A minor setback for the Doyers and the thuggish nature of too many of their fans rears its ugly head.
I was impressed by how the Padres answered that CRAP by hitting 4 more homers after that. Way to answer the thugs, Padres!
MLB should force the Doyers to hire extra security for a possible Game 5 and if the “fans” do anything like that again: PA announcer will say they forfeit the game: season over. You cannot have thug-fans affecting the game like that. And the team should be held responsible for allowing that kind of crap to happen.
At any rate: 2 more losses and Dave Roberts is out of a job.
Thanks for commenting everyone. I finally turned on MLB. com. Sad to see Dodger fans acting that way, but showing their true blue colors. Hoodlum fans out of control. Spoiled with wining division every year with $$ team they don’t take losing very well. Go Padres. Only team that can upset Doyers..
A minor setback for the Doyers and the thuggish nature of too many of their fans rears its ugly head.
I was impressed by how the Padres answered that CRAP by hitting 4 more homers after that. Way to answer the thugs, Padres!
MLB should force the Doyers to hire extra security for a possible Game 5 and if the “fans” do anything like that again: PA announcer will say they forfeit the game: season over. You cannot have thug-fans affecting the game like that. And the team should be held responsible for allowing that kind of crap to happen.
At any rate: 2 more losses and Dave Roberts is out of a job.
A beat down!
Thanks for commenting everyone. I finally turned on MLB. com. Sad to see Dodger fans acting that way, but showing their true blue colors. Hoodlum fans out of control. Spoiled with wining division every year with $$ team they don’t take losing very well. Go Padres. Only team that can upset Doyers..
10-2 Padres!!!! Go home Dodger fans and try not to commit any felonies.
Uh oh. Here they come.
Imagine 10 consecutive solo shots to walk it off
I really don’t care who wins, I just want every series to go 5 games.
Always rooting for the maximum about of baseball.
Oh I care who wins this series
And the faster they win the better!
You know it’s over when Mary Fart departs
I’d be removing my Padres gear before heading to the car if I were SD fans.
Better safe than sorry.
Even if it means you have to walk to the car naked….take it off!
Undershirts are a thing lol
Not for everyone…
True, but at least you’d attract law enforcement to escort you
UPS drivers in danger tonight!!!
Took me a minute…
Batting Practice!!!
Oooops, Tatis bomb 10-1 Padres.
Tatis tattoo’d it
This is the best non-Angels playoff game I’ve ever seen.
Boom Kyle, 8-1 Padres!
get wrecked Dodgers
I hope he didn’t get iced with that delay
Chilled but not iced.
Shaken, but not stirred.
Straight up, chilled. (no ice)