Blowpen Clinches 5-3 Loss in Texas

On a good team you never know who is going to step up to help the team win that night.

On a bad team you never know who is going to step up and blow the game. This afternoon the answer to that was Jose Quijada who gave up a 2 run bomb in the bottom of the 8th to put Texas ahead 5-3.

He did get plenty of help from Aaron Loup who was on the hill as the second and third runs were scored for the Rangers.

Really, the type of team effort we’ve come to expect from this year’s bullpen.

Michael Lorenzen had a pretty solid start, some dudes got some hits, but blowpen will blowpen.

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2 years ago

Was just thinking- the Nationals won the WS 3 years ago. Now they are the worst team in baseball.

What would you prefer:

climbing to the top of Everest and then crashing down ti earth?


Climbing to 5,000 feet and then hiking around the mountain never getting close to the top?

Reply to  Fansince1971

Durr dur dee ah preefer nah Arte.

2 years ago

Loup has been horrible this year. Which probably means that he will be lights out next year.

2 years ago

I’ve lost track of what the dream is. A 77 win season? Something like that. I don’t think they’ll avoid losing 90.

2 years ago

Awwww – poor guy. I prefer to look at it like a 97 loss season is still in play!


Dear Aaron Loup,

WTF happened to you? Sure, last season was fluky good, but no one anywhere was thinking you’d reproduce those numbers. Still, you weren’t a flash in the pan. You had two very good seasons before this one. Hell, even this year your stats aren’t THAT bad at first glance. WHIP is probably the most important thing for a relief pitcher since inherited runners don’t count against your ERA. Yours is basically 1.3. Not so bad. But Jeebz man, all that means is that, seemingly, every hit or walk you give up serves to punch us right in the balls! Do you just hate winning? Are you drunk? Has the Ju Ju gotten you? Did your dog die? You f*** up so many games, I figure your ERA must be 5.00 and your WHIPs around 3.00 but noooooo… you just suck at exactly the moments you need to hold your weak ass chin steady and not inhale.

Please Aaron. You’re gonna likely be back next year. Maybe watch Top Gun a few times and try to figure out how to accept success again.

Thank you and please eat a bag of dicks.

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Loup is Poop

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Loup = Cishek pt 2

John Henry Weitzel
Super Member
2 years ago

I forgeot the game was in the morning. Tomorrow’s game is the one at 5.

Shit, why do we have morning games midweek anyway? There are so many this year it makes no sense

2 years ago

The common drinking phrase comes to mind … “It’s noon somewhere”

Trusted Member
2 years ago

Getaway days. Traveling team gets a break with a next day game in another city. Used to happen a lot more often, “Businessman Special” games at 1:15 mid-week. Play hookie to watch baseball in the daytime, on a weekday – nothing finer!

Reply to  Marcotor

All you have to do is want to watch a baseball team…. I’d rather be at work getting paid than sit through the ass end of this team’s season.

2 years ago


Trusted Member
2 years ago
Reply to  Mia

Word Playa 😂

2 years ago
Reply to  Marcotor

“Businessman’s torture” in our case


The Angels opponents like to do their killing before breakfast