Angels Homered And Won

Reid Detmers started today’s Game against Glenn Otto.

Inning 1

Marcus Semien flied out deeply to Mike Trout but Corey Seager was on with a base hit, also to Trout. Nathaniel Lowe struck out. Adolis Garcia also struck out. Luis Rengifo grounded out. Mike Trout hit a fly ball out to shallow right center. Shohei Ohtani bounced a base hit through the right side to bring his hit streak to 15 games. Taylor Ward hit a double to left to send Ohtani to third. Matt Thaiss grounded out to first to end the inning.

Inning 2

Josh Jung popped up to shallow right for the first out. Mark Mathias also flied out to right. Sam Huff struck out. Logan O’Hoppe struck out swinging. Livan Soto also struck out. Jo Adell homered to make it 1-0 Angels. David Fletcher popped out to third to end the inning.

Inning 3

Leody Tavares struck out. Bubba Thompson also struck out. Hit out number 3 on the fly to Mike Trout. Luis Rengifo homered to make it 2-0 Angels.

Mike Trout singled on a liner to left. Shohei Ohtani hit a sharp fly ball out to center field. Taylor Ward struck out. Matt Thaiss was out on a fly ball to left to end the inning.

Inning 4

Corey Seager walked. Nathaniel Lowe grounded out to second base. Adolis Garcia doubled to score Seager. 2-1 Angels. Josh Jung struck out. Mark Mathies lined out to Taylor Ward. Logan O’Hoppe struck out again. Livan Soto popped out to third. Jo Adell walked this time on four pitches. Go figure! David Fletcher lined out to center to end the inning.

Inning 5

Sam Huff doubled to left. Leody Tavares struck out. Bubba Thompson lined out to Taylor Ward in right. Marcus Semien struck out to end the Ranger part of the fifth. Luis Rengifo grounded out to second and Mike Trout doubled on a ground ball through right. Shohei Ohtani struck out. Taylor Ward doubled to left. Mike Trout scored. 3-1 Angels.

Matt Thaiss struck out to end the inning.

Inning 6

Corey Seager struck out. Nathaniel Lowe flied out to center. Adolis Garcia singled. Josh Jung popped out to Livan Soto. Logan O’Hoppe hit a fly ball out to left. Livan Soto grounded out to first. Jo Adell singled on a grounder to left. David Fletcher struck out.

Inning 7

Andrew Wantz came in to pitch for Reid Detmers. Pinch hitter Josh H. Smith singled to center. Sam Huff struck out. Leody Tavares also struck out. Josh H. Thompson struck out for the trifecta. Taylor Hearn came in to replace Glenn Otto as the pitcher. Luis Rengifo grounded out to short. Mike Trout also grounded out. Shohei Ohtani singled on a grounder to short. Taylor Ward flied out.

Inning 8

Marcus Semien hit a fly ball out. Corey Seager struck out. Jose Quijada replaced Andrew Wantz on the mound. Nathaniel Lowe struck out. Matt Duffy came in to pinch hit for Matt Thaiss. He doubled to center. Logan O’Hoppe singled to drive Duffy to third base. Livan Soto sacrificed Duffy in to make it 4-1 Angels. An error by the pitcher allowed Soto to reach first and O’Hoppe to reach second. Jo Adell struck out. David Fletcher grounded into a force out to second. Luis Rengifo grounded into a force out to Semien.

Inning 9

Jimmy Herget came in to pitch the ninth. Adolis Garcia who struck out on a foul tip. Josh Jung flied out to center. Josh H. Smith struck out swinging to end the game. The Angels win 4-1.

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Super Member
2 years ago

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Inside the park HR vs the Snakes
BTW what did that guy on the lower image do again?
Maybe YOO NOH HOO knows!!!
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Last edited 2 years ago by 2002heaven
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Frick and Frack

2 years ago

Anyone have the lineup tonight?

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Mia

We wouldn’t want O’Hoppe to get at-bats?

2 years ago
Reply to  tanana40

Unfortunately Zuks farewell tour is getting in the way

2 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

I bet an additional 15,000+ fans will come to the park tonight to see Suzuki’s last game in Anaheim. Go get ‘em Kurt!

2 years ago
Reply to  FungoAle

That’s a lot Kurt’s friends and family

2 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

Who is Zucchini?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mia

Meh, lineup tonight. Gonna be a challenge.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Gonna go out on a limb here and just say the Angels are only half bad, but maybe that’s the buttercup effect.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Mikeal1st

Objectively, they’re about 15 games under half bad at this point. To me, the real Buttercup Effect this year was starting out great, then, seemingly realizing they were a force to be reckoned with, collapsed. The 14. Entire team shrunk up mentally. Finally, when they were effectively eliminated, they relaxed and are playing decent ball. Total BUTTERCUP. Of the worst kind. Sure there were key injuries. But you have Trout and Ohtani and finish 12-15 games under .500? My gawd. It’s embarrassing is what it is.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  MikeSalmon

Yep. Agree.

The story of the season is the 14 game losing streak when they found ways to lose games they should have won, and of course the horrible record in 1 run games (which was a big part of the losing streak).

That has to change. The 7th and 8th inning efforts of the bullpen and overall mental toughness are the key there, I think.

2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

the key turning point was D-Cell giving up the losing HR

Super Member
2 years ago

Well, that Sunday game in Philly was definitely bad, but I think the whole thing started when the umps repeatedly screwed us in that four game series at home against the Blue Jays. In the Friday night game we were winning in the 5th inning and Trout scored a run to extend that lead.

The Jays called for a review and that run was taken off the board. Mike was called safe on the field mind you. So, they (MLB offices/Review Officials) reversed a call on the field with what amounted to very sketchy evidence. A call on the field is not supposed to be overturned unless it was clearly the wrong call. There was no way it was clearly wrong. So, that was the key moment for me.

2 years ago

Trout out – sore foot.
Rengifo to the Outfield

2 years ago

Then Trout won’t qualify for slugging etc. No way he gets to 502 now, not that it matters

2 years ago

by the way, the City Connect uniforms are my favorite since the 1980s

2 years ago


2 years ago

It was so awesome they were wearing them for Shohei’s almost no-no

2 years ago

They remind me of the old service station attendant uniforms. I just cannot get past it.

Last edited 2 years ago by FungoAle
Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  FungoAle

Ha ha, yeah. To me they look like ice cream man uniforms. Like the old ice cream truck drivers, or a version of Farrel’s Ice Cream parlor unis.

Horrible !!

Super Member
2 years ago

WOW. I didn’t see Sho wanting to come back. At least one more year! $30mil seems like a steal.

This, and Arte wanting to sell, are the gospel for this season.

Meanwhile, there are still 5 games left, but I’m ready to declare Detmers the no-hitter champeen for this year.

Super Member
2 years ago

Shohei and Angels agree to 30M in 2023 to avoid arbitration

Last edited 2 years ago by smithy610
2 years ago
Reply to  smithy610

That’s good, now work on the long term deal. SHO him the okane.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  FungoAle

I guess they did it now so they can have some major selling point to the new owner, at least.

2 years ago
Reply to  smithy610

Not sure how that moves the needle for the new owner . They can still trade him at anytime. ( although I doubt Arte will ) the key is to get the new owner in place before the start of next season

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

It helps in the sense that while the negotiations are ongoing, there is more comfort level that Shohei is at least still with the Angels and have a chance of coming back, rather than deal with the uncertainty of “will he or will he not be traded” this coming offseason? He’s there for a year, or at least through the trade deadline, to be convinced to stay. I don’t think Arte, knowing he would eventually sell the team, would pay Shohei 30M only to flip him later without securing a buyer first.

That’s a much better selling point than “he might get traded in the offseason, I’m not really sure, it depends….”

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  smithy610

Ummm, well, nothing is guaranteed by this. At all. But what it does show is that there is seemingly a good relationship between the Angels brass and Shohei’s people. And it may also have been a smart move in terms of dollars and cents because in arbitration who knows what Shohei would have gotten. Very likely it would have been over 30 million. So it is good for the Angels in several ways….

The arbitration process can be uncomfortable, so they avoid that. And by agreeing to this maybe it shows more willingness on the part of Shohei and his camp to perhaps entertain an extension/new contract.

We shall see. Obviously what happens on the ownership front over the next three months will be key.

2 years ago
Reply to  smithy610

Confirming that Judge is not coming to Anaheim

2 years ago

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Sorry I’m late. On East Coast! 4 in a row – keep ‘em coming

2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Damn east coast bias. Its actually now a 5 game winning streak.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

Wait. Did I miss one?

Super Member
2 years ago

Stop me, but I feel some optimism for next season.

red floyd
2 years ago

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2 years ago

O’ Hoppe’s Major League CERA is now at 0.50

That’s totally Premium man.


I was going to enjoy winning till I realized that Andrew, dressed in his Arte skin suit, tangled Perry’s puppet strings up and totally cheaped his way out of signing Charlie Morton tonight and let the Braves sign him. Sure, just like the last times we didn’t get Morton he’d made it clear he was not going to pitch on the West Coast, but if Andrew really cared about winning Arte would have found a way to just get it done.

How do I know? People on the internet told me that in 2018. A lot.

Also…. shufflebot?

Trusted Member
2 years ago

A POBO would have got this done!
But who needs Charlie Morton? We’ll just get two 6-5 pitchers.


Shufflebot is at a Tesla repair shop

Trusted Member
2 years ago

I did not see it coming.

Jimmy Herget as our closer.

What a crazy year.

Loup and Tepera as absolutely duds…..

And, Jimmy, who can’t touch 90, as our best relief pitcher.

I guess that’s what makes baseball great – the unexpected, the underdog coming through, a journeyman like Bryan Donnelly, with the horn rim glasses staring in to get the sign, being a huge contributor to the Halos 2002 World Series run…..

We never know who may step up and be a major contributor and that is a part of the beauty of major league baseball….

2 years ago
Reply to  rosstrade

Just wait until next year with 103 MPH Ben Joyce in the 8th to set it for Herget it in the 9th.

We will roast the competition.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cowboy26
Reply to  Cowboy26

Or they will both explode like a Spinal Tap drummer.

2 years ago

SHC is a thing man.

Reply to  Cowboy26

“The exit velocity on those 103MPH fastballs will be glorious.”

red floyd
2 years ago

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Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  rosstrade

Awkward wind ups throw hitters off.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  rosstrade


2 years ago
Reply to  rosstrade

Is Bryan Donnelly the lovechild of Bryan Harvey and Brendan Donnelly? Guy would make a hell of a reliever!

2 years ago

Such a simple game!

2 years ago
Reply to  Charles Sutton

Lolly Gaggers!

Reply to  Charles Sutton

You throw the ball. You hit the ball. You catch the ball. You see Loup in the bullpen warming up. 😝

John Henry Weitzel
Super Member
2 years ago

5 straight wins!

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2 years ago

Angels Win!
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