2002 ALDS Game 4 Angels vs. Yankees Gamethread

Fresh off a big comeback win last night, the Angels look to advance to the next round against veteran David Wells. Derek Jeter, Jason Giambi, and co. look to extend their season against the merry band in red. I wonder what will happen!

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Trusted Member
4 years ago

I watched Game 3 (recorded it) and Game 4 last night – I have to negotiate binge watching shows with my wife, especially of 18 years old baseball games….

Wow, those announcers LOVED the Yankees – argh. My wife was laughing at me when they would say something and I would yell at the TV – ha! just you wait! just you wait!!!

That was LOTs of fun watching those 2 games back to back. For the first time in quite a while I slept like a baby through the night. Sooooooo cool!

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago

Huge momentum swing. Two balls that go out in NY don’t in a MLB worthy sized park. Then the big error and BOOM the Yanks were stretched out on the mat.

Missed that huge inning tonight but when it happened I started counting ours. Each out getting us one closer to loving on.

Still thought we’d play Oakland in the next round abs was nervous.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

That woulda been a season ending injury for us in LF nowadays

4 years ago

Attending this game was one of the handful of truly spiritual experiences I have had on this Earth. I was a long suffering Angel fan, and the win here would be the first playoff series victory in franchise history. That was an accomplishment that part of me long ago had accepted was never going to happen. It was pure luck that I was able to attend — my best friend’s dad had won the lottery for his company’s season seats on the field level behind third base.

Upon arrival at the stadium, it felt like I was in Mecca for the Hajj, except that instead of fellow Muslims, I was surrounded on all sides by my fellow excited Angel fans. I was shocked at the scarcity of Yankee fans — usually 20% of the fans in attendance when the Angels host the Yanks are of the New York persuasion, but on this day I don’t know if I saw any.

And then there was that magical fifth inning where the Angels offense was absolutely unrelenting — single after single after single; running first to third, scoring, running first to third, scoring, over and over and over again. And the Angels were doing this to the Yankees, of all teams?! The joy we felt in the stands was transcendent, like the souls of all of the red t-shirted fans in the stadium were made of pure love, had left our bodies, were whirling all around inside the Big A, and had coalesced to become one. Jubilant strangers were high-fiving and hugging the many strangers all around us, so completely overwhelmed with joy we were. It was just so unbelievable that after 1979, after 1982, after 1986, after living so long with the curse, that this was actually happening.

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago
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Trusted Member
4 years ago

I was at that game! I had been going to Angel games since 1983 and that’s easily the loudest I’ve ever heard that stadium.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  H.T. Ennis

As a born again, life long forever pinstriper, I luv’d them days. JoeT would never lose an argument. We are winning again. 27 baby.
Joe Buck, and Tim McCarver, G.O.A.T. team. Only if Joe Morgan could be the #3.