of the 7th, loading the bases with no outs. That was enough for Maddon and he was yanked for Jimmy Herget. He allowed 2 to come across that were charged to Guerra. 9-3 Angels after 7.
The Angels went down in order in the 8th. Mayers was called upon to get the bottom of the inning, he allowed a hit, but otherwise shut them down. Still 9-3 after 8.
A quiet 9th for the Angels got heated when the new White Sox pitcher threw at Ohtani’s legs multiple times before hitting him and getting ejected. Manager Tony La Russa came to argue that and got ejected as well. Oh and he ripped the phone out of the wall. Classic TLR.
Oliver Otega was tasked to finish the game up 9-3 in the bottom of the 9th. A groundout, a strikeout, and there were 2 outs quick. An infield single kept the game alive, Abreu grounded out to end the game. Angels win the series and the season series vs a playoff team!
The Angels go back home to face Oakland. Who will pitch, no one knows, but maybe not Ohtani anymore as he is exhausted. Ah well, enjoy this, I guess? Please drink responsibly.
I was looking at our top 30 prospects, and I noticed that the Stefanic kid wasn’t even listed. What gives?
He can be a “fan favorite” and not a top 30 prospect.
What it means is that there’s at least 30 players in the Angels farm system that are assessed to be better MLB prospects than him.
Trust Perry – if the guy had the ability to make MLB club better, he’d be playing in the majors.
Shufflebot rises tomorrow night.
Lets Dance!
I just spoke with him. He’s ready!
Does he know it’s a Bullpen Game?
Winning series against playoff bound teams with our hobbled lineup bodes well for next season. When you think of trout and Rendon coming back to protect ohtani or with Upton putting up big numbers on a contract year.. I’m very excited.
On the pitching side it looks like we have a formidable staff if we resign Cobb. Cobb, ohtani, Sandoval, Suarez, canning. It stands to reason that yes, if we go out and sign a true ace or atleast a guy who always goes solid 7 innings, we are set.
The big and best moves are resigns to Cobb and iglesias.
After we sign a bad ass. We must sign a bad ass this off season to have any shot next year
I love the enthusiasm, but upton is done.
Numbers off the bench would still be nice 🙂
I find your optimism misplaced.
Ummm, drop Canning from that equation please.
TWO STRAIGHT wins over a playoff-bound team? What madness is this???
The madness is that it screws up our draft position. This freaking team can’t win enough to limp into the playoffs, and can’t lose enough to get a great draft position. This is exactly why the last 10 years have been mired in mediocracy.
I’ve been busy, missed a bunch of game action lately. How many errors has Rengifo had since that “huge” one a few games back? Is his defense actually terrible, or fan board comment terrible? Has anyone’s Lylin eyes been watching him and do they have any input?
Rengifo sucks man. But by utilizing his corrupt financial dealings he’ll probably end up with a bench role next year . Thereby jobbing the plumber and clogging his pipeline to the major leagues
Plumber tonight 3-4, 3 runs, 3 RBI, 2 walks, Double and HR.
Free The Plumber!
Davis Daniel was horrrrible, with 4 r’s bad.
4.2, 10 hits, 7 earned.
But the Plumber unclogged the pipe and helped the Bees get the win 13-10.
Rengifo (RengIFFYo I call him) is an enigma. One day he’s solid both in the field and at the plate; the next day he looks lost. He’s prone to errors but can also make some solid plays. In one plate appearance he’ll swing at 3 pitches off the plate and strike out, but in the next he’ll drive a home run. Bottom line: he is inconsistent as hell. It remains to be seen as to whether he will ever surpass his AAA+ skill set.
I saw “Rengifo is an enema” 😂
Ohtani with arm soreness.
TJS Coming!
You mean TJS, The Sequel
Manager creates lineup by throwing darts actually produces an impressive outcome.
Perhaps Joe is freaking brilliant?
With Joe it was probably him reaching into his bag of his cool vibe CDs with a players name tapes to the cover.
I turned the game off early. Why was Chicago throwing at Ohtani?
Is Joe even a reliable source anymore? Idk. But there’s his opinion.
This is all LaRussa and his bullshit
I missed the second half of the game, did Joe storm the field challenging the opposing manager? I’m guessing no.
Thanks. Such a crap move.
The headline made me think Ty Buttrey had rejoined the team.
What a weird box score. I expected to see Ohtani, Marsh, and Fletch having big games when I saw the score, lol.
the White Sox are the best of a pretty poor division.
Good riddance to the White Sux. Throwing at Ohtani was bullshit.
I missed it, did we retaliate or just say negative things AFTER the game?
Ortega had his chance at Abreu but didn’t do it. I guess Joe didn’t want him to get suspended.
It’s not the Angel way….which to me is bullshit.
Bob Gibson rules need to apply: you hit one of mine, two of yours will feel the pain.
As a pitcher, you “have the back” of your teammates.
There’s no need to ever throw a baseball at someone on purpose. That’s stupid and accomplishes nothing outside of getting yourself suspended and possibly injuring someone else.
You may not agree with it, which is fine. But it is just incorrect to say “it accomplishes nothing(.)”
Guy throws at Ohtani. Everyone gets mad. Then everyone wants us to hit them.
There is a serious disconnect here, and it’s frustrating that a ton of people in baseball do not see it.
When they hit ohtani the “balance in the Larussa baseball force” was restored. This is done.
If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there would be peace.
~ John Lennon
You’re right. It also puts a runner on base. My bad.
Do you generally follow the Golden Rule?
But what if I really want to injure someone?
hen you would be the Angels team doctor.
GGOOOOLLLLDDDDD!!!! GOLD! GOLD! I’m blind from all the GOLD!!!!
Agree, not the Angel way and the Angels sadly don’t have that type of fire in the belly.
If a pitcher was not going to take care of it, someone should have been chirping from the dugout or walking across the Diamond towards the pitcher. You know if Weaver or Lackey or a Percival had the ball in the 9th, there would have been retribution. A guy like Don Baylor would have done something.
Let’s just take a moment and get our shit strait. Back when my old ass was pitching it was pretty strait forward. If a guy hit your player and it seemed intentional, you threw at one of their better players. Everyone knew it was coming, which is why most pitchers tried not to hit anyone.
If you hit two of another teams players even your mom knew someone on your team (or you) was getting plunked.
After said plunking it was considered over. If you retaliate for retaliation you are doing it wrong and you’re a dumbass asshole. This, if the Angels were following “the old code” or what ever, would be why they didn’t retaliate.
Thats too soft. Just like the rest of the country. Let me be more clear, there is NFW Ohtani takes a pitch to his body if I was on the team. Angels are pu$$ies for letting that go unchallenged. As I said, at least go out and confront vs e opposition vs waiting for post-game comments.
Too soft for you’re obviously tough as f*** taste or not, that’s how retaliation traditionally worked. It kept things from becoming a bean burrito.
Ortega could have hoisted his stature within the clubhouse if had drilled him. Players would have chipped in and paid the fine. I did watch the replay on MLB, it looked targeted enough that would I had done something. Even though it was at his legs vs rib cage or head. Unless… we were talking Rengifo instead of Ohtani. 🙂
for as awesome as the Chisox are supposed to be, their defense was pretty dang shoddy.
Alright dude i get what you’re doing now. You’re just on here trying to start shit with people and be a troll.
You post the same stupid shit with no context everyday to get a rise out of people because that’s what gets you off.
I hope you get help
I hope I get help too. Send it in monetary form.
(was this a reply fail or in response to something i posted a week ago that I already forgot? I do remember commenting about how I miss your old HH avatar)
✌ 💘 ☮️
Hey DowningDude,
That was @2002 who was trying to start something with you. It seems like he deleted his comment altogether.
Be well, my friend ✌💗
Women get me off. And victory in battle, which leads to women. And poetry. And lavish clothing. And fine horses. Which leads to women.
You really need to unleash yourself and be a little less politically correct.😂
This will beat suffering through Giants vs Washington football team later. Suffer I will however. Nice job Cobb
Angels Win!