Morning Angels fans! Felt that earthquake last night? Anyway, have some links!
Angels News
No game yesterday because wet stuff fell from the sky in NY. I wonder why that happens. Doubleheader today.
Rengifo is out for the season. It never gets any easier.
And Ward is on the Paternity list. Might as well have some fun this season. maybe he gets dad strength?
But, Rendon is back! For how long?
Around Baseball
An earthquake hit last night. Make that 8. That was due to the White Sox winning a game. Or perhaps the Dodgers game making people mad? Maybe something to do with Bakersfield.
But yes, you saw that, the White Sox won a game for the first time in over a month! Here is the chart of the worst teams EVER. And you can make a slight uptick now with the White Sox 2024.
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Who is the best and worst whenever they score x amount of runs? Yes, I am surprised as well.

Billy Bean died of Leukemia. No, not that guy, the other MLB executive.
ESPN messed up and pulled a “Dewey defeats Truman” when it came to a No Hitter. It was most likely AI generated anyway.
Anything I missed? Post below for upvotes!
I’ve been kind of waiting to see if this changed post draft when people start looking at AA but….
Why doesn’t anyone give a crap about Gustavo Campero? Fairly fast OF with a .909 OPS and 29 steals? Yes, he’s 26. I don’t give a shit if it means he’ll be good for us at age 27-32. Sure, he’s likely just another scrub OF4, but in a system so barren we just can’t stop talking about it you’d think he’d crack our top 30.
Same with Cole Fontenelle. At least he cracked our top 30. But he looks like he might be a fairly solid 3B/1B/DH…. maybe cause he got hurt?
On top of that, I know we are aware of Eric Torres, but has anyone looked at how sick a bullpen combo will likely develop from the pile of Torres, Ivan Armstrong, Hayden Seig, Camden Minacci, Nick Jones and Michael Darrell Hicks? Plus Joyce…. Sure, I know a couple of those guys will probably get stretched as starters, but we’ll likely see a couple of those guys a fair amount out of the pen next year. Add Crous and Contreras and “Ghost” Stephens…. may be a pen like Pitts, where you don’t know hardly any of the names but they all have a sub-1.2 WHIP.
Just seems like there’s more than Moore to look at adding to the current kids in 2025.
Old news Glitch except about Campero. He’s just old. he’ll be 27 in about a month.
Minacci will be awesome in the bullpen.
we will see about Fontenelle in Spring25, but he is on the doorstep of 3b. Not a good break.
SP George Klassen and infielder David Mershon (2024 18th round draft pick) have both been moved to AA.
Bachman moved to AAA (wtf?)
Ward’s having a kid…. so now he’ll be hurt 80% of the time. I’m just sayin. Asshole probably loves his family and likes them more than playing baseball. Probably worries more about them than baseball too. Stupid Perry. Evil Arte. Fool me once and the fish rots from the head.
Kids are stupid. Ward is stupid. Love is dumb. Perry is an imbecile.
Didn’t K. No slump there. He was able to work the
spermcount. Congratulations!Better get that kid a helmet.
First Game Lineup
Last 7 games Gil has a 6.06 ERA. Let’s hope that his shine continues to be worn off.
is the 2nd game on Amazon?
Lameday says yes to Amazon…the MFY feed.
Ahh crap. I hate these Amazon, Appletv, Facebook, etc. games. Just annoying.
Serious, I’m aware it’s an age issue, they are pretty unlistenable-though I haven’t watched one since 2022.
Minasian fails to sell high on Rengifo again after another season-ending injury. Same crap, different day.
I have to wonder if the Angels felt compelled to disclose the injury and that killed the trade interest. He was only back for a few days before going back down with the same injury.
That would have been the stand up thing to do.
I agree and I imagine that’s what Perry did. I don’t think he’s the greatest GM but I think he has built a lot of relational capital by being a stand up guy. He may be looking for work soon so there isn’t much to be gained by screwing over a trade partner and possible future employer.
I’m betting that’s what happened. You only get to lose your reputation once and selling damaged goods will do it.
Plus I’d imagine any acquiring club would want a medical check and Rengifo would’ve failed it.
I was thinking exactly this today. The injury must have impacted his trade value in the open market.
They likely just didn’t really discuss trades for him if his medicals were too messy to get him past another team’s doctor.
I’d wager that this is exactly what transpired.
The wE dIdN’t tR@dE rEnGif0 tripe is tiresome.
Sell High M.L. ? The guy was injured for most of July. Who the hell is going to give you top dollar for injured goods?
Yah, unfortunately if Rengifo’s not gonna pass the med-check on a trade he’s not trade bait….
Silent C back with the Crouse!!!
Each individual pitcher –
Over / under 3.5 runs given up if either pitches today
Over / under 7.5 runs combined, if both pitch in the same game.
Jack Kochanowicz is the 27th man for Game 2 of the DH today.
Looking over the hitting roster for next year, and I can’t say it looks better than this year’s:
C O’Hoppe, 1B Schanuel, 2B Moore, SS Neto, 3B Rendon, OF Adell, Trout, Ward, DH Rengifo. Bench of Thaiss, Guillorme, Stefanic and Moniak with Kavadas, Paris, Lugo, Adams and maybe White at Salt Lake City. Looks like a group that would average 4 runs per game, like this year.
To bad we can’t avg 2 runs per game.
Since July 1st, the Angels have played 29 games and scored 104 runs for an average of 3.58 runs per game. During that same period the team was shutout 4 times and blown out by 5 or more runs 7 times.
That why we suck. According to the chart we are the best when we score 2 runs
That was still just a .385 winning average if I read the chart right. I think the team’s doing a little better than that overall.
That means we’ve won 5 games when we’ve scored 2 runs and lost 8. It’s not really good
………..I was told there would be no math.
Do you believe Perry when he says we’ll compete next year?
That and peace in the middle east… yeah.
That is a philosophical question…..and I believe he answered…….we’ll see. “Sam no hat” also asked him if he thought the Earth was round. And what his favorite color was.
Would you think any different of him if he said its World Series or bust next year?
We have all seen it. Generally the Angels win when the other team is slumping offensively. Some would say the Angels pitching caused the slump (like Mets and Mariners) but I actually think it’s just a function of when you catch teams. If the Angels play them while balls are falling for the other team the other team is getting the breaks, the Angels typically lose. This team does not have the fire power to generally win when the other team scores 5 runs. So much depends on the Angels getting the breaks.
You need to move Trout and Rendon’t onto the IL roster, then fill in those positions from the bench roster, then fill the bench roster from the minors.
Who makes plans for Trout and Rendon playing? 😀😂😂😀😀
I wish I could argue with your reasoning.
Don’t forget our great rotation. Soriano…. Uh, TA……… and uhh, nothing much else other than false people hope and empty promises. Maybe can pick up another already injured starter in free agency, like he did with Stevenson last year. I am spelling that right, I didn’t actually see him on the active roster this year.
95% of CtPG wanted to trade away 33% of the above for minor leaguers.
it could be a lot worse heading into 2025
If continued mediocrity is the end goal.
I want that worse. I’d rather walk a mile for some iced tea than stay where we are and drink from the road puddle for ever. If that means watching Nick Ahmed and Brad Keller next year so be it.
Don’t forget to add that 33-year-old that had a great run but is now over the hill and injured at $35 million a year. No, I’m not talking about Trout (still respect) or Rendon.
Woo hoo!
Four days in a row w/o a loss!
Go Halos!!
I felt the earthquake from a few weeks ago and this one didn’t I didn’t feel anything.
We were in bar playing trivia and every phone went off. 20 seconds later, it felt like a truck drove by for three seconds. Yawn.
We are so due for a big one…no jinx just fact.
Hey! We didn’t lose yesterday! 😀
Renny done for the last two months, tough break when enjoying your career year.
Free Baseball today, YESSIREE! 😃 ⚾
“Let’s Play Two!!”
“Let’s Win Two!!”
And, while we’re at it, F*** the Yankees!
And the Red Sox!!!
And the A’s!
I know that it’s irrational but I really hate the A’s. Something about the sound of games being played in that shit hole in front of twelve people while some moron who can’t keep meter bangs on a drum just drives me nuts.