LA Angels Wednesday News Crash: Are you Cutout for this?

Good morning Angels fans! Have some links as we eagerly wait for the season to start soon.

Angels News

Angels faced the Dodgers last night in an exbition game. It wasn’t taken too seriously as starters from both sides are pulled early and odd not finishing innings happened due to pitch counts and whatnot. Dodgers won 6-4. But then played in the bottom of the 9th. Because these games don’t count AND are weird.

What we did learn is that the infield defense is still good. Angels pitching is still bad. Tommy Lastella is still slugging. And Justin Upton is still a hot pocket.

Mike Trout wants that Gold Glove this year. Give it to him please.

Before the game, Ohtani almost hit one out of Dodger Stadium. Maybe show batting practice, would be better than whatever is on Fox Sports West at 4 pm.

Sneks were at Angel Stadium and thanked the team for their hospitality. Hi Kole!

Rendon was at Dodger Stadium but didn’t play. Maddon doesn’t have any more news on him beyond that.

Keynan Middleton made a long public statement on Twitter about his kneeling during the national anthem.

Around Baseball

The Astros faced another team for the first time in a long time. And their players got hit. How unexpected. And by unexpected I mean completely expected!

Jose Altuve got hurt in a different play. He limped off the field on his own.

Astros do not have a good day as their announcer has the virus. This is why Victor and Gubi will broadcast from Angel Stadium only.

How much do people miss baseball? The KC Houston game won in prime time ratings in KC.

Blue Jays still can’t play in Canada. So they are looking to play their home games in Pittsburgh. With all of NHL going to Canada to play it will be an odd sort of city swap.

Rockies first team to face Texas in their new stadium. Angels were supposed to, but then 2020 happened. They have a new stadium because their old one was HOT.

Josh Harrison was released by the Phillies. He is now a free agent. Just like Puig.

New York sports photographer died in April due to the pandemic. So the Mets put his cutout in their stands.

Padres having their behind the plate cutouts filled by people who are significant to the players. For the first series at least.

Rays lose a bullpen arm to Tommy John. Ow. That sucks.

T-Mobile does their customers a solid, gives them MLB.TV AND the Athletic for free this year. (Auto renew is on)

Players do a virtual Take me out to the Ballgame video. Once again, Arte isn’t doing enough with Troutani online.

538 2020 predictions. It is all anyone’s guess with the weird season.

Some Reds players kneel during the national anthem. One of which was Votto. Again, be civil in the comments.

MLB Opening Day starts at 4pm on Thursday when the Nats face the MFY at home. The first pitch will be done by Dr. Fauci. Angels start their first game in Oakland on Friday.

Anything I missed? Post below for upvotes.

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4 years ago


Mike Trout: “I’m playing.”

— Fabian Ardaya (@FabianArdaya) July 22, 2020

The due date for baby Trout is Aug. 3.

— Rhett Bollinger (@RhettBollinger) July 22, 2020

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

that would be “fry” Trout

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  eyespy

If it’s a boy, the name is going to be Aaron. Probably a good chance the name is Erin for a girl, too.

4 years ago

Betts, Bellinger, Trout, Ohtani, and Rendon on the west coast for the foreseeable future. As well as future Cy Young winner Griffin Canning.

Get f*cked, east coast.

4 years ago


Hadn’t even thought of that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

ohhhh! I see.
just watched the clip. “You traded Pena?”

H.T. Ennis
Super Member
4 years ago

I do have a soft spot for Moneyball, since it’s the only baseball movie I’ve ever seen in theaters. My baseball movie rankings are fluid, but Moneyball is pretty close to the top, if not there. #youngergeneration

4 years ago
Reply to  H.T. Ennis

I’m the same with Moneyball. Saw it on a dad/daughter day one weekend, wonderful memory.

I know a lot of people find Field of Dreams boring, but it’s like 1b in my rankings.

Then Major League, A League of Their Own, and Sandlot round out my top 5.

I also have a big soft spot for Fever Pitch and The Rookie

4 years ago

Haha yes! I’m glad you saw it 😀

Trusted Member
4 years ago

Following this account on twitter: Astros* Bean Counter

Don’t want to miss an Astro’s HBP.

H.T. Ennis
Super Member
4 years ago

Mookie extension incoming 👀👀

4 years ago
Reply to  H.T. Ennis

Mikey left money on the table. He should have gotten $45mil-$50mil per season.

4 years ago

I want someone to give me almost a half billion dollars and know I left money on the table…I’d be fine knowing that.

red floyd
4 years ago

Wait… OTHER teams are allowed to lose players to TJ surgery? When did they make that rule? I thought it was just us!

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

It’s very trendy. Plus, it makes you popular with the ladies.

Super Member
4 years ago

The cut-out fans look ridiculous. What a waste of money, energy and (eventually) landfill space.

Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

I like them and think it’s fun. My buddy has a ridiculous photo of himself with a cat tail beard and we sent it in to create a cut-out of him looking like an idiot. He’s in the foul ball zone, hoping to get some shots of him on TV.

Also, when the season is over, they send you the cut-out, or what is left of it. It might not end up in a landfill.

I can think of so many things that are more wasteful, at least this seems like a bit of fun. I can’t fault the owners for extracting whatever small revenues they can.

Super Member
4 years ago

Well, since we have not only one, but two politically-charged links, I’m going to say my piece.

One thing I have never understood about the kneeling controversy — kneeling is actually a greater sign of respect than standing. I would understand getting upset if people were sitting on their arse or flipping the bird, but kneeling is what you do when you dedicate your life in service to something or humble yourself before a superior. Thus, the message being physically delivered isn’t “I don’t respect the country or those who died fighting for it.” Rather, the message is “I dedicate my life in service to making this country the best it can be.”

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

We definitely need to cover all of the stories in baseball and the Angels. 2 are political but topical. To ignore them would be a disservice at best, a tacit statement at worst.

My hope is that we have an audience who can avoid a political spat. I can assure you all you won’t change anybody’s mind by arguing here, you’ll just drag the site down.

I think John did a great job presenting the stories of the day.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I agree the links were topical and appropriate and I promise not to argue with anyone. That will be my sole post on the topic.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

You were fine. Just throwing my two pennies out there.

Super Member
4 years ago

“And Justin Upton is still a hot pocket.“

Is this a good thing or bad thing? Big hot pocket fan, and his play has been less than stellar so that’s a bit confusing.

Super Member
4 years ago

, and terrible