Why I Write for Crashing The Pearly Gates

As I sit down to express my genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity to contribute to the “Crashing the Pearly Gates” blog, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that has led me here. My passion for baseball has been an unwavering constant in my life since childhood, shaping not only my recreational activities but also my academic and professional aspirations. Now, as I look to the future where my love for the game and my dreams of a career in sports broadcasting overlap, having secured this internship fills me with excitement and anticipation.

For over 15 years I have dedicated myself to actively playing baseball. From Little League to high school and travel ball, the diamond has been my second home. With each swing of the bat and every play in the field, my appreciation for the details of the sport deepened, fueling my desire to explore its meaning beyond the confines of the diamond.

As I prepare for another summer season on the field, I am also looking ahead to my future academic and professional goals. The world of sports broadcasting offers a platform to share my passion for baseball with a broader audience. Now having an internship with “Crashing the Pearly Gates” is not only an incredible achievement but also a pivotal stepping stone toward realizing my aspirations.

What excites me most about this opportunity is the prospect of combining my academic interests with my lifelong passion for baseball. Whether it involves crafting post-game analyses, conducting player interviews, or assisting with social media management, I am eager to contribute in any capacity. My commitment to the sport and to this internship opportunity is extensive, driven by a deep passion for baseball and a genuine enthusiasm for the work ahead.

While my allegiance lies with the Oakland Athletics rather than the Los Angeles Angels, my love for the sport far exceeds rooting for one team. I have had the privilege of experiencing the electric atmosphere of countless games at the Coliseum and witnessing firsthand the great impact of baseball on communities. These experiences have not only deepened my understanding of the game but also strengthened my dedication to the sport.

In closing, I want to extend my gratitude for considering me for this opportunity. The prospect of working with “Crashing the Pearly Gates” and contributing to its mission is both humbling and exciting. As I eagerly await the next chapter in my journey, I am filled with optimism and excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead. Together, we can celebrate the timeless appeal of baseball and the endless opportunities it presents.

Thank you for this opportunity. I am ready to embrace the challenge and make meaningful contributions to the world of sports broadcasting.

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Powerhalo (Will Stevens)

Welcome Nolan! That is a great name for a future Halo convert indeed! I was the new guy last year and really enjoyed writing post-game articles. I’ve been so busy this year that I haven’t been able to commit time, but hopefully you can help the good folks here pick up some of the slack I have left and learn a lot in the process.
Again, welcome!

8 months ago

Welcome to the *cesspool, Nolan! We’ll do our worst to ignore any loyalties displayed towards the Las Vegas A’s….  😀 

*yes, there’s a very good story involving Olbermann…..

Super Member
8 months ago

Welcome to the cesspool, nolan. 🤘

8 months ago

So we know who drew the short stick in the internship lottery now, welcome aboard Nolan! If that wasn’t a solid name to convert to Halo fandom from a soon to be relocated franchise, I don’t know what is.

Super Member
8 months ago

Welcome to the cesspool is so appropriate since you grew up watching games at one!

JK, from one ball player to the next: If the vets weren’t spitting tobacco on your new spikes, they just didn’t like you.

8 months ago

Welcome aboard, have fun as humor is always welcomed and call it as you see it and again welcome to CtPG. 😃  🙂  😀 

8 months ago

good luck. I hope you won’t get too frazzled when we say extremely rude things about the A’s…which we will

Super Member
8 months ago

Welcome to the fold and I look forward to returning your content. The site can certainly benefit from younger perspectives.

Super Member
8 months ago


8 months ago

Welcome aboard! Good luck in all your pursuits. Thank you for being a contributor. (For all the staff as well)

8 months ago

Does this mean we can transfer to title of “darned kid” to Nolan?

Welcome aboard, Nolan!

Super Member
8 months ago
Reply to  Mia


8 months ago

I bet he doesn’t even know that BAH.

Jeff Joiner
8 months ago
Reply to  Mia

It’s your baton to pass ha ha.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

All in favor? All opposed?

The motion passes.

red floyd
8 months ago
Reply to  Mia

Oh, I guess so… rassum-fassum mumble-grumble what-do-I-call-her now?

8 months ago
Reply to  red floyd

Only a crazy person would use her actual name, so we can’t have that…

red floyd
8 months ago
Reply to  Mia

Oh, and Welcome, Nolan! I feel for you guys… the only team with worsier ownership than us!

Super Member
8 months ago

Rooting for the A’s and writing about the Angels is like forging yourself in the fires of hell. This can only make you stronger. Welcome.

Jeff Joiner
8 months ago

Let me be the first to welcome Nolan to the staff and congratulate him. My sister teaches in the Bay Area and works with a program that helps students prepare for college and careers. She connected the dots and thought Nolan would appreciate this opportunity and be of help.

So far, so good. Nolan will help us spread the CtPG message through social media and contribute with articles of every nature.

So please help me in welcoming him aboard.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

As long as you vetted him and made sure he isn’t some super secret undercover spy for The Athletics looking to siphon and use all the vast baseball knowledge and strategies for nefarious purposes.