LA Angels Tuesday News Crash: In The Lab

Tim Anderson says he is ready to battle for a spot on the active roster coming out of spring training. He says he had a leg injury a couple of years ago that fouled up his swing. He has worked hard “in the lab” to eliminate his bad swing habit.

MLB upheld its decision to fire umpire Pat Hoberg for gambling. He denies he bet on games or manipulated them. He had a shared betting account with a friend who did bet on games though. Hoberg and the Umpires Union both issued statements.

If you are interested in the qualifying rounds for the World Baseball Classic, here is an article that tells you what is going on. Here is the FAQ for spring training which is right around the corner.

The Mariners acquired Casey Legumina from the Reds and DFAd Jhonathan Diaz in the corresponding move. They also designated Cade Marlowe for assignment to make room for Jorge Polanco.

The White Sox plucked Jacob Amaya off waivers from the Orioles and designated Zach DeLoach for assignment.

The Tampa Bay Rays acquired Alex Faedo from the Tigers for catcher Enderson Delgado. They designated Osleivis Basabe for assignment. They also designated Brandon Eisert for assignment.

Carlos Carrasco got a minor league deal with the Yankees while Sam Haggerty got his minor league deal with the Texas Rangers and Tyler Jay got his with the Brewers.

Apparently some agents have been trying to poach Pete Alonso but he is sticking with Scott Boras.

Former Orioles second baseman Rich Dauer passed away.

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12 days ago

Angels announce their spring training invitees, which includes top prospects Nelson Rada, Christian Moore and George Klassen; and recent draftees in Ryan Johnson and Chris Cortez

12 days ago
Reply to  Twebur

And the surprisingly dominant pitcher of this years AFL Sammy Natera Jr.

Super Member
12 days ago

My angels mt Rushmore would include the era I’ve been able to watch them from. Early/mid 90’s to current.


No particular reason why.

Last edited 12 days ago by YOUknowulovetheIE
12 days ago
Reply to  Brent

While I do not need any more statistics regarding this jerk Rendon, I do think this is an interesting comparison. One is a member of the Greatest Generation who sacrificed for his Country and still loved baseball enough to play it passionately when he was blessed with the time to do it producing 21 WAR in approximately 2 seasons of games during the War years. The other is a total jerk off loser who continues to steal money from this Org. I wish they would cut him already so I dont need to see his stupid face anymore in an Angels uniform.

Last edited 12 days ago by Fansince1971
Turk's Teeth
Super Member
13 days ago

Playing the Rushmore game, I suppose my foursome would be Ryan, Vladdy, Trout and Shohei.

Hard to leave Fregosi, Finley, Salmon, and Downing out – all of whom spent a decade with the team, generally in their peak years, and a couple of whom had strong HoF cases. (GA’s case is less compelling – still think he is more a very good player than a great one.) Rickey H and Rod C are HoFers, but spent their decline years with the team after making their reps elsewhere.

The chosen four are either Hall of Famers or future no-doubt Hall of Famers, spent 6 years or more on the club, and each will end up with well over 50 WAR on their careers. They seem objectively monumental, and were really special to watch, while the others seem like very good players known more for their tenure and longevity on the Angels.

Jeff Joiner
13 days ago
Turk's Teeth
Super Member
12 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Arizona has had one of the most low-key excellent off-seasons of the pack.

Still wish the Angels could have swung a trade for Suarez, maybe McCarthy or Kelly – along with the Pirates, the D-Backs seemed like ideal trade partners all off-season.

But Arizona looks like a contender to me.

Super Member
13 days ago

I like the low risk, as in no risk, flier on Tim Anderson. Dumpster dive to be sure but, a logical one as far as dumpster diving goes.

GA and Tim Salmon seem like ‘Rushmore’ candidates but, whatever.

Counting the days until Sean Strickland-DDP II this Saturday.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  BannedInLA

DDP is taking the dummy’s head off. That is unless, SS runs away like he does every other fight.

Impatiently waiting for Chimaev and Imavov to get their shots.

Super Member
12 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

You must not watch MMA closely. You may not like Strickland’s personality but, he doesn’t run. In fact, he walks EVERYONE down and forces them to backpedal the entire fight. He lacks one punch power but he pushed the pace.

DDP is all action. Sean comes forward. This is a great fight.

13 days ago

OKAY!!! New Angels marketing strategy has launched!!!!…….. The Halo Ticket Bank !!!!!! For the low, low price of $2,525.00 you can get discounted tickets to sit where you want, when you want, you don’t have to select which games at the beginning of the season!! It’s just like a regular bank, they make money off of your money. What will they think of next.

13 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Hahaha. Wtf? Do they return the money to you at the end of the year or when you request it?

Also this must mean that season ticket sales are horrid.

The thought process becomes once you have the money in the Angels bank you’ll spend on tickets. Wow talk about desperation. This really does provide insight into the lack of season tickets sales.

Last edited 13 days ago by Fansince1971
13 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

My guess is no, it carries over to the following season. The bid pitch is you don’t pay single game extra fees and either a 10% or 5% discount on MOST games, not all games.

13 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

I would think any money in the Org’s ticket “bank “is considered ticket sales even if tickets have not actually been purchased with bank funds. This would be useful to someone interested in valuing something like a baseball team for sale when season ticket sales are way down….

Trusted Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I just spent 10 minutes looking and cannot find any fine print or information on this anywhere. It’s wild to me that they don’t spell that out.

13 days ago
Reply to  TrojanBoiler

This is what they say:

“Once ready, redeem your credit online for discounted single game and premium ticket options as needed throughout the 2025 regular season.”

So – it appears the deposits are limited to use on 2025 tickets. No clue whether balances are returnable, carry over to 2026 or beyond. I can find nothing on that subject either.

13 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

In CA that money would most likely be treated the same as if you were buying a “gift card”, where the card, ie: the money, never expires, so they either have to refund it or carry it over to next season.

13 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Unless there is fine print that they give you when purchasing

12 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Fine print can say whatever, if it’s cash/money, they either have to reimburse you or roll it over to the following season, unless of course they file for bankruptcy.

12 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Unless you are purchasing “tickets” with the money (even though you dont know the date).

13 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

So can you guess the ONLY other team with a ticket bank?

If you guessed the Miami Marlins you’d be right!

Have you seen the coverage of games in Miami? They average around 13,500 attendance per game. The Miami Marlins ticket bank was created due to the lack of season ticket interest.

This is super interesting.

Last edited 13 days ago by Fansince1971
Reply to  Fansince1971

This is how it should be. I want the team to have resources so they can, you know, not become the A’s. BUT I think it’s good for them to take an ass kicking every now and again so they don’t become the Cubs. I am all for people stopping with the pointless bitching and just NOT GIVING ARTE THEIR MONEY.

He sees the facts. We don’t get pissed about wasted cash. He sells or changes things. But we all know the team can draw 3 Million if it’s good, so there’s an achievable goal that adds up to strong org. We aren’t in danger of just becoming a team in small market hell.

13 days ago

Yes. I agree completely. Voting with your wallet is the best idea. Way better than bitching and then shelling money over to the Org. Don’t give them your dollars if you do not like the way this Org is being run.

13 days ago

I picture two Mount Angelmore’s – one for pitchers and one for hitters. They face each other and 4 times a day salute each other by donning their caps.


Witt or Finley

Honorable mention: Percival



Close was Grich and Downing but Vladdy is a HOFer

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Genuinely asking, why not Shohei? Or is he on his own mountain?

13 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

Yeah – it’s a good point. Baylor to me is more of a memory of my youth and the games I attended then. I really view Shohei as having 3 great years as an Angel – ’21, ’22 and ’23. Dont get me wrong – ’18 and ’19 were decent but not transcendent. So, I did not include him. That said, Ohtani could easily replace (and probably should replace) Baylor and I could be talked into that rather easily given that Ohtani is definitely headed for the HOF and Baylor (while great in my youth and memory) does not hold a candle to him.

Trusted Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I’m genuinely curious about Baylor (I get the others). I don’t usually think of Baylor as a top 10 Angels hitter, so I’m wondering about my disconnect.

For me on the pitching side, it would be Ryan, Finley and then a discussion about the rest (with Weaver, Percival, Tanana, and probably others in the mix).

13 days ago
Reply to  jco

As mentioned above, Baylor was probably my favorite player of my youth and early teens. I attended a lot of games during his MVP season and had a genuine star-crush on him. So, I am biased. I agree that without that bias it should be Ohtani instead of Baylor.

Last edited 13 days ago by Fansince1971
Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  jco

Baylor led the team that one the first title. He was lead banger on a club full of them. He won MVP of the AL and was simply a badd ass. There is a reason he went to the WS three times in a row with three different the end of his career.

12 days ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

He was the team leader. Then he got Buzzed by our GM.

Reply to  Fansince1971

My mount Angelsmore has….


And that’s about it. Until we get a few more guys who amass about 50 WAR as an Angel I just think it’s kind of sad grasping at guys like Fregosi. Maybe if we lower it to 40 we can get Salmon on there?

Kind of like the Royals. They’ve got Brett…. then I guess if you lower it to 40 you can get Willie Wilson, Amos Otis, Brett Saberhagen…. Salvy Perez will break 40. Eventually Bobby Witt Jr will get on there. But it looks a little sad to reach for Hal McRae and Zack Greinke type guys who were just good or great for mostly other teams. Love Bo Jackson. He had 7 WAR for the Royals. Crazy thing…. Kevin Appier is their pitching WAR leader (47 WAR)

If you’re fat, don’t wear skinny leather pants. If your all time team is a pile of guys who only got 20-30 WAR while playing for you, just don’t have a Rushmore.

And yes. I know. “WAR isn’t all the buffa old mah balzupah!”. Accept it pretty much is, and magic isn’t real, and math is. So Jim Fregosi is nice and that’s about it. So is my boy Brian Downing.

13 days ago

I get it and agree. But it is Mount Angelsmore so the bar has to be set lower if you are going to have anyone but Trout.

That said – I do like an Angels centric criteria involved like achieving 40WAR as an Angel for example. Performance elsewhere is irrelevant to Mount Angelmore.

Last edited 13 days ago by Fansince1971
Reply to  Fansince1971

Mount sad is lame.

It’s better to just have favorite Angels and try not to celebrate our pathetic list of “all timers”.

For example. I love Vladdy, Downing, Trout, Finley and Grich…. good times, but it’s just a fun list.

13 days ago

Well Ryan with a few of them no-nos and a whole bunch of strikeouts as an Angel should qualify.

Last edited 13 days ago by Fansince1971
Trusted Member
13 days ago

I respect this take. I think you could reasonably add Ryan. He doesn’t have the career WAR with the Angels, but the strikeout records and no hitters and overall career success might put him there.

red floyd
13 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

“You said Percival twice’
“I like Percival”

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I agree that each of us can have our own Angels’ Rushmore.

My pitchers would be: Ryan, Tanana, Finley, and Percy

My hitters would be Trout, Downing, Salmon, and GA.

Nothing objective about it, just my favorites (and of course, I had many to leave out: Grich, Vlad, Witt, others).

Last edited 13 days ago by tanana40
Super Member
13 days ago

Okay, let’s just sign Harrison Bader on the cheap and have done with it already.

13 days ago
Reply to  Angelz4ever

Yes, the national articles about who the Angels did not sign but might have had interest in don’t cut it much. An actual signing would be nice.

13 days ago
Reply to  Kevin

I suspect no player who has a significant choice (ie a top FA) would want to play for the current Angels Org unless the offer was substantially higher than any other team’s.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

…or their old lady wants to go shopping or make a major purchase. FAs are not being paid right now.

Jeff Joiner
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Perry strikes again!

comment image

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

González is looking to rebound after a tough year…” Ahh, as halos fans we know those lyrics quite well.

Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Fine. He’ll either be something or he’ll enjoy the splendid vistas of SLC and we’ll forget he is alive.

Super Member
13 days ago

The glass is 3/4 empty or 1/4 full?

13 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Hey look!!! It’s Suarez Part Deux!!!

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Suarez is already quattro X.

 😂  😂  😂  😂 

Super Member
13 days ago

Former Los Angeles Angels pitcher Felix Pena has reportedly signed with the Uni-Lions of Taiwan’s Chinese Professional Baseball League.”

As if things already weren’t volatile enough in that region.

13 days ago

Angels Mount Rushmore is a tough assignment no matter how you look at it. What do you look for? Which players had the biggest seasons or is longevity more important? Single season record holder or career record holder more to your liking?

How do you choose four or five from this list of Chance, Fregosi, Ryan, Tanana, Baylor, Carew, Finley, Vladdy, Colon, Weaver, Anderson, Salmon, Trout, Ohtani. Cy Young Award winners, MVP’s, All-Stars, and at least 3 in Cooperstown, with two future Hall of Famers.

Taking the liberty of choosing the Mount Angelsmore, I still had a difficult time, but here we go- Ryan, Finley, Trout, Vladdy, Anderson. Where is Fregosi, Salmon, Weaver, and many others? No Ohtani! This is a no-win selection process.

Roy Hobbs
Super Member
13 days ago

Fregosi and Trout for sure. I don’t know about the others.

Trusted Member
13 days ago

My Mount Angelsmore would be firmly rooted in the 70s with Ryan, Downing, Baylor and Grich.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Born_in_59

Any four from the 1970s just HAS to have Tanana…

Trusted Member
13 days ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

It was a tough choice to get down to 4, but I went with the team’s first MVP winner instead.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Born_in_59

Yes I’d keep Baylor and RYAN too, and in a tough choice for #4, Grich.

like GA, it’s tough to leave Downing off the mountain.

13 days ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

I don’t know if this matters to folks (I assume it should), but three players have entered the HOF wearing Angels hats as their legacy. Ryan, Vladdy, and Carew. Trout will be the fourth. I guess that could be the Mount right there (which would be a chance to my earlier analysis below).

red floyd
13 days ago
Reply to  Kevin

Uh, no. Only Vladdy is wearing a Halo. Ryan went in as a stRanger, Carew as a Twinkie.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  red floyd

That is correct good sir!

13 days ago

You’re allowed 4 on Angelsmore (not 5) and 1 on crazyhalo memorial:

Angelsmore: Ryan, Fergosi, Vladdy, Ohtani

crazyhalo: Trout

Last edited 13 days ago by Angels2020Champs
Super Member
13 days ago

My four!
the two fishes and the two guys traded for each other

13 days ago

Typically for something like this, you start with the homegrown stars. Trout as a homegrown superstar easily becomes the first name. He’s a no doubter. Finley and Weaver become candidates, along with Salmon and Anderson.

You also have to figure out the big free agents who played in Anaheim — but mainly those whose career was as an Angel, not another team. Vladdy fits the best. Nolan fits somewhat but between the Mets, Rangers, Astros, he’s really a guy from multiple teams. He became a real pitcher here, but there are arguments. Carew is a Twin. Ohtani will be a Dodger (and yes, it sucks). I never saw Fregosi in his prime and know little there. Colon was a Cleveland guy.

You can make the call on many names. Trout, Vladdy, and two more. At least one pitcher.


First, let’s define what it means to be “on Mount Rushmore” of Angels baseball.

The general definition of “to be “on Mount Rushmore” is a metaphor that signifies being immortalized or recognized as one of the most important or influential figures in a particular field or society.

The phrase suggests that someone has reached an iconic or legendary status, much like those presidents, and is considered a central or enduring figure in their area of expertise or public life.

My thoughts on the “all time” Angels “Mount Rushmore” would be:

1) Gene Autry
2) Jim Fregosi
3) Nolan Ryan
4) Mike Trout

Perhaps a “Mount Rushmore” by decade (60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, 10’s) would be more representative?

Roy Hobbs
Super Member
13 days ago

I like this, and Autry is a great choice.

Trusted Member
13 days ago

You have to have Ohtani in there. I’ve only been paying good attention to the Angels since 2000 so arguable that I’m misguided but… the seasons he put together and the number of times he made news for doing something that had never been done before ranks him as maybe the most incredible stretch of six years in the history of the sport. I’d put him second to Trout in my 25 years of Angel Fandom, even though he left.

Trusted Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Mikeal1st

Ohtani accomplishments are legendary for us, but the guy did not care about this team when he chose to sign with crosstown enemy. Add the recruiting for them, WS title(s), 50/50, he’s already cemented himself a Dodger. Good for him, but I don’t see Ohtani as a top 4 greatest Halo’s representing faces of the franchise.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  CAoldskoll

He’s ranked about where I’d rank Baylor, right behind him.

remember he cleared out in mid September last time he wore red. And he didn’t win, so that makes him questionable.

HOF player, but not a top Halo.

Trusted Member
13 days ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

He will end up on Dodger top greatest behind Jackie, Sandy, and Kershaw.

Trusted Member
13 days ago
Reply to  CAoldskoll

Maybe, he is getting closer to that age that Pujols and Trout started regression in hitting, and with two TJ surgeries, we have to see how the pitching goes. Regardless, he did things as an Angel that nobody in baseball ever did, 2 MVP’s (should be 3 because 10 wins is worth more than the difference in HR’s with Judge) and he was a great personality. He’s not going to do that with the Doyers. As far as winning goes, that’s Arte.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Mikeal1st

Former employee #17 will not be regressing (Offensively) any time soon.

Trusted Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Mikeal1st

I hope you’re right, but I’m afraid he going to do more with D in the end. He’s bringing his best 101% for them; they are a winning team and have unlimited money so he could recruit his elite japan squad. But be warned Dodger fans, if you falter he has an opt out after 8yrs? Change ownership and no more championships, he’ll empty that locker part 2 before closing day.

Trusted Member
12 days ago
Reply to  CAoldskoll

Show us on the doll where Shohei hurt you. Was it the backside.

Arte was offered the same deal. He passed. How is that Ohtani’s fault?

And being a “mercenary” would exclude Baylor, Grich, Vlad, etc. It’s amazing that in some eyes players who came here (for the money) are “great”, but those who leave are somehow traitorous. Think Montreal fans were happy they lost their franchise player?

Last edited 12 days ago by Marcotor
Super Member
12 days ago
Reply to  Marcotor

Hey Marcotor, I tried to find the Expos team site to ask, but I couldn’t find it.

Trusted Member
12 days ago

I don’t see how GA could be on any list, since he is the very definition of lazy here.

Jeff Joiner
13 days ago

The moves that make the most sense:

Sign Grichuk
Move Trout to left
Trade Ward for a couple of good prospects.

A platoon of Moniak and Grichuk provides great defense and decent offense. Hopefully this helps Trout stay healthy. And prospects!

13 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Trout is no longer a CF’er imho, but being injury prone I would give him a First Baseman’s glove also to learn. Ward may bring in more in trade in July.

Super Member
13 days ago

On the current roster Trout is certainly the CFer. I hope we’ve seen the last of Moniak’s arm banger muffs in the OF.


I have a magic cauldron made from metal that came from a fallen star. Would you like to throw a baby inside it and ask it to make the Angels give up on Schanuel after one season in pro ball? Cause that seems to be something you really want.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

LOL @ Grichuk, he didn’t know whether or not to show up to the park during all that waiver drama. He won’t come back, but you never know.

Last edited 13 days ago by Angelz4ever
13 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Grichuk is definitely a platoon player . But , unfortunately hes never hit well at the Big A. In 159 career plate appearances hes slashed, .219/.252/.444. And his 2023 post trade numbers in Anaheim yielded an ugly .198/.225/.415 in 111 of those career plate appearances.

Grichuk always had the power but I just dont see him getting on base enough to warrant any real playing time. Last year Moniak was just as bad but with less power. They would make a stellar platoon.

Reply to  Jeff Joiner

It looks like we are sticking with Moniak. I am sick and tired of the Trout was hurt last year/Trouts ready for Spring/Trout wants to play CF and says it will all be fine/Trout is hurt again cycle. Yes I know he doesn’t really get hurt in CF, but I’m just sick of the same damn thing and he is older.

I say sign Harrison Bader and platoon him with Moniak in CF. Bader Vs lefties .776 OPS. He’s pretty fast and will steal about ten bases in this role. He can fill in defensively if we get to needing that too. An OF of Adell/Bader/Moniak will cover a lot of ground. Moniak has a .710 OPS against right handers.

So between the two, as a guess, we could get a .720 OPS hitter with about 20/20 steals/HR a year and good defense in CF for about 7-9M a year for two years if we buy this lovely platoon.

Last edited 13 days ago by gitchogritchoffmypettis
Jeff Joiner
13 days ago

Not a bad idea. In fact, I signed Bader in my If I Was Perry piece this year. Of course this was after I traded Taylor Ward to Toronto for Addison Barger.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I thought Baer as well after/coinciding with a Ward trade, but I didn’t have a player(s) in exchange for him.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I’m pretty content with what we have. Let’s run with Ward, Trout, Adell, then add Moniak. All first round picks and should be the strength of the team. Its finally time those last two figured it out.

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

This is correct

Super Member
13 days ago

Our group here as Angels fans really puts the fun in dysfunctional family. We really need some actual Halo baseball, so we have very specific stuff to whine about, chide and depress over.

Go Halos!!

Super Member
13 days ago

Santander would have made 0 sense. Looks like we still need to hold our breath until Alonso/Bregman sign.

“The Los Angeles Angels also made a run at Santander, proposing three- and four-year concepts, according to sources briefed on the discussions.

Santander instead opted for a five-year, $92.5 million contract with the Blue Jays, two-thirds of which was deferred. The deferrals lowered his present-day value to about $71.5 million for luxury-tax purposes and $68.6 million according to the union, which uses a different discount rate. Santander would have at least approached those numbers with the Royals or Angels. But his total payout would have been lower.

The Angels’ pursuit of Santander is the latest indication of the team continuing to explore upgrades. The addition of a free-agent closer such as Kenley Jansen or Kyle Finnegan is one possibility. But the Angels might prefer to simply go with Ben Joyce, 24, and sign a veteran setup man such as Andrew Chafin or Phil Maton instead”

Last edited 13 days ago by Pineapple12
Trusted Member
13 days ago

Not feeling this Rushmore. Vladdy? Nolan Ryan? Or is it org-developed players only?

Super Member
13 days ago

Missing the 2x MVP too ..

Super Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

Are we too GA to include GA?

Trusted Member
13 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

Aw jeez no kidding. Will give them the benefit and assume this pre-dates Sho.

Super Member
13 days ago

8 Days!!


HOLD FAST Perry. No splashes. Just get some veteran filler, flyer arms, and maybe one more pen guy all of whom we can also trade if they turn out good. Play the kids. Pitch the kids. Go with Tigers Pitching Chaos and develop for it. Upgrade the Rally Girls. Change the uniforms. Finish with ten more wins. That’d be a nice season given the circumstances.

12 days ago

PTP at work. Maybe Arte can buy him one of those leather jackets that the Lakers GM was wearing today.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x