LA Angels Tuesday News Crash:

Keynan Middleton got a Minor League deal with the White Sox. So did that A-hole Jake Marisnick.

Jorge Alfaro came to an agreement on a minor league deal with the Red Sox whereas Angel Sanchez got his with the Padres. So did Domingo Tapia. Austin Pruitt got his with the Athletics.

A Frank Thomas passed away. Possibly not the one you are thinking of. This one was the power hitting outfielder for the Pirates.

Photo credit: Rex Fregosi

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2 years ago

Just one question for the Board?

Why are you feeding the troll? Ignore him/her.

Trolls live attention (good or bad it doesn’t matter). So stop giving him/her what he/she is seeking!

2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

He won’t be ignored…Fan.

2 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

Ignoring is not up to him it’s up to us

Last edited 2 years ago by Fansince1971
Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Together We Achieve More…TWAM….wait a sec, I think messed this up…..

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Amen ‘71

Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

The question could also be asked
Why hasn’t the Troll been a warned/banned for violating the “vegas goodwill” rule?
The silence by the editors seems to encourage him

Jeff Joiner
2 years ago

Not warned publicly doesn’t constitute silence.

The act has grown stale and is being discussed.

Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I wouldnt expect the warning to be in public.

I’ve followed this community for a longtime and everytime I see 2002 post, I think to myself this is Halowood pt2 and the sequel sucks.

It just surprised me how much rope you guys seem to be giving him.


We need more transparency from the FO?

2 years ago

Easier and more effective to just to ignore

Last edited 2 years ago by Fansince1971
2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

You know that was my New Years resolution. Of course it got blown up in about 3 days.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Every court needs a jester.

red floyd
2 years ago

Hey! That’s MY job!

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Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Sorry, I’m lost. Who are you referring to?

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Scrolling down this thread a little bit should suffice to know the answer…

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Ignore threads and responses that are incoherent

I like what The Athletic does – it just hides and removes inappropriate comments once it is flagged and reviewed..

Reply to  RexFregosi

That’s a full time job…. our boys n girls do a great job here, but they all have actual jobs too, so that’s not gonna happen.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

We do know one thing about him. He has foolproof birth control. His personality.

Super Member
2 years ago

If I Was A Misguided Eighty Percenter………..IIWAMEP (Iwahmep LOL!!).
Hate anybody who’s better. Hate anybody who’s not a Angel.. Love and revere THE LEADER Love and revere a SS who’s really a average 2B and is in decline both on the field and physically. Love and revere a hard thrower who always has more losses than wins and should be converted to a closer like Eric Gagne was.
 💪  💪  💪  💪 

Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

and Scherzer & Greinke are just 2 examples of why you would never base a pitchers role on their W/L record.

Super Member
2 years ago

The least you should’ve done is mention Tyler Anderson who had a career year with the 2022 Dodgers who won 111 games. Zack Greinke won the 2009 AL Cy Young with a Royal’s team that lost 95 games. Sandy Alcantara went 14-9 with the 93 loss Marlins in 2022.

Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Thank you for reinforcing the point I was making. At points in their careers they had sub 500 W/L records and were still put into the rotation.

Last edited 2 years ago by SchofieldsWalkoff
Reply to  2002heaven

SHOW ME THE IIWPM BABY! So much opinion, you must have crazy good solutions. Please, don’t starve the world of your outsider incites and unclouded perspective as to what the Angels should do. A man that clicks the bold button as often as you do can’t be a total clown show pussy with no actual plan can he? Let’s see it.


No, he’s a clown. Please don’t feed Tootsie the Clown.

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Reply to  2002heaven

You forgot step #6. Log out and guest rec your own post.

Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Anybody who thinks W-L stat for pitchers is meaningful …

red floyd
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

You said “Bye” on a post on this story. So I chose to take you seriously about that. When are you leaving?

Super Member
2 years ago

to Charles Sutton
Darin Erstad also did a Pete Rose vs Ray Fosse against Atlanta Brave’s catcher Bobby Estrada in the mid 2000’s. Yep ran him over bad. Saw it live BTW. That stuff just happens from time to time. However to 80%er Nation it’s always on purpose when it happens to the Chargers/Angels/Moreno/Spanos’s, but not when we do it!!

2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

When someone like Marisnick runs over one of our guys, it’s the fan in us that comes out against the player that injures one of us. Add in that he was part of the cheating and always winning Astros, it’s as if salt has been added to the wound.

But you are not a fan of this team, so why do you care about the response to Marisnick’s name. You are very annoying to many here, but to me you’ve just become a non-relevant is all. You have nothing positive any longer to add and you are always negative, so my only question is why do you continue to post on this site?

Super Member
2 years ago

Fans are crazy and stupid many times.
Like Robert DeNiro in “The Fan” and Kathy Bates in the “Misery” movies.
Besides this blog has a large contingent who like to wallow in other’s failure all the time and that doesn’t seem to bother you………DOESN’T IT?

Reply to  2002heaven

You mean like how we’re all wallowing in your failure to produce an IIWPM so we can all see how you aren’t so stoopidz?

Reply to  2002heaven

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Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Plate collisions were legal when Erstad did it. Marisnick broke the rules. That’s a pretty key distinction. Also, Erstad slammed a guy who already had the ball and was already set up blocking the plate by continuing on Erstad’s present course. Marisnick had a clear line to the plate but chose to deviate from his course for the purpose of hitting a guy who was focused on trying to catch the ball.

In other words, Estrada knew the hit was coming because it was within the rules and he had a chance to both see the hit coming and prepare for it. In contrast, Marisnick broke the rules in order to blind side a guy who didn’t have a chance to prepare.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  AnAngelsFan

So was PED’s in the 1990’s and racism before Jackie Robinson.
The Art Of Routing A Herd…………By Me!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by 2002heaven
Reply to  2002heaven

The art of being all hat/no cowboy. Where’s that IIWPM at Tootie?

Reply to  2002heaven

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red floyd
2 years ago

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So, yes. He is.

Jeff Joiner
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

It’s almost like the rules of the game changed between Erstad and Marinsnick or something.


I like to vaguely follow the intl prospect lists, just like I enjoy the draft. It’s fun. But in both cases I pretty much don’t stress unless the Angels are getting a top five prospect in either pool. That seems to be the cut for any certainty. And even those cases you are only certain a lot of scouts have identified this guy as having ability that MIGHT lead to being a good MLB player.

For every Vlad Jr that CtPG guy just doesn’t know how to quit crying about there is a big old pile of Yadier Alvarez, Dermis Garcia, Yoelqui Cespedes and Kevin Maitan. Yes CtPG guy, many other teams manage to land top Intl signings that go nowhere. We just aren’t all that special bad.

Of course I’d want the team to spend all the money they can on “16 year old” prospects, but I totally understand the bulk signing mentality. I’d even like it if they’d actually have a plan for development that starts at DSL and allows them to look for specific tools in a kid and then sign them to build them into “our” players.

It’s just one more thing that PTP’s being allowed to build up the MiLB may help with. Without a “5 year plan” for these raw kids you kind of have to just be dazzled by a Baldo and sign him rather than targeting a dozen agile catchers, pitchers with easy deliveries and skinny kids who make contact well but can be bulked up into doubles hitters for example.

In the end though, outside say the top 10 prospects, I have no idea who any of these kids are, neither do pretty much any of the people talking about them for a living, and we should all just forget they exist until they turn 20 at least.

Super Member
2 years ago

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BYE!!!!! 💪  💪  💪  💪 

red floyd
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Don’t come back, then.

Reply to  2002heaven

Good Tootie, good…. those are indeed baseball players on other teams, neither of which was an intl signing. Veeerrry goooood. Now go suck on a cracker in your corner and watch cartoons.

Or better yet, work on that IIWPM we’re still waiting to see from you.

Reply to  2002heaven

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Reply to  smithy610

He’d be the one… only obstacle is that I just don’t see how any team can sustain a contract of that size for any long period of time. I mean hell, even the Dodgers and Yankees have to eventually come up for air when it comes to payroll.

It will be interesting to see. Pitchers as good as Shohei do indeed make 45M a year on short deals. Logically he should then be worth at least 50 a year. But, also logically, having that much cheese on one sandwich doesn’t make good sense.

Super Member
2 years ago

Is Ohtani worth more than Framber Valdez? Framber Valdez has a ring now.
 💪  💪  💪 

Reply to  2002heaven

When you Guest Rec your own comments does it actually make you feel good? Like someone out there agrees with you? Or does it just dig the canyon of self hatred and regret deeper and deeper?

Perhaps you could explain that to us as part of your introduction in your IIWPM?

2 years ago

Gitcho, Its not always just Toots who Guest Rec’s his own comments. I think he gets his mom to do it sometimes too.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

comment image/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/852?cb=20120919203256
Norman Bates’s Mom in the Basement!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by 2002heaven
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Still cashing her Social Security checks Twoots?

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  smithy610

Yeah, if you wanna miss the post season on purpose.
2002 Angels>>>>>>Mike Trout/Shohei Ohtani. I’ll take a World Series Championship team over HOF players who never won anything any day.
 💪  💪  💪 

Last edited 2 years ago by 2002heaven
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

So then why are such a Mariner fan & Dipoto lover, Tootfus? They’ve NEVER won shit.

Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

It has nothing to do with the Mariners
It’s all about the only successful executive this team had since 2003.
We haven’t won jack since 2003, just like Cleveland and Detroit in football or baseball in decades.. SEATTLE HAS AS MANY CHAMPIONSHIPS AS ANUHYME (SONICS IN 1979 AND THE SEAHAWKS IN 2014).
 💪  💪  💪  💪 ……BYE!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by 2002heaven
2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

It’s all about the only successful executive this team had since 2003.

Successful? In what way? In 10 years as a GM or the person in charge of baseball operations, how many World Series have Jer Jer’s teams won? (0) How many World Series appearances have his teams made? (0) In fact what is the overall playoff record of his teams (2-6)

I know how hard it is for your brain to function to I provided you with the Pretty Pathetic Answers to these questions.

Let’s face it, Twoots. You worship losers a hell of alot more than anyone else on this site and we’re tired of this worn out schtick. So take your sycophantic loser ways and get the hell out of here once and for All.


Super Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

More than Billy Eppler and Perry.
How many trips to the post season has this team had since 2009?(Arturo inherited this success and organization one year after buying it from Disney and winning the World Series the hemorrhaging started shortly thereafter by many good baseball people. You’ll see once this team is sold and all the bad BTS reporting comes forward).. We all knew about the swamp Donald Sterling was running, but nothing happened to him until that infamous Instagram video with V Stiviano. Roger Lodge hopefully will be replaced by Travis Rogers and then we can listen to real baseball news. BTW I’ve never heard a Angel’s Farm Report like I do all the time at 570 or 710, gee wonder why? Because our farm system is the parking lot of a Home Depot or a EDD office….

Reply to  2002heaven

This team has had more trips to the post season since 2009 than you have posted IIWPMs since 2009.

Wait to

2 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Really? Perry has been a GM for how long? Where your fantasy man has been at it now for OVER 10 YEARS.

Man your infatuation is clouding your judgement Twoots.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

I see a chance for the Angels to leave Salt Lake. I am very interested to see where Perry sends Adell and Moniak. He was aggressive in promoting pitchers from AA to the majors. I think a lot has to do with the elevation. There seemed to be a pattern of pitchers being better at AA then stop developing at AAA. I wonder if the change in break of the sliders etc have anything to do with it. Likewise on the batting side, there is the inflated power numbers from the high elevation. Guys mashing in AAA getting away with bad habits. I wonder if Jo Adell had spent significant time in AA he would be a more disciplined hitter. Plus on the Trash Pandas, they are facing better pitching prospects.

2 years ago
Reply to  DMAGZ13

Salt Lake has almost always resulted in unreliable stats. It’s a band box. So many have had success there but failed at the MLB level. Interesting thought re effect of its 4,000-plus foot elevation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Bill James had some sort of predictor that was, as I recall, fairly accurate. It’s been years since I had that book.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

So is Reno & Albercrackee. Even Vegas is kind of a band box. I would really like to see the Angels move but where would they move to? Maybe Portland? The international league is too far away. Maybe the Angels can go back to Vancouver or Edmonton But Vancouver would probably need a dome and Edmonton is too far away.

Now that MLB controls all the minor leagues it’s probably pretty had to just pick up and move one of your affiliates.But it seems pretty ridiculous when you have to bypass your AAA affiliate over your AA Affiliate because you think its a better overall program.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cowboy26
Reply to  DMAGZ13

What is this chance they could leave SLC?

I’d love if they got out of there. It makes great sense for teams like the Rockies or DBags to have a team there, but not our guys at just about see level.

That, or learn how to teach pitchers to be better via the handicap of thin air…. learn how to throw all your pitches below AAA and then just use SLC as a hell camp where they have to learn to pitch without their best stuff. Fat chance of that.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

At least the Bees are getting a new stadium

2 years ago

Good morning my friends, short work week. Tom Brady showing his age, time to hang them up. Cowboys over Tampa. Chargers went down and hard, but comebacks do happen, just hard to accept in a playoff game.

Thankfully the 3-day weekend in a tourist down is over. Folks from down the hill have an impossible time learning on the go of how-to drive-in ice and snow. Wet heavy snow turns to slush and then ice and the worst, Black Ice. Slip and slide like Andy Clyde. Cars coming at me from the left of me and cars coming from the right of me and here I am stuck in the middle with you type action in the parking lots.

I got my full of Football this weekend though, well at least until next weekend. 😀  🏈 

Super Bowl 🏈  then Spring Training and all that leads straight into March Madness Baby 🏀  and then Opening Day which means Winter is finally ova 🎵  🎶  🎧 and no more shoveling snow.

Have a great day, I know I will, got lots of snow to shovel.

Jim Atkins
Super Member
2 years ago

Just came in from taking the dogette out and the mountains to the west are totally covered in snow. Way cool view made much cooler by not having to shovel it!