Good morning Angels fans, cheer up, it is Ohtani day! Yes, things may be rough, so have some links.
Angels News
The Angels got blown out in NY yesterday thanks to Heaney. That is now yet another hole in the rotation. At least Ohtani had himself a day.

Skaggs’ family is suing the Angels. It is not pretty at all and a rather terrible situation all around.
The team needs to do something this trade deadline. Perry has no strong feelings one way or the other. Typical.
Maddon has been implying that Suarez will be moving into the rotation soon. Might take Bundy’s spot since he is, uh, sick.
Apparently, the Angels have been unlucky this season. Huh.
Around Baseball
The Dodgers had to show up the Angels by getting their team into hot water on the same day. Trevor Bauer has been accused of sexual assault and the woman filed a restraining order too.
Speaking of women, more women than ever are playing college baseball.
Hector Santiago is officially suspended 10 days for rosin on his glove, which is illegal. You can use it, but not have it on your glove. What?
People are going through the stats and finding that offense has indeed been up and spin has been down since the rules were enforced.
Vancouver’s mayor supports MLB coming to his city. I prefer it too, since we need more west coast teams.
Negro Leagues will be getting a TV show from Apple. Hope they do not lie for the sake of drama. Ah who am I kidding…
Kyle Schwarber has been on fire this month but won’t participate in the Home Run Derby. Trevor Story will do it though.
Anything I missed? Post below for upvotes.
Cheap ass Arte. I’ve been saying for years he needs to invest in a Luck Dragon.
New details were reported in the Athletic today by Britt Ghiroli, and if even 20% of it is true Trevor Bauer’s career is over, and his freedom is gone.
They have texts, calls, and images. And she called him while with Pasadena police and got him to admit to things.
Can’t even imagine what she went through. Horrific.
Maybe Mickey Calloway and Trevor Bauer are not so different, after all?
Maybe Bauer didn’t want the spotlight so close.
THIS JUST IN! Trevor Bauer is a huge jerk!
When I first heard all this I thought “That sucks. What a bummer. Still, I’ll wait and see what evidence there is.” Then my inner child spoke up and was like, “proof schmoof. Bauer is exactly the kind of entitled douche who would think a lady wants to be sexually assaulted by him. I can’t wait to watch him burn.” Then I felt bad because I was being an idiot. Then all this other info came to light and I was happy because I am free to feel pretty sure Bauer is a douche who is going to, almost certainly, catch hell for doing bad.
The perfect ace pitcher for Hollywood’s team.
I don’t even know what the point of this comment is.
In Tim Kurkjian’s column today at the ESPN website, he wrote, “The Astros’ Jose Altuve became the first player ever to hit a leadoff home run the game after hitting a walk-off grand slam. Three players have hit three walk-off grand slams in their career: Cy Williams, Vern Stephens and Alex Rodriguez.”
He left out the Kendry(s) Morales grand slam in the 10th inning where he destroyed his ankle and walked-off the Mariners.
We all want to forget that day
That was the most regrettable walk off win imaginable so I can’t say I blame him. From euphoria to wtf in one trip around the bases.
That list also leaves off Torii Hunter’s walk off slam. I was at that game. I know it happened.
That’s a list of players who have hit a walk-off grand slam 3 times. Did Morales and Hunter do it 3 times?
My old man brain has failed me. Didn’t read the script carefully enough.
Thats Ok . The great ones get to improvise.
Anyone going to the game?
I will purchase the pillow from you if you don’t need it?
Rosin is provided at the mound for the pitchers to use, but they are not allowed to get it on their gloves or uniform? I also read where MLB never even inspected the “confiscated” glove because they were just leaving it up to the umpires to make this arbitrary decision that leads to a player being suspended and a team not being allowed to replace the player. This has Manfred’s peanut butter and jelly hand prints all over it.
Ye olde sacrificial lamb trick.
This is the small fry getting caught, and we are doing what we said we would do scam.
It wasn’t even goop, what a frickin’ joke, but it is what I was talking about.
But it seems weird that MLB is taking the stance that it is purely a judgement call from the umpires and MLB is not making the final say or even examining the glove that was carefully wrapped up in the plastic tall kitchen trash bag. Seems like they are going to create a situation where it is the players, and MLBPA against the umpires and their union. Divide and conquer before the new collective bargaining agreement?
This way you can only blame the rules of the game, however loosely translated they are.
I’m not sure what rule number it is, I think it’s 8.0 for Umpires in Little League, and it states that the umpire can make things up on the spot because they might not know of, or there is no rule pertaining to the situation at the time of infraction.
That is why there was no training course on what is not allowed. MLB just wanted to bury this as fast as the trash cans
Weird? You said it your self “This has Manfred’s peanut butter and Jelly prints all over it.” MLB is so screwed up that it doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind.
Manfred has a rocky relationship with the Player’s Union.
Fans are peeved because they have to pay full price to see a 7 inning game.
The Manfred ball was a bad idea.
Starting a runner at 2nd in the 10th is a bad idea (Try the 12th inn.)
Talk of Robo Umps, expansion, moving the mound back are not Baseball.
Manfred’s 3 batter rule, again not Baseball.
Baseball does not need to change, management of the game does.
Manfred is a coward as he choses to pick on a pitcher almost done rather than a Star Player. He would not punish all the cheaters for using video, would not do anything to the Pitchers he knew to be using goop. He is spineless and does not know the game of Baseball.
Want faster Games, make a couple of rule changes that accomplish what is needed.
Back in the day my Dad would rush home change clothes and and we would haul ass to the games. We would be out of there in time for us to go home and wake up the next day for work or school refreshed. Today young kids fall asleep half way through the game.
Time to get a real Commissioner that is not under the thumb of Owner’s who do not know the Game.
Baseball is a Great Game that needs to speed up the game to return to 90 minute to 2 hour 15 min.
Regarding the pursuit of faster games, ban the pitcher from looking at his cheat sheet in between each pitch.
Anybody else noticed how many pitchers are using what appear to be brand new gloves?
It’s good fun to read how NY baseball beat writers and fans all believe that Ohtani deserves and is destined to be on a NY team.
I feel like I’ve read something like that before
There was that Shaikin article a few weeks ago where he thought Ohtani was going to become a Dodger.
I subscribe to Craig Calcaterra’s newsletter, Cup of Coffee. He used to be a lawyer before baseball writing. Here’s part of his take on the Angels statement about the lawsuits yesterday- BTW, he really didn’t approve of the snarky tone the Halos used.
Smart attorneys would’ve told the Angels to shut the hell up about all of this until then [Eric Kay’s trial]. Indeed, smart attorneys always tell their clients in high profile cases to leave the talking to them. Which suggests to me that this statement was the product of Arte Moreno or someone who answers to him, not of the attorneys who will be representing the Angels in these lawsuits.
First, the front office, now the legal department. Who needs “experts” when you got Arte and the gang?
He is a bigly Trump supporter.
another story on this
Obviously Bauer will get his due process, and it’s just accusations at this point, but TMZ usually doesn’t report something this big without doing their homework.
What a night for Shohei, and to do it in the Bronx is just incredible. MVP almost doesn’t seem like enough for what this man is doing.
Good morning, what a wonderful day for a game today. Angels win tonight. Have a morning and we will see you at the Game right here.
Thanks Daron. Errr I mean Grandpa
Absolutely adorational Ohtani porn at the Athletic today. Not by our new Angels correspondent, Sam Blum, though. Haven’t seen any of his writing other than his intro piece.
You can’t really blame Mr. Blum. Its not like there’s anything interesting to write about.
The league leader in Home Runs is Yankee Stadiums daddy
Thank the FSM it’s not Matsui porn. I don’t like tentacles in my porn.
Our old one contributed to it, though!
Brilliant piece
“Ausmus began his career playing with Tony Gwynn in San Diego and finished it playing alongside Manny Ramirez with the Dodgers. Gwynn was a modern-day Ted Williams, a man who understood the mechanics of the swing better than anyone of his generation. Ramirez was a physical virtuoso; hitting was his craft. Ohtani, Ausmus says, is somehow both at once.”
what a line