LA Angels Wednesday News Crash: 20 years as “LA”

Morning Angels fans, have some links.

Angels News

It has now been 20 years since the Angels have had Los Angeles in their name. The overly long Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim lasted from 2005-2015 and we are heading into year 10 of no longer having Anaheim in the team name. Not only was this franchise the best when it represented Anaheim in some shape or form, the current “Los Angeles Angels” of not Anaheim have had a losing record every year. In fact, the last time the “Los Angeles Angels” had a winning season was 1964 when they actually played in Los Angeles.

Anyway, some people are optimistic about Nolan Schanuel. Hopefully, he gets to play and not be shoved out for Pete Alonso..

Around Baseball

Dodgers Owner is giving 100M US dollars towards Wildfire Recovery in Los Angeles. That is way more than what any other Los Angeles sports team is doing.

MLB the Show Cover for 2025 has been revealed and it has a trio of young Stars on it. Wonder if they will be cursed..

Speaking of the game, it will no longer play on PS4 or Xbox 1. Still getting Switch support somehow.

Pitchers with the best pitching arsonals in 2024. None of them are Angels. Some FA though…

Feb is next week, and it is the best time to go to the Negro League Museum in Kansas City. Free admission as well.

The Vet Committee now gets to vote on who they want in the HOF. Here is the ballot.

Anything I missed? Post Below for upvotes!

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18 days ago

Well TA should be endearing himself to you Angel fans for this alone.


QUESTION: i am generally against signing an FA to take up space and playing time at this stage in the roster’s development. BUT would it maybe be OK to sign Scherzer? He can eat up some innings, but I am most attracted to call ups we have being around him. If Detmers, Silseth, Bachman, Dana, Aldegeri, Klausen, Silent C, Soriano, Clouse, Zeferjahn etc get to be around that guy it could be very valuable towards the team’s development….

Is maybe 12 good starts and a bunch of leadership worth 20M for a young team?

Jeff Joiner
18 days ago

I’m surprised Arte hasn’t already signed him.

At this stage I’d rather have the kids get actual experience than soak up AAA while Max takes a rotation spot.

18 days ago

I would be ok with this.

Max would hold more clout than both Anderson and Kikuchi.

Jeff Joiner
18 days ago

Charlie Sheen to the Royals.

Relief market is heating up as camps get closer. I imagine a decent but not elite name heads our way next week.

Super Member
18 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Solid deal for KC

2/20 million with a $13 million club option for a 3rd year

18 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

I guess it’s ok. But it’s also likely an amount no one else was willing to pay a 32 year old that faded late last year.

Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Maton? He’s my blind guess.

Reply to  Jeff Joiner

This is good cause I can root for him on a team I like…

Brylcreem, creatine, and a bag of Charlie Sheen!

18 days ago

WAR is not exactly an exact end to all in figuring a players worth. Some players are worth a lot of WAR number as they gain in being defensively very good. Bobby Grich was a very good player but not MLBHoF good. Please look up his numbers and then do the math. How many games did he play? How many hits did he put together?

The Hall of Fame does not need 3 or 4 players enshrined every year as that has become the issue with the veterans being selected, most were very good-not the greatest or very best. Arguments may be made for most on this year’s list. Schilling has the numbers, but his mouth seems to have doomed him. Whitaker had a long career while being very good. Murphy won 2 MVP awards while manning CF. Belle-Bonds-Clemens and Sheffield all tied into PED’s. Kent was the best power hitting 2b ever. Evans was one of my favorite players ever as he could hit and field with the best, but sadly I don’t see a clear path for him either.

So, who would I pick? Curt Schilling. But maybe all will eventually end up in the Major League Hall of Fame.

Super Member
18 days ago

I totally disagree on Grich and see him as someone who has a better case than many who are already in the HOF. He was far above his peers in so many categories in a time when middle infielders didn’t hit much or have much power. He did almost everything defensively at a high level and was a sabermetric darling before people understood what that meant.

Back in the 80s (Baseball Bibles?) Bill James went on and on about Grich and how those seemingly little things added up to a lot. Selfishly, I wish he had chosen to play a few more seasons as he clearly had a lot left in the tank. Plus he was one of the few MLB guys that could actually handle himself in a fight 🙂

Reply to  PedroCerrano

I have seen 8032.6 games with my eyes and everyone is wrong.


Lyle, is that you?

18 days ago
Reply to  PedroCerrano

I have always been a Grich fan but I never considered him an HOF player. Jeff Kent was an HOF level offensive player though. Utley had a lengthy career and an unusual following in Philly who adored him for a long time. But that’s the general gist there.

18 days ago
Reply to  PedroCerrano

And he was a high OBP guy when it was not fashionable and actually discouraged versus trying to make contact. Being a trendsetter in a completely different era is another reason he is Hall of Fame worthy.

18 days ago

I’m not sold on Schilling for the HoF. I can see the case for him, though. If I had a vote I’d leave him off. Meanwhile I’ve softened quite a bit on the steroid users. I think it’s possible to calculate numbers that might have been, without the roids. Bonds wouldn’t have 762 HRs but he’d still have over 500. Clemens, who I hate, would have won 300 or close to that number. As long as Big Pill Popper and Selig are in the HoF I can’t take the ban seriously.

I’m also a Joe Jackson supporter, for whatever that’s worth. Pete Rose, not so as much.

18 days ago

PED’s were still cheating, that is why players hardly ever talked about their use of PED’s. Cheating to gain advantage in all circumstances is still cheating. I am afraid we may disagree on this and possibly sign stealing may be onother issue we may disagree on too, but the numbers for those the used steroids are certainly eye popping, such as 73 HRs in a season.

Roy Hobbs
Super Member
18 days ago

Bobby Grich is probably the 7th or 8th greatest 2B of all time and there are many below him who are in the hall. Now that we have better measures than just counting numbers, he’s way better than most people realize.

Roy Hobbs
Super Member
18 days ago
Reply to  Roy Hobbs

Of the 25 players Bill James believes should be in the Hall who are not, Lou Whitaker is #2 and Grich is #5.


Alex Faedo, pitcher we were so stupid for not drafting, has been let go by the Tigers. Maybe we can live the dream and pick him up now?

Super Member
18 days ago

Sam Bachman sucks too though along with the other 19 pitchers from that draft.
We should’ve signed Chris Flexen instead.

Jeff Joiner
19 days ago

Happy Lunar New Year all! Today kicks off the Year of the Snake.

For the next week I’ll be knee deep in egg rolls and red envelopes.

Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Me too! My wife is Vietnamese. I always say forget Thanksgiving and Christmas it’s Tet that makes you gain the most weight. My mother in law personally sees to it

Jeff Joiner
18 days ago
Reply to  SD19

Nice. My wife is also from Vietnam and I’m heading to the in law’s after work.

Just to brag here but my son is bilingual. He was reading both English and Viet in kindergarten.

Super Member
18 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Your son can read two languages better than most Americans can read English lmao. Seriously, that’s awesome!

I went to a Vietnamese R&B singer’s concert last night, so there’s my contribution to the culture 🇻🇳

Trusted Member
18 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

That’s awesome he learned it. My son is 5 and it just didn’t take even though his ong and ba tried really hard. My daughter is 7 months so hopefully it sticks for her haha

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Twebur

I just hope that Anderson is now a passivist, as we all know he doesn’t want to catcha fist.

Sorry, feeling ornery today.

Jeff Joiner
18 days ago
Reply to  Twebur

I really like that pickup for TB.

18 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Agree, not excessive dollars. Was holding out hope he would come here but with so many recent middle infield signings, spelled doom.

19 days ago
Reply to  Twebur

But No discussion about Johnny Washington or Tim Laker. If TA gets back to All Star form it will be at the plate, it will be those 2 that will have the most influence on him

Reply to  Cowboy26

All Star form? I’d declare victory if he got his OPS above .500

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Twebur

I just hope that Anderson is now a passivist, as we all know he doesn’t want to catcha fist.

Sorry, feeling ornery today.

Jeff Joiner
19 days ago

Props to the Dodgers for that donation. Sports are sports but this is real life.

Negro League Museum is a dream trip of mine. My son is almost old enough to understand it. Give it a couple of years and we’ll head there.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I have only caught the Basketball HoF, which was awesome.

19 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

The Dodgers do just about everything better than the Angels.

Actually, I need to edit that. Take out the “just about”.

18 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Fine, you may think that but I would never admit it here on this site, f%#k the Dodgers.

Last edited 18 days ago by FungoAle
Super Member
17 days ago
Reply to  FungoAle

I still hate my HS valedictorian too.

red floyd
19 days ago

When TF are they going to put Bobby Grich on the veterans (or whatever friggin’ era he’s part of) ballot?

Reply to  red floyd

Eligible Candidates – Eligible candidates must be selected from: 

(A) Eligible candidates must be selected from managers, umpires, executives and players, who meet the following criteria related to their classification:

  • Players who played in at least 10 major league seasons, who are not on Major League Baseball’s ineligible list, and have been retired for 15 or more seasons (Beginning in 2023, players will be required to have been retired for 16 or more seasons for consideration);
  • Managers and umpires with 10 or more major league seasons and retired for at least five years. Candidates who are 65 years or older are eligible six months following retirement;
  •  Executives retired for at least five years. Active executives 70 years or older are eligible for consideration regardless of the position they hold in an organization, and regardless of whether their body of work has been completed.

(B) Those whose careers entailed involvement in multiple categories will be considered for their overall contribution to the game of Baseball; however, the specific category in which these individuals shall be considered will be determined by the role in which they were most prominent. In those instances when a candidate is prominent as both a player and as a manager, executive or umpire, the BBWAA-appointed Historical Overview Committee shall determine that individual’s category as a player, as a manager, as an umpire or as an executive/pioneer. Those designated as players must fulfill the requirements of (A).

(C) Any person designated by the Office of the Commissioner of Major League Baseball as ineligible shall not be an eligible candidate.

Screening Committee 
The BBWAA-appointed Historical Overview Committee shall serve as the Screening Committee and consist of 10-12 representatives. The Committee shall identify eight (8) candidates for the Contemporary Baseball Era Players, Contemporary Baseball Era Non-Players and Classic Baseball Era ballot. 

Ballot Size
The final Ballot shall consist of eight (8) candidates for the Contemporary Baseball Era Players, Contemporary Baseball Era Non-Players and Classic Baseball Era ballots. 

The Committee shall consider all candidates and voting shall be based upon the individual’s record, ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character and contribution to the game. Electors may vote for as few as zero (0) and as many as three (3) eligible candidates in the Contemporary Baseball Era Players, Contemporary Baseball Era Non-Players and Classic Baseball Era Election. Write-in votes are not permitted. 

Number to be Elected
All candidates receiving votes on at least 75% of ballots cast will earn election. 

The Committee shall keep minutes of its meetings, one copy of which is to be placed on file at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. The results of the election shall be certified by the Secretary of the Committee. 

The Board of Directors of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. reserves the right to revoke, alter or amend these rules at any time.

red floyd
19 days ago

In other words, your advice to me is to start drinking heavily.

Reply to  red floyd


Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  red floyd

It’s a crime Chase Utley got 39% this year and Grich can’t buy a vote on the Veterans ballot. But when Bobby was eligible, the criteria was higher – now it’s becoming the Hall of Pretty Good.

And since WAR seems to be the be-all, end-all number for HOF justification:

Grich 71.1
Utley 64.5

Roy Hobbs
Super Member
19 days ago

I hope Schanuel improves as well. The problem is even with the very good chase, whiff, walk, and strikeout rates, he still only hit 251/343/362. Most young players show glimpses of potential and just need to be come more consistent, like Neto. There isn’t really much room for significant improvement in the areas mentioned above as they are already really good. The challenge is that he isn’t going to get any faster although he can improve defensively. He had over 500 ABs and just 18 2Bs. He just doesn’t hit the ball very hard. He’s physically large so if he rebuilt his swing, he could generate a lot more power. I don’t believe he will ever be anything more than marginal as a hitter unless he changes his swing mechanics.

He is the anti-Mickey Moniak who hits the ball hard when he hits it but has horrible whiff, chase, BB, and K rates.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Roy Hobbs

“The problem is even with the very good chase, whiff, walk, and strikeout rates, he still only hit 251/343/362. Most young players show glimpses of potential”

You are contradicting yourself here, RH. You quite literally listed the glimpses of potential Nolan has already shown haha. I’m attaching his Baseball Savant page for 2024. It’s not perfect, but how many 22 year olds display this level of plate discipline?

I do agree that he should tweak his mechanics to tap into more power.

Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

If only there was some type of magical serum he could take to miraculously make his muscles bigger.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  TrojanBoiler

Well……I gotta cousin…..

19 days ago
Reply to  TrojanBoiler

Offseason assignment in the DR?

Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  TrojanBoiler

Maybe “special assistant to the assistant” Grandpa Pujols can share what he was using 2001-2010

Jeff Joiner
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

Nolan seems to have a two strike approach the moment he steps into the batter’s box. Don’t get me wrong, I miss the two strike approach when there’s actually two strikes and in many situational hitting scenarios.

Nolan was also facing the best pitchers in the world for the first time last year so I can understand if he had a “don’t screw up” mentality more than a “go for it” one.

Perhaps this season he’ll give himself a strike or two before he goes into full two strike approach. He seemed to do this more as the year wore on.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

You have no idea how many times I’ve groaned, and sometimes even lightly yelled lol, watching Nolan hit a weak grounder on the the 1st or 2nd pitch of an AB. He can be a frustrating watch 1000%.

To be a broken record, he was 22! Like gitcho said, it’s possible he flames out, like every other player. An improvement in 2025 should be expected imo.

Last edited 19 days ago by Pineapple12
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Yeah. He certainly looked timid. Less so as the season wore on. The things is, he has a manager and coaches (insert stupid gripe about them here), and they didn’t tell him to get more aggressive. In fact, that first season chunk where we brought him up didn’t they tell him to just focus on getting on? Or did I dream that?

But it may well have been the plan to have him “just not strike out” for a while. We definitely saw him go through adjustment phases where he hit, then pitchers adjusted, then he hit, then pitchers adjusted, and then he hit even better at the end of the year. So it seemed like those first 800 ABs were basically learning, not swinging away at all most of the time. And he still had a .700 OPS. Like they were letting him establish a baseline. Same thing I have to do when learning a hard song on the drums. Count and survive. Then test ideas. Then turn my brain off and “go for it”.

If this was the case then I’d expect him to let loose a little more. I never expect to see him be Glenn Bragg and break bats across his back, but what guy doesn’t want to grip it and rip it if he can? It’s why I suspect there was some intention in his approach to start with, he just plain never went Animal on anything when that’s kind of what hitters really want to do. He also never did the “overwhelmed rookie just gives up and strikes out” thing. It was almost like he was trying to get “good film” in every at bat.

It would be hilarious if he showed up in Tempe with an extra 20lbs of muscle and just started swinging like Yordan Alvarez all the sudden.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

slow bat speed

19 days ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

He’s young (22) and has some room to grow. With Physical development, get some man weight, maybe can lead to higher bat speed. work on his swing mechanics gain a little more Improvement. Seems like the foundation of a good hitter is there.

Trusted Member
18 days ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

It’s not how hard you swing, more what kind of contact you are making. Mookie Betts has below average bat speed at 69.3 MPH but is able to “barrel” 29% of the balls he puts into play.

Roy Hobbs
Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

The point I was trying to make is that most young players show potential to hit the ball hard when they hit it and they need do develop plate discipline and be more consistent. Nolan already has advanced plate discipline skills, he just doesn’t hit the ball vey hard or hit in the air very much.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Roy Hobbs

I got you. Just don’t think you can teach at the MLB-level what Nolan is already elite at.

Every player can work on launch angle.

Roy Hobbs
Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

I agree with your statement. We’ll see what happens.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

What about some Tork bombs?
Go Devils.
He seems to be a cheaper version of Alonso (and other teams back-up plan maybe). And provides something Nolan hasn’t so far.

If Perry likes the ‘#1 pick scrap heap’, he can join Moniak.

Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

I’d have been more comfortable if Schanuel’s power hadn’t dropped off at the end of the season though. Through the end of July, 20% of his hits were for extra bases and his Isolated Power was .128. Over the last two months, 22% of his hits went for extra bases, but his isolated power was down to .077.

Reply to  Roy Hobbs

This is very “Angels fan”. A guy has a 17% K rate in his first full pro season against MLB pitching and we “just don’t see him developing into anything”.

Now, he may totally collapse. Players do that. Tim Anderson.

But what is likely is that he needs to take his already very good bat to ball skills (how many top prospects do we read about who will be great if they just limit the swing and miss?) and just HIT THE BALL HARDER. He doesn’t need to retool his swing necessarily, or any other crazy shit we come up with (isn’t constant swing tinkering something we hate around here?). Literally do what he’s doing, but swing a little harder. That’s all he has to do.

What’s more, he was actually doing that as the season came to an end last year. Without a swing rebuild.

I don’t know how he stole ten bases last year, but we’ll take it. If he ups his defense a little next season and hits the ball a little harder he’ll be pretty good. If you’re wondering what he looks like when he really takes a hack at a pitch watch tape of him in college. He was doing a lot of learning last year, it’s fairly realistic to think he’ll dig in and swing away a little more often this season. He’s never gonna be pulling a fastball from Ben Joyce, but I think he’ll get more power behind his swings on average arms more as he ages.

Or he’ll strike out 400 times this year…. I can’t ever teall.

Roy Hobbs
Super Member
19 days ago

You and I strongly disagree on this and I will be very happy to be wrong. We’ll see how it works out.

19 days ago

20 years ago the beloved Anaheim Angels, winner of a World Series, sold out and became the Los Angeles Angels. Yes, I am fully aware that was the team’s first name. But that is not the reason for the name switch. That reason was because of Arte’s marketing bias and he felt the team was more marketable with a big city name attached. Well – that created direct competition for the territory with the Dodgers. How has that worked out?

I miss the Anaheim Angels days. Those were my favorite in team history.

Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

revenue and payroll increase, bigger tv deal, and even if it’s bad publicity, people talked about the Angels because of it (bad pub is good pub when it just brings eyeballs)

Reply to  Fansince1971

Being the Anaheim Angels was stupid and Disney. Buuuuttttt…. did it add to the bad ju ju? Perhaps. The data points to a possible loss of good magic with the name change….

Trusted Member
19 days ago

I think Arte did Anaheim a favor by removing their name from the product on the field.

Reply to  Born_in_59

Probably. It won’t likely matter if he’s able to move the team to LA in a few years.

Trusted Member
19 days ago

Keith Law’s Top 100 came out. Dana represented, Moore is not. The comments are pretty funny. A few Moore fans (me, included) take Law to task. One calls him “unprofessional” for his sustained hostility (indifference?) to Moore’s prospects as a prospect. I kind of agree. It’s one thing to rank him low on your draft board. It’s another to write off his stats/performance as a professional and double-down on lesser (or lesser-performing) talents.

Super Member
19 days ago

ESPN’s Top 100
#61 Dana
#75 Moore
#88 Klassen


Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

My biased ass likes it better than Law’s list.

19 days ago

Jeff Kent on a HOF ballot? He would be a big no for me. He was just good, not “Hall of Fame”

Jeff Joiner
19 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Agreed and I’m saying this as a guy who had a Will Clark poster on my wall as a kid (next to Joyner and Abbott) so I like the Giants quite a bit.

Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Those 55+ WAR would sway me a lot more if he’d been a Doyer, Red Suck or Yanques. Grich has almost 20 more WAR than he does….

Super Member
19 days ago

I still have not taken the trip to Cooperstown, but after visiting the Negro League Museum in KC, I will be soon. Super cool place. Loved it.

19 days ago

Trying to plan my trip this summer. For the induction week, EVERY hotel and B&B are booked out solid. NO VACANCIES.

Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

May have a surplus of baseball fans from Japan, wanting to celebrate their country’s first HOF induction.

Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

It’s a tiny town. I went on a fall weekend. Stayed in a B&B. Enjoyed the Hall and the uncrowded town immensely.

Trusted Member
19 days ago

Hope you get to go, every true MLB fan should experience Cooperstown. Here are some insights. Closet major airport is Albany, not a major US hub, flights In extremely pricey, also rental cars. I saved a ton of money flying into Boston and renting car there. Watched a game at Fenway then made 4hr sightseeing drive. Village around the HOF is really cool, small eateries, bars and mom/pop owned memorabilia shops. If lucky there will be a activity at Doubleday field, free senior or amateur game. HOF store has exclusive product for current inductees. I got the Vlad shirt and pin. Wish I could go this year to get Ichiro stuff. Happy Travels

19 days ago
Reply to  CAoldskoll

Yeah, we were looking to fly into Albany, rent a car, drive to Cooperstown, spend a couple of days there, then down to NYC, where my wife has relatives, turn in the rental, then hang out there for 3 or 4 days.

red floyd
19 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

Is Syracuse a better choice?

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  steelgolf

I had a business trip to Saugerties, NY around 1990 and took a day trip over. Well worth it, no crowds when I went.

I’m due for another trip – West Point I’d like to see; Saratoga is nice too.

Reply to  RexFregosi

We. Don’t. Pick. First.

19 days ago

(*If he’s available)

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

if Washington makes a big error and goes for Mr. Golden Spikes

Super Member
19 days ago

your sleuthing all around the baseball universe is really starting to paying off!

  • yes – that pick is held by the Washington DC National League team I have uncovered. Allegedly there was a lottery held when Biden was President.
  • who knows who DC will pick. Maybe they fall in love with some college guy —- then we pick Ethan. If not we get some college guy.
Super Member
19 days ago

Fact check:
February is NOT the best time of the year to visit Kansas City. It’s a little bit too rugged for you and me.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  RexFregosi

Go Chiefs !

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

Go Eagles!!

Super Member
19 days ago

We can still be friends, 78 🙂

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

It’s because of Trout!!

red floyd
19 days ago

Go Giant Meteor!!!!


GO ELGSES! Yes for edumucafication! Penn is a GOOD SCHOOL!

red floyd
19 days ago
Reply to  Pineapple12

Q: Why does Mahomes were uniform #15?
A: Because that’s how many yards you get in penalties if you even lay a finger on him.

Trusted Member
19 days ago

That’s some Hall of Fame ballot. If I had a vote I’d go Schilling, Sheffield, Whitaker and Hernandez, but I don’t know if any of them have a chance. It will probably come down to whoever has the most forceful advocate or how many former Yankees or Braves are on the selection committee.

Super Member
19 days ago
Reply to  Born_in_59

How do we get Bobby Grich on that veteran ballot? Whitaker had 75 career WAR and should be in the HOF. Grich had 71 career WAR. Two of the great second baseman of all time.

Ryne Sandberg is in the HOF as a second basemen with a WAR of 67.9.

Joe Morgan’s WAR was 100.6 which I assume is the modern high for a second baseman.

Trusted Member
19 days ago
Reply to  tanana40

I’d love to see both Grich and Fregosi considered, but without somebody advocating for them neither will have that opportunity. Maybe a grass roots campaign might get them enough visibility sort of like Ron Santo.

Reply to  tanana40

I agree. I really want both Sweet Lou and Grich in.

Super Member
19 days ago

That HOF ballot looks more like a psychoanalyst’s all-time dream patient list. Can we get Billy Martin to manage them?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x