The Real Links

The curse of Larry Sidhu is upon us! Not to worry, though! Taylor Ward is gone and Jo Adell is back to save the day.

The Mike Trout metric shows which good hitters suck at hitting secondary pitches.

You can relax now. The Mariners released Asher Wojciechowski.

A group of Marlins players opted not to wear pride night uniforms for religious reasons. In the Marlins farm system the Pensacola Blue Wahoos won a walkoff victory after four HBP in a row.

Photo credit: Rex Fregosi

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2 years ago

Fun fact….just two years ago the city of Anaheim sold 18 acres( the parking lots) surrounding Honda Center to the Samuelis, the owners of the ducks. They sold those 18 acres for $10 million or a little over $500k per acre, FAR below market value and real far below what Arte was paying per acre. Yet there were no lawsuits, the Register didn’t run op-eds condemning the deal, the state didn’t accuse them of violating the surplus land act, even tho they most certainly did not offer the land to affordable housing developers first. The Samuelis plan to build a $billion dollar entertainment, retail and housing complex there. you know…just like Arte was planning for the stadium parking lots? Things that make you go…hmmmmmm. Something certainly smells rotten in Anaheim.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  FIREBIRD81

Interesting. I was not aware of that.

2 years ago

11 game losing streaks are bad but there are 151 other games to be won or lost. When we finally win one it’ll be the turnaround.

We might not have any more 24-13 stretches but we can have a couple 23-17s, play about .500 the rest of the time, win 87 and get to the playoffs.

Super Member
2 years ago

Hey, Kyle Tyler is available again!
Maybe he can fix our bullpen.

Reply to  2GA2Join

Shirley, you jest.
Surely you jest?

Super Member
2 years ago

I haven’t figured out how to do the GIF thing yet (plus I’m at work so I probably am blocked), otherwise I’d have to respond with Leslie…

Jeff Joiner
2 years ago

I’ve really taken a break from the Angels after the never ending game vs. Toronto last Sunday. It seems like every time I tune in they are already down 5-0.

Picked a good time to take a break.

Hopefully we can rebound against the Sux. I freaking hate them so much.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

It’s called Fan Load Management.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

they didn’t play any games last week as what I remember

and just looking around they are at 500 and in second place, it’s early June —- lfg

red floyd
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

It seems like every time I tune in they are already down 5-0.

Except for when they’re up 5-0 and then go on to lose.

Super Member
2 years ago

Angels are winning tonight

Super Member
2 years ago

comment image
There yah go OLIGARCH, along with Memphis, Charlotte, Nashville, and Vegas..
 😠  😠  😡  😡 

Jeff Joiner
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Great spot for a team. Could pull the San Antonio huge media market in with their cable TV deal, pay a shit ton less in corporate taxes, lure free agents with more take home pay.

And half the population was originally from California anyway, so it would be an easy place to create new fans.

Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Arte needs to do the right thing. Strip the team, sell it to a new group, have that group move the team, watch them win multiple titles in Texas or Tennessee. CtPG CoachDad Doombag… happy.

Super Member
2 years ago

I hadn’t heard about Marlins players opting out of Pride for religious reasons (Jeebus done hate dem fags?), but the news about Tampa Bay RAYS players acting like jerks is all over the place.

Reply to  MikeSalmon

Meh. Maybe they’re super catholic. Let em do their thing. Let everybody do their thing. It’s just not that big a deal.

Super Member
2 years ago

Nah bruh

They can show support for the LGBT+ community it won’t send them to hell i promise

Reply to  Pineapple12

Apparently, according to these guys religious convictions, they can’t. And since it’s not hurting anyone, I say let em do their thing.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Yeah, let subtle bigotry ring from sea to shining sea!!!

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  aces666high

wHy aRenT thEy weAring My FlaG 🙁

Reply to  aces666high

It’s their stance to make. I say let em do it. They may get some heat for it, but that’s the ride they wanted. There’s actually a wide chasm between some guys deciding not to openly support someone else being proud of something and those same guys trying to do harm to those people. On top of that, legend has it I’m supposed to respect people’s religious convictions, agree or not.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  MikeSalmon

If they say you gotta wear a cross on your uniform, 22 players would go along and it wouldn’t be a big deal. The other 3 will take it personally and not go along.

If they say you gotta wear a sign repping Islam on your uniform, 22 players would go along and it wouldn’t be a big deal. The other 3 will take it personally and not go along.

If they say you gotta wear a Ukranian flag on your uniform, 22 players would go along and it wouldn’t be a big deal. The other 3 will take it personally and not go along

If they say you gotta wear In N Out on your uniform, well I don’t know…

Jeff Joiner
2 years ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

Pretty much. And while I would have chosen differently in this case (while still identifying as a Christian), I’m glad the players had their choice and think the statement they made was as respectful as possible (while also a bit cringe).

Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I’d actually like to see some folks, even folks I strongly disagree with, be able to do what they want and either not explain themselves at all or explain themselves in a respectful and non-combative manner and then life goes on from there.

This is exactly the kind of situation where, if you disagree with those players, you can just say “Well, ok then.” And get on with your day, maybe buy yourself a rainbow baseball hat if you want. People have different thoughts and we’re all gonna be OK.

2 years ago

Ding ding.

People have different thoughts and we’re all gonna be OK.

On top of that, I find it very odd for *(ANY)* grown adult to have an opinion or concern with someone’s sexual preference. None Of Your Business What People Do in their Bedrooms. Worry about your own shit.

Here’s a list of other topics to discuss other than what they do in their F’ing bedrooms….What is you name, where do you work, nice weather today, do you like baseball? Angels suck, Atre Moreno is an asshole if you ask me, where was your vacation? why is your grass nicer than mine, can I borrow $1000.00 from you? I’ll pay you back on the 1st of the month, does this look infected to you? Where are you from, would you like a beer or some wine? Do you watch blah blah blah on HBOMax? What is your dogs name?………………………etcetera.

Jeff Joiner
2 years ago
Reply to  Twebur


I don’t care about your sexuality. Let consenting adults be consenting adults.

I do care if you are getting shit on due to it, though.

Same can be said of skin color, nationality, and a whole host of other things.

red floyd
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

@Jeff and

Wait, you two don’t start out every conversation with some you just met with, “So, what do you do in your bedroom, and with who?” ?????

What are you, some kind of NORMAL people??????

Last edited 2 years ago by red floyd
2 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

I don’t….but I do ask if they prefer pants or no pants.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Agree. I have two niece’s that have had a difficult time with some family members that just don’t understand. I had to help with a full intervention, some of it was like negotiating with the Jews and Palestinians.

But I wont tolerate Doyers fans. You need to draw a line somewhere.

2 years ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

But what gender pronouns are they?


WTF? People were so certain Joe would be fired to day.

Super Member
2 years ago

My autographed Mike Trout photo arrived today. I wonder what I should do with it. Hang it in the originally planned place of honor or recycle it.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

Hang it by a batting cage?

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Justin Herbert in the city connect vid is the hero we need at a time like this.

Turn around starts tonight

2 years ago
Reply to  rez2405


Trusted Member
2 years ago

It’s on the vids on social media

Super Member
2 years ago

So I’m going to live in Fantasyland for a moment here, and if this streak buries the team enough so that we don’t recover this season, and end up missing the playoffs yet again, that something good will come out of it.
That the outrage and embarrassment of it all will be so much this year, that either

  1. Arte goes bananas and allows the payroll to finally go past the $180MM number and go to Dodger levels, because it is clear you can’t pay half the payroll to 3 superstars and then have everyone else be replacement level and expect results, or
  2. Arte realizes the current formula is not working and they do a mega fire sale like Oakland, and load us up with tons of young talent, which will hopefully pay off in 2024 (like lots of other successful teams do).
Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  2GA2Join

I have a very similar thought process. I feel the chances are pretty low but that’s what I hope as well, as a silver lining. Honestly probably the main reason I’d rather be last than 23rd.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  nishiogawakun

And I’d rather we do my choice #1 instead of #2. Sure, there is obvious proof that you can’t just sign an expensive FA and win the WS. But I think if we’d signed Seager for SS, Verlander, and another SP, and another top RP, I sure wouldn’t be complaining. If Arte is willing to spend it to make sure he wins a WS, then hurrah we get to go along for the ride.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  2GA2Join

He’s proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he isn’t..
Especially SP’s.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  2GA2Join

Mike Trout is making too much money now, no other team is gonna want to pay that STOOPID CONTRACT THAT ALL THE ZEALOTS went
head over heels for back at HH (except Yours Truly, because after all I’m a idiot..LOL!!!). YOU WANTED NOW YAH GOT IT……
Not even the other guys or the RS and MFY wanna do that anymore.
BTW the other guys managed Clayton Kershaw very well and we didn’t with Trout.

Reply to  2002heaven

Actually, after his first 30M+ year, Kershaw had a pretty steep drop off in value after he got paid big too. Not like he was bad or anything, but he dropped off by 30-40% of WAR.

Reply to  2GA2Join

Arte is an Oligarch that hates people and hordes money in a way that would make Scrooge McDuck blush. In addition, The Rolling Stones wrote the “Arte Anthem”: Sympathy For The Devil.

Super Member
2 years ago

Time to start the 6 game win streak.

Super Member
2 years ago


You are dreaming.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

Starts tonight. Get ready.

Super Member
2 years ago

There is no way in hell we sweep the Red Sox in 4 games, and that is what would have to happen for a 6 game win streak (not to mention winning the first two vs. the Mets which also will never happen!).

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

7 game win streak.

You aren’t miss cleo.

Super Member
2 years ago

Wanna bet ?

No 7 game win streak is forthcoming. At least not right now.

You can deliver my $100 via Pay Pal.

Last edited 2 years ago by JackFrost
Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

I’ll bet you will be happy for this losing streak to continue rather then root for a w.

Super Member
2 years ago

Ugh. You seem not to understand that there is a big difference between wanting the team to win and expecting them to win.


Your balls. I am admiring them. Get told 6 games is unpossible. Pronounce the fk it. Up bet to 7 games. Fantastic balls.

Super Member
2 years ago

We get to play the Reds 6 times? The way we’re playing right now we’d split 3-3 with them.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

No. Reds are in the Central and we play the NL East this year.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

I think Maddon should absolutely be fired and Wise should go too. But I get what gitch is saying too about if that really makes the team better this season. Yet, I don’t know if I care. I’m very tired of this team’s act. It’s old hat. Somebody gonna have to talk me off the ledge at this point.

Not trying to give a hot take here, just got to thinking maybe it’s time to deal Mike Trout. I’ve never advocated for that, and a couple of years ago, would have thought it insane.

But, he’s about 30 now. I think he’s safely out of the best player of All-Time convo, thanks to injuries and the pandemic lost season. He’s really not the same player anymore he once was in terms of production. Yes, he started the season on fire with an all-time best OPS. But now he’s had another one of his long stretches of non-production with a lot of strikeouts that have actually become fairly frequent in recent years. I miss patient Trout. I miss him taking walks. Is he just trying to hit home runs now?

Are there 100 reasons not to trade him? Sure. But I’m starting to consider it now. The team might be too if they fall out of contention again. Is anyone else here on CTPG thinking to deal Trout?

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  benjiface

Wow, ye of little faith. It has been a 11 game slump.

(Also, he has a contract until 2030, so …. ).

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Yeah, sometimes an unpopular opinion is needed. Happy to be talked off the ledge too!

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  benjiface

Well, factoring in the slump, he is the 4th best batter in the AL (based on fWAR).

Basically, he is so good he can not hit in 11 games and still be in the running for MVP.

Even at the age of 30.

(By the way, Judge (1st in fWAR) is also 30, and Ramirez (3rd in fWAR) is 29. He is hardly over the hill).

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  benjiface

full no trade clause so unless you want to negotiate on his terms and get completely railroaded by the team of his choice, you stick w/ him.

Reply to  benjiface


Oh wait, that’s not what people mean by that is it….

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  benjiface

Personally, I don’t disagree. Yeah, the no trade clause, and yeah, the contract, and yeah, it’s MF’n Michael Nelson Trout, but at the end of the day I’ve come to the conclusion personally that I’d rather have a WS than Mike Trout for the next X years. I know, trading Trout does NOT guarantee a WS appearance. I can’t help but think a rebuild would increase our chances more within the next 5 years than keeping Trout and the status quo.

Is it probable? No. Is it possible? Maybe not. Should it be discussed more than it is? I think so.

Definitely an imperfect analogy but would you rather had Randy Johnson have been an Angel for life and go into the hall with an A on his cap? Or to have graduated from the “Never won the WS club”? If having Trout, Ohtani, or insert X inner-circle hall of fame player (we’ve had a few which is mind boggling!) on the team has taught me anything over the years it’s that I’d rather have a winning team than a few superstars.

Last edited 2 years ago by nishiogawakun
Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  nishiogawakun

Thanks, glad to know someone else is thinking it over also. I think we’re lock step on this.

Don’t think trading Trout will happen, don’t know if it should. Don’t know if I want it to happen.

But maybe it needs to happen and cashing in on the value while there is still some is something to think about and talk about.

Better to sell while there’s still value than hold on and extricate no value. The team hasn’t shown they can win building around Trout with this front office/owner. What makes us magically think it will happen next year or the year after?

Last edited 2 years ago by benjiface
Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  benjiface

That said, the same ownership/GM are not likely to be smart enough to trade the superstar for max value before he ages either. So here we are.


One guy was telling me that maybe placing Montgomery on the coaching staff was a move towards a Joeless future. That could be, and that would be the only scenario where I see Joe getting fired. Do I want to keep him? No, I didn’t want him in the first place. But firing and replacing a manager is rough. I don’t think anyone’s really looked at how successful teams are when a manager gets fired. We can all just remember a couple times it worked and we want that.

Super Member
2 years ago

The phils just swept the Angels with a new coach. Maybe girardi is just that bad, though.


That’s also 3 games against the worst slump I’ve seen with my Lylin eyes. Not the Phillies turning their season around.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Stupid and basic question here: what makes a jersey “authentic” other than just declaring itself as authentic?

Is it the stitching?

Reply to  rez2405

Well, first it has to be sold by a company authorized by MLB to call it authentic. This gives it magical powers that allow it to cost a lot more and make money magically appear in the MLB bank account.

Lot’s of things get called “Authentic” now.

In the past, it meant it is the same thing that the players are given. So the hat is made by the hat company. Several boxes are sent to the team. Many more boxes are sent to stores. There’s no difference between the hats. Or Jerseys, etc.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

So nothing is what I took from all that.

It’s the same as a replica jersey.

Reply to  rez2405

No. Replicas can have differences…. such as the stitching. Authentic can not. What they do now is make many many “authentic” things. Several “authentic” t-shirts and sweatshirts, hats, and “casual hats”, pens, scarves, pen holders, shoe laces, etc that are sent to the teams and given to the players and staff…. and promptly thrown away or given to cousins.

But all of these items can now be sold as authentic.

In the past it generally just meant the hats and jerseys that the players wear, but not a hat or jersey that a player wore (that’s game worn). I know that the Pirates, in the past, literally just ordered a big pile of authentic jerseys of their star players. The actual player is given some out of the pile, and is given more as needed, the rest are put in shops. But the players, unless they actually get their jerseys tailored (and some do), can actually take a Jersey off the rack in the team store and wear in that days game if they need to.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

So I just went to the mlb shop


Material: 100% Polyester
Full-button front
MLB Batterman applique on center back neck
Rounded hem
Heat-sealed jock tag
Heat-sealed transfer applique


Material: 100% Polyester
Moisture-wicking fabric
Sewn-on tackle twill graphics
Full-button front
MLB Batterman CFX patch on center back neck
Rounded hem

I may have just answered my own question without realizing it.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Btw I appreciate the background info .. but I’m just only interested in what the physical differences are and not all the administration stuff that is involved.

red floyd
2 years ago
Reply to  rez2405

I have a replica regular season jersey and an authentic ST jersey. Difference appears to be mostly material and sizing. Replica is S/M/L/XL, Authentic has actual numeric sizes.

Remember, though that the material difference may be due to ST vs. regular season.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

comment image

Trusted Member
2 years ago

comment image

Super Member
2 years ago

Was wondering when a coaching change would happen if not now and my guess is Maddon has this week to turn it around since we have an Off-Day on Monday. If they go 1-6 or something vs. the Red Sox and Mets he’ll be fired Sunday afternoon.

New guys get Monday to have a team meeting or whatever and then page turned for Tuesday against the Dodgers.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  ihearhowie3.0

First, it is not an off-day today. Unfortunately the Angels have to play the hot Boston Red Sox tonight and allow the unfathomable streak of suckness reach 12 pathetic games. Devers and Bogaerts will hit HR’s and after a rare game of some offensive output the bats will be shut down again. This time we lose 6-1.

Now to Maddon. It is no secret that I am a Maddon supporter and other than Cowboy am the only person here who defended him in the aftermath of the IBB to Seager. Joe Maddon is a good manager. There is no question about that. However, he has not been showing it lately.

Though I do not blame the losing streak as a whole on him, yesterday, I do feel he has to take the brunt of the blame. Number one, you cannot, I repeat cannot let Bryce Harper beat you in that bases loaded situation. Coming into this series he is the one guy you’d say “don’t let him beat us.” Castellanos had been very cold, and Harper had already hit a few HR’s against us in the first two games. You simply cannot give him the opportunity to tie the game up in the 8th. Maddon needed to send Wise to the mound with instructions to give Harper heat that was out of the strikezone. If he chased it and got himself out great, if not then you settle for walking in a run, maintain a 3 run lead and take your chances with Castellanos. Again, you simply can’t let Harper beat you there. That is/was a strategic situation and Maddon failed miserably.

After the game Maddon justified pitching to Harper saying that Iggy is his “closer” so he rode with him. Really? Then why pull him for Herget when he is one out away from rapping up a victory? That decision contradicts his statement that he was riding with his closer. And in fairness to Raisel it was Loup and not himself that put all those runners on base. He merely made the one mistake pitch. It was more on Maddon for faulty strategy.

This leads to another problem/question. Knowing how crappy Loup has been lately (he has actually been much worse than Raisel) why not let Raisel start the 8th with a clean slate instead of giving the Phillies a running start by allowing Loup to put runners on?

I mean, Maddon just bungled the late innings so badly. This loss was on him. It is games like yesterday that provides ammunition for the crowd who say “Maddon has lost it” or “Maddon has lost his mojo.” A Tampa Bay era Joe Maddon would not have made those horrible mistakes. That Joe Maddon would not have given Harper a good pitch to hit. Without the Harper slam that Angels win that game.

Should Maddon be fired? I am on the fence.

I still think there are alot of things Joe brings to the table that other manager would not. But this season is so important for so many reasons, many of which have been discussed, including the imperative to reach the postseason in “decision year” for one Shohei Ohtani.

There is just so much going wrong right now. Yes we are missing Ward and Rendon, but yesterday was a game a Major League team has to win. An MLB bullpen has to close out a 6-2 game in the 8th inning, no question about it.

Last edited 2 years ago by JackFrost
2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

Good post but one thing … I think we were out of mound visits as mentioned by Jeff Fletcher … so while wise to the mound was the right move – it may not have been possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

And in defense of Loup – Duffy really hosed that easy double play. The runs were partially on Duffy.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  DowningDude

Oh, okay. I was not aware that we were out of mound visits at that point. If so, the info should have been relayed to Suzuki.

Last edited 2 years ago by JackFrost
Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

Eh.. you have me as well in case you didn’t know it about the IBB.

Btw I’m good with whatever decision goes with Maddon.. HOWEVER if he does go there better be a plan in place. Don’t give me that Bobby V BS.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  rez2405

Agree. Bobby V would be a complete and utter disaster.

I would much rather ride this out with Joe and work to repair areas of concern. He did after all get us to a place where we were 10 games over .500. Maybe he can help get us back to that ?

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

ihearhowie said that Maddon would have a week to turn things around. He was referring to Monday the 13th, not today.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  angelslogic

Ah, okay, get it. That was not quite clear from what he wrote.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

It was pretty clear. I said if we go 1-6 vs. the Red Sox and Mets he will be fired on Sunday afternoon. I posted this on Monday morning so….yeah