Boston Mega Deal in Jeopardy

The Boston Red Sox have ruined Angels fans’ weekend, and they didn’t even play each other. What was supposed to be a simple mega deal trade all done and announced has become complicated.

Reports are that the Twins have backed out of their side of the deal. Mostly due to Boston wanting two top 10 prospects from them. This of course holds up the Dodgers deal to send Joc and Stripling to the Angels and Arte is pissed.

However the Twins being out is not certain as none of the Twitter experts can agree on this. If they do, don’t expect the Angels to get involved as they lack any pitching prospect that is worth enough.

What is certain is that this hold up is angering fans, owners, players, and the media as everyone is being blue balled.

Edit: looks like it may end now.

Everyone hope for no medical delay this time. If this goes though, the Angels Dodgers trade should be completed shortly.

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Super Member
4 years ago

This trade would have really energized the team heading into ST. Kinda shocked Arte would allow himself to be the one to deflate the balloon.

Fingers crossed he doesn’t shove us into a reactionary, emotional move in place of this one.

4 years ago
Reply to  ihearhowie3.0

I can’t say if I’m happy or unhappy about the trade falling apart because I don’t know the prospects the Angels were giving up. For example if Adell or Marsh was part of the package- I’m happy the trade didn’t go down. Without that info, it’s difficult to fully and meaningfully evaluate.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I tend to doubt that Adell or Marsh were included. Number one, such high profile prospects would likely have been publicized if they were moving. Second, that would have seriously tilted the trade in the Dodgers favor.

4 years ago

Angels don’t need Joc, but Stripling would be nice, they could use him. Dodgers probably asked for too much and changed the deal. Let them go to camp with too many outfielders and no DH rule.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Totally agree Steelgolf. I could care less if we get Pederson, but I am very bummed that we won’t get Stripling. He is a very good and serviceable pitcher. He would have helped.

Super Member
4 years ago

If Arte really just rage-quit out of this trade because he had to wait 5 days I don’t think there is a clearer example of why the Dodgers are where they are and why Arte’s Angels are where they are.

This accomplishes what exactly? You’re willing to spite the 2020 Angels just to *maybe* inconvenience the Dodgers into scrambling for another trade partner on the fly? Didn’t we just see that Friedman has no problem being patient to find the best deal for his team?

Trusted Member
4 years ago

Nightingale says Arte pulled the deal…

Reply to  LAAFan

I hope that’s wrong. Arte should not be micromanaging baseball operations. If he does not trust Eppler, then fire him.


From MLBTraderumors: It doesn’t make a lot of intuitive sense that the newest iteration of the Betts trade would make the Pederson leg moot. The new trade actually sends an additional outfielder to the Dodgers (Luke Raley from Minnesota), as well as an additional pitcher in Brusdar Graterol who could fill much the same role that Stripling has in years past.

Jessica DeLine
Super Member
4 years ago

How do you think we got Rendon?

4 years ago
Reply to  LAAFan

If Arte did pull off this deal, I just can’t anymore with that guy still meddling and ugh

Reply to  AngelsMambaFan

Yah. I don’t see why he would pull out of it if it was a deal he wanted five days ago, unless the prospect cost changed a whole lot. It’s not like Strippling/Pederson’s value changed for us over the last few days. If this is just Arte throwing a tantrum it’ll get out soon and we can all piss all over it. Aggressively signing bad contracts like Pujols I can understand…. that’s trying to win and blowing it. Sticking to a payroll I understand too, that’s life. But passing on two players that would help us just cause you’re pissed off…. that would be muy lame.

4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  LAAFan

Example 456 of Arte cutting his own nose off to spite his face

4 years ago
Reply to  LAAFan

I have a hard time believing that Arte pulled it in some sort of impatient huff. Isn’t it more likely that the Dodgers upped their ask on the prospect side and it was unacceptable to BillArte?

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Tolbs

Not hard to believe but the fact Rosenthal had heard 2 different stories maybe suggests its in the middle – maybe Dodgers asked for a different prospect at a different position or something after all this BS and Arte just threw up a middle finger and walked away.

Either way, not great. A real leader would have kept his mouth shut and allowed this trade to finish and energize the team as ST starts. Now it starts under a huge bummer cloud of disappointment.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

Wow, this is just unbelievable.

Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

As if I needed more reasons to hate the dodgers.

4 years ago

I’m seeing conflicting reports that Arte may have grown impatient and pulled out.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

FML you’re kidding SMH

4 years ago
Reply to  AngelsMambaFan

Maybe sometime in the past week Billy found a better deal. We’ll see.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

This is the brutally optimistic take I needed Mia, thank you. I’m not even ready to point fingers at who ruined this, I’m just so… Sad. I’m probably an idiot, but I really thought a decent #2/3 in Stripling and an outfield platoon partner really turned me around on what was a confusingly disjointed and borderline nonsensical offseason. So much for the wild card hopes…

4 years ago
Reply to  DaveinSA

I’m with you, Dave. The idea of this trade had me excited for the season. It just really sucks.

I just don’t see why we would pull out unless Arte felt like his ego had been hurt. He didn’t get it exactly when he wanted so he took his ball and went home? Not the best look for him, especially because it’s not like waiting a week would have changed anything, we haven’t even opened camp yet…

Either Arte is petty, or we don’t have the full story. That said, I still think there is a chance it could either be reworked, or Billy finds a starter elsewhere. I really hope they aren’t just done now.

Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

I still hate the dodgers.

4 years ago

I’d be worried if you didn’t.

4 years ago

I was thinking the same about the Red Fux

4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

Punk ass Stripling tweeted a gif of a fist pump and then deleted it a couple minutes later, F him then!

4 years ago
Reply to  AngelsMambaFan

I mean, can you blame him? He basically has a guaranteed ticket to the World Series if he isn’t traded. A ring must mean more to him than starting. Or he feels like he has unfinished business with how his team was screwed over in two World Series…

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

I was pissed at first too but really….with Betts look how stacked the Dodgers are. I’d prefer to stick with my friends and current employer too.

Especially if the circumstances are your potential new boss throwing a tantrum

4 years ago

Just saw that “Medicals are done. The Sox/Dodgers deal just requires MLB approval of the $48M cash transfer”, per Boston Sportswriter. Didn’t see anything mentioning change to Angels/Doyers trade other than it will happen after the $$ approval. I believe it will still be the original deal as everybody basically got what they wanted

Reply to  rickreichardt3

The Dodgers and Red Sox suck. Joc losing arbitration and Red Sox eating more of Price’s salary killed the trade

Super Member
4 years ago

Now the REAL conspiracy story can come out. It was more about f_ckng the Angels over than anything else, ha ha. The ultimate Buttercup.

Super Member
4 years ago

He doesn’t mention Pages, but I bet he’s still included.

4 years ago

I see it referenced that it would go through with a few minor tweaks. Sounds like still Joc, Stripling, Rengifo….not sure about Pages/what prospects we are losing. Should be announced very shortly, one would think.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Oski_Bear

Pages was in the nice to have category but a long way away. Joc and Stripling made us better. Stripling to me is the icing on the cake. I didn’t think we could get to competitive – if our pitching can step up – you never know.

Our line up could be scary good against righties.


Jeter in a Red Sox uniform. Hell has indeed frozen over.


The Dodgers are stupid if they bail out the Sox from the mess they created.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

They want Betts too badly at this point, thinking he might be the missing ingredient in a Series win.

Now Maeda is still with the Dodgers. It will be interesting to see where the Angels/Dodgers deal goes now, or if the Dodgers deal Maeda separately for Graterol.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

According to MLBTR its
Alex Verdugo (5)
Jeter Downs (7)
Connor Wong (13)
(*) 2019 FG System Prospect Ranking

That seem like the proper return for one year of Betts + Price & $48m and it really doesn’t seem to hurt LAD in the next 5 years if at all.


The Dodgers overpaid.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

We sure could use a fly on the wall during these negotiations

Super Member
4 years ago

WoW. I never even thought of this angle.

Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  eyespy

This article is laughable. Not only would a sports team never apologize by just “gifting” players, but I have seen 0 evidence that the Sox cheated in the playoffs, let alone the World Series. Clickbait.

4 years ago
Reply to  cookmeister

It could be argued that firing the manager is evidence

Trusted Member
4 years ago
I think a trade gets done today. Pitchers and Catchers report in less than 48 hours and have to leave at the latest tomorrow. Maeda, Price, and now Graterol if he gets traded to the Dodgers don’t know if they need to leave to Florida or Arizona. I just don’t see how this trade can keep lingering on past today.

4 years ago
Reply to  VictoriousVIC

This is probably the most detailed current info I can find form the Twinkies beat writer. I just can’t believe the Dodgers would have to give the Twins more for Maeda

Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at 10.54.20 AM.png
red floyd
4 years ago
Reply to  VictoriousVIC

I read that hashtag as Michael Nelson Trout Wins

4 years ago
Reply to  VictoriousVIC

Is this VG from the old yahoo message boards?


Fuck Boston. They aren’t re-signing Betts, see how much the fans like watching him walk with only a draft choice in return – while still having to pay Price’s ridiculous salary. I find a bit of malicious glee in this outcome.

4 years ago

comment image

Super Member
4 years ago

The Red Sox are stuck and have to make the deal. Someone might need a sweetener, but it won’t take much.

Super Member
4 years ago

This is gonna end with the Dodgers just eating more of Price’s salary.

At least it better. Players report in 24-48 hours this is a joke.

Chaim Bloom is already giving major AJ Preller vibes. I imagine this won’t be the last time he tries to back out on a deal or do something shady like holding it hostage.

4 years ago

The bad thing about the internet is that we find out about trades before they’re finalized. So now we’re gonna have a lot of players giving the stink eye to their present employers if the trade doesn’t go down.

I have no idea if Boston backed out because of medical reasons to Graterol or if the litmus test they dropped to their local media made them change their minds, but trades shouldn’t be discussed until they’ve been finalized. This is at least fair to players and their families to discover this after it’s been finalized rather be part of the media’s 15 seconds for the next consecutive days.

4 years ago

Perhaps the Padres will be the Red Sux solution, just not ours. Or maybe……?

Jim Atkins
Super Member
4 years ago

Is it just me or is this off season one big dammed soap opera? Was listening to MLB on Sirius XM today. Those guys (not sure who, Jeff Joyce?) are ready to burn down Minute Maid Park. Wow, lot of vitriol blasting out of those speakers! Not too much sympathy for Bloom in Boston, either. Too much dammed drama!

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Jim Atkins

Red Sox owners simultaneously learning their fans hate them and that they probably hired the wrong GM. This is going to complicate all future dealings with Bloom by other GM’s around the league if this falls through. Huge black eye in his first offseason.

4 years ago

of course we got your latest Boras quotes from the Boston Globe :

Scott Boras, Graterol’s agent, suggested that concluding Graterol would be less likely to emerge as a starter based on a review of the medical file ran counter to the conclusion of both Twins doctors and Dr. Neal ElAttrache.

“No doctor has told me that there is anything about his future going forward other than that it is very bright and he has no limitations. That is the evidence of people who have examined him,” said Boras. “Now I have people who have only looked at medical records — and I know have not contacted these doctors — making bald allegations about this player. It’s supposition.”

Boras also hinted at the fact that something else could be holding up the trade.

“It gets out as to the reason why a trade has a hiccup,” said Boras. “There could be a variety of reasons [for a trade to break down]. All I’m saying to this is that the reason is not Brusdar’s health.”

Hmmmm. I wonder what he’s implying….

Reply to  Cowboy26

Now we all have to squirm through deciding who to believe more, BoSux or Boras. Dog poop or cat poop, which do we want to eat? I am starting to feel fustrated. I am close to hating this trade just because it has made me mad.

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4 years ago

Well I don’t think this guy is bird poop or cat poop . (Although he does kind of look like Mark Gubicza)

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Reply to  Cowboy26

If I’m the Red Sox (thank Gah I’m not) what does this change? The trade wasn’t final, and they don’t want the guy with multiple arm injuries. It’s just not that wild a concept….. accept now Boras feels his asset may have a mark against him.

Sux- “Oh, Gratoral, we’ve heard good things, sure, send us his medical file.”

Twins- Ohhh Yah. Yoouu betchah! You ur gonnah love him. He’s like an Italian sports car!

SuxDoctors- “We NO LIKUM!!!”

Sux- This Fiat is a really nice Fiat but we would prefer a different make and model. Like a Ford F150. SOmething more reliable.

Twins- Gosh Darn it! Well, our Fiat mechanic said he will probably be reliable from now on. Does that change your mind?

Sux- Nope.

Scott The Fiat Salesman- How about if I tell you that the Fiat mechanic that works on my Fiat says it’s agreat Fiat?

Sux and SuxDocs- Nope. We want a BMW seven series or something. We are trading a Mookie Mobile here after all.

Scott- But both the mechanic from the people trying to sell you the Fiat AND this other Fiat mechanic who has been paid to work on the Fiat say the Fiat’s awesome! Why are you listening to your mechanic and not our mechanics? Most people listen to the mechanics that work for the people trying to sell them something, not their own mechanics. I smell foul play!

Sux- Eat a dick.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

I actually do not get your point here. I’m usually right with you, but this just does not match the situation, as far as I can comprehend.

If your point is that perhaps Boston has a valid reason for rejecting the trade that we don’t know about, then I agree. It’s actually the only interpretation of the tea leaves that makes what Boston is doing justifiable. Otherwise, Boston is just being intransigent a-holes (which is probable).

Reply to  rspencer

Yeah, you got me. I think Boston was buying the “sure he can be a starter” line until they saw his medicals, then changed their mind about him. Now we’ll have to see what the Doyers do with him. Bet it isn’t putting him in their rotation. But what Boston did isn’t end all be all evil. I’d expect our GM to do the same rather than make a trade for a prospect they don’t value as much anymore after seeing his MRIs.