All of the partisanship aside, I LOVE everything about Canada. The people are fantastic, the beer wonderful, the space incredible – I mean there are as many people in the whole country as live in California. Anyone who has never been to Banff needs to get there. Lake Victoria too. And Montreal is one of my favorite cities in the World. It’s nice to win but Im prepared to give a big hug to Canada to say sorry we mercied them and then go drink some Molson Brador together until we are pissed. Good on Canada. A wonderful Country.
All of the partisanship aside, I LOVE everything about Canada. The people are fantastic, the beer wonderful, the space incredible – I mean there are as many people in the whole country as live in California. Anyone who has never been to Banff needs to get there. Lake Victoria too. And Montreal is one of my favorite cities in the World. It’s nice to win but Im prepared to give a big hug to Canada to say sorry we mercied them and then go drink some Molson Brador together until we are pissed. Good on Canada. A wonderful Country.
And they love Cubans too.
Isn’t Lake Victoria in Africa?
I love watching Anderson hit.
He is the player I covet the most
Was hoping to end it there and keep arms available for Wednesday.
it certainly is enjoyable watching the Trout HR over and over on youtoob
Fox is really playing both sides of the scam advertising Draft Kings and then advertising gambling addiction recovery programs.
If this was a fight the ref would waive this off.
Jerry Quarry from Canada?
Buena Park is in Canada?
He sure liked knuckle sandwiches.
He’s from Shafter, CA. Went to school with my mom and aunts, is buried 30 feet from my grandfather.
Can someone fill us in on how the mercy rule is enforced?
Nevermind, Lana had a similar idea haha
Up 15 runs after 5 or 10 after 7
BTW You cant use the term “mercy” anymore its “early termination”
I picked a bad day to go out for dinner, missed everything. Weep. Come on Canada, keep It closer than 10. Too late.
When did they the mercy rule kicks in? Up 15 after the 5th inning?
yep and 10 after 7
Need 4 more runs so Mia can get her rest in tonite
LOLZ Canada
Are we having fun yet?
Good old fashioned ass whipping might loosen them up.
I’m much more relaxed after the Trout HR
Mark DeRosa is a genius!
Tony, too!
It’s a blitz, eh?
It is now
Oh Canada! America’s Hat!
Tonight they’re America’s bitch
Really hope Bratt has better days ahead. Kid was out in a ridiculously tough spot there.