Our illustrious founder is turning 30 for the second time and will take in the Angels game on Saturday night as part of the celebration.
We did not have enough people join the fray to purchase a block of tickets. However, the stadium will be empty.
Rev and more will be there along with Steelgolf (heck of a guy if you haven’t met him) and AngelsChamps and crew are expected to swing by (his kids are adorable). I will put the seat locations of the Rev and Company in tomorrow’s game thread and in the comments on this article.
Please swing by and say hi!
happy birthday, Rev. Do your thing and go crazy as we win!!! win!! win!!! or not.
We’re currently in Spain so we cannot make it. Happy birthday.
THANKS EVERYBODY, THANKS JEFF. It would be nicer to be celebrating my 60th with a division title but some decades are better than others!
Happy bday, rev. You should join the convo more often 🤘
Never forget Rev: We fly (dilapidated) flags!!!!
Happy Birthday Rev!
Happy Birthday Rev. I will not be attending as I continue my protest with my wallet of all things Arte. Hope you enjoy your day!
I’ll be there, party of 7. We’ll stop by and say hi wherever you’re at.
What section will you be in?
535 to start. Getting to the parking lot now
We are in 121
We are 9A parking lot for the next hour. Will cruise between 535, 205 and now 121 tonight
You are going to get the team photo!!
That’s a good backup in case you ever run out of toilet paper.😂
Happy birthday Rev! We share the same birthday and year. Unfortunately I won’t be able to celebrate with you at the Big A
Happy Birthday – wish I was near.
Happy birthday. Enjoy it.
2 tickets please.
Can’t make it 😞 Previous commitment.
Happy B-day, Rev!!!
Happy B-Day Rev!! Already have 3 or 4 commitments for Saturday…have fun!!
I think some of us might be committed.