Frankie Montas had a quality start yesterday. So what. The Angels won.
The Reds pitched an approximate no-hitter yesterday and still managed to lose it. Jose Quintana pitched on the winning side. Adam Wainwright is back from the IL and Packy Naughton was optioned in a corresponding move. Well, actually Naughton was optioned because of Drew VerHagen, but you know what I mean.
The Cubs reinstated Andrelton Simmons from the injured list.
Photo credit: Rex Fregosi
That story about the stadium feels like it has potential to be pretty large.
I know people’s first reaction is it’s the Mayor and not the Angels but if it has any truth to it who exactly do we think is bribing the mayor to give the Angels and their investment partners a better deal?
I’m sure grich will find a way to snark at anyone possibly seeing how this could become a problem but it would be nice to have, like, a single season where there isn’t a crazy scandal involving this team.
It normally takes 2 to Tango. But as politicized as everything is now a days. I will reserve judgement until we get a clearer picture of what is really been happening. A faction in the City has been against this development project since its inception. There are obviously those at the state level that would have similar feelings. I have to wonder about the timing of this coming out of left field with the big guns after it appeared that each party had reached an amicable settlement.
Lets hope we wont be forced to watch our Angels play in Sin City . But if that happens at least we know that Jo Adell would then be a key offensive contributor.
The Angels in Sin City?
It just does not fit. It is not right.
Same lineup as yesterday except that Romine is at C.
I thought it was kind of funny when beat writers before the season were worried about getting Ward and Wade mixed up….. then it got into the season and I’ve been messing up.
I saw today’s lineup and said “why is wade leading off and ward out again?” only to backtrack and realize Wade was further down the lineup.
I also get Marsh and Walsh mixed up way more than I’d like to admit.
This site is funny. 11 games over ,500 in mid-May and playing strong baseball. But many comments are still negative. The team just took 3 of 4 in Oakland! In Oakland! It’s like if they are not 162-0 there are complaints.
I like the UK pronunciation…
Why does this shock you? Could you imagine if we were all around here back in 2002?
With a 6-14 start, the site would have been abandoned by the 20th game.
seems a bit odd the LAT reported over the weekend the state has some issues with Arte’s deal and told the city of Anaheim to reject (?)
and not a word of this story/objection is in the OCR…….
The State was like “Wait a minute there, it hasn’t been made clear to us how we can get a bunch of money out of this. Is there any way we can have our family members buy this land, then sell it to the state for a huge mark up, and then we sell it to Arte at another huge mark up, so we can then invest that money into green energy companies that friends of ours own and our kids work at, all while building 1/4 of a stadium that sits more dogs than people?”
Now the LAT reporting State AG wants the deal put on hold for a corruption probe of Sidhu
Yup. Oh boy.
Detmers is AL player of the week. Congrats!
The Bad news is they didn’t sweep, The good news is we expected a sweep.
Random story but does anybody remember when people were saying Ward had basically no value a few years ago, insane turn around for the guy.
Yes, thanks to Dipo The Antichrist in coffee and Microsoft land for that.
I’ll never hate that guy.
Hey Dipo,
Thanks for Ward. In the future I highly recommend using your #1 pick on a guy that doesn’t take 6 years to develop, with 3 or 4 positions changes, that you almost gave up on, only to have him become what appears to be a potential Allstar almost overnight, only because he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for horrible base running and bad defensive in the OF, not sure what else.
But we’ll take it. Thanks again.
Roberto Baldoquin. ‘nuf said
Walking out middle of the season- ‘nuf said.
Ruminating over Scioscia – ruining Thanksgiving dinner- ‘nuf said.
I think most of us have to admit to that. Defense first catchers who get drafted in the first round that don’t stick at catcher aren’t going to be fan favorites. I never disliked the guy but also never saw this coming.
Certainly, no one expected him to be an offensive powerhouse (even for just a month and change.). I definitely didn’t.
2014 season……….98-64 best record in MLB.
Until the Kansas City Royals showed up.
😢 😢
Post seasons can be that way where the best regular season teams don’t always win. The Angels were definitely a dark horse as far as winning the World Series in 2002 but they got hot and added K-Rod which made all the difference.
KC got some timely hits and their bullpen was lethal.
So was KC’s defense. The timely hits came late in the games when we ran out of bullpen pieces in extra innings.
I remember Cain doing things that shouldn’t be possible in that series. I’m not ashamed to believe that, at least that week, the better team won
Let us not forget Aoki’s blind catch.
The baseball gods decided to shit on us. Or else, KC’s contract with the devil was in effect.
It was not about “getting hot.” That is so stupid, so ridiculous. The Angels won 99 games that season. If anybody thought they were a “darkhorse” it was only because they MFY were over-rated and/or they were not paying attention (the Angels being a West Coast team and all)!
Toronto and Seattle both didn’t make the playoffs last year and both won 91 and 90 games each. Meanwhile the World Champion Braves won 88 games.
King Humberto II. King of Piedmont until Italy happened… equally pertinent.
Is that Wade Ikeman?
The pitching was absolutely DECIMATED. That team limped into the postseason and Soth threw Hamilton in and torpedo’d the offense as well.
You are a jerk 2002. Just go away. Please.
If the 2022 Angels make the playoffs, will you promise to disappear? I’ll promise to disappear if they don’t. Deal?
Yah I really should believe that.
Trolls gotta troll
You outta know. From experience……..
I do hope that Simba gets his head together and plays great this year for the Cub, Angels or some Major League Baseball team.
I have the same hope. But I also followed him on social media. Dude loves his conspiracy theories. If I actually thought even 1% of that was true, I’d be depressed too.
I know a few that go down that road pretty hard…. If a story isn’t interesting and fantastical then its not true. Tough way to view things.
I mean, this alone is enough not to care about the guy. He’s a conspiracy wacko
Couldn’t care less about Simba. Happy trails
One of the things I like most this year is the Team Chemistry which does not necessarily show up in the advanced metrics but is clearly real.
Pujols is gone.
Ding dong the Poo holes is gone!
I start singing and clicking my heels every time.
I like the story in The Athletic about the longtime Lorenzen/Wallach friendship going back to HS in Anaheim. I’m cool with keeping him on the roster when Suzuki is ready to come back.
Does anybody think Gramps would’ve volunteered to pitch when he was a Halo?
Shit Yea. Grandpa Baseball can do anything.
Damn right 😆 😃 😀
The Rendon v. RenDone highlight the reduced offense this season. A .227/.324/.387 slash line looks pretty bad, but the wRC+ of 113 indicates that is 13% better than league average this season.
in the Oakland series he was 6 for 13 with 2 doubles only one strike out and a couple of key at bats.Lets hope this trend continues over the next few weeks.
The deal with that is that contract is just a tad more than 13% over league average and doesn’t go away for a very long time.
A Monday Morning Blast spectacular.
Michele Tafoya hates this. How can anyone hate this?
I’ll bite my tongue when it comes to Michele Tafoya.
My late mom…….If you don’t have something good to say about somebody, then don’t say anything at all.
is that why you hate our front office so much and post about other players? seems odd
Now Thats hypocritical bullshit. If you really believed that you wouldn’t spend half of your waking hours ( the other half on the can obviously) denigrating Arte and everyone else here that loves this organization despite its flaws.
Come-on Toots. follow your family’s own mantra and don’t say anything at all EVAH.
Looks like need some……….badly
Too bad your late mom didn’t tell that to Michele Tafoya
I love it when you get snarky
You should listen to your late mom
I have, when was the last time I replied to you other than now?
She did not raise you to be a troll. That was your decision.
I love that you don’t want people replying to you.
Get a grip.
I am afraid I am out of the loop…
What the hell is going on with Michele Tafoya ?
Didn’t you get the memo? An Angels broadcast is supposed to talk about the Chowds and the MFY all the time, even when the Angels are playing the A’ss.
Matty V said hello…
Matty who?
Seriously not missing that guy. I’m not saying Patrick is the best things since sliced bread, or even since Victor, but he is doing a decent enough job. Yes, I’m biased as a Kings fan. 😀
Where has he been? Thought he’d make it here for the Oakland series. .
Matty V was the one who was banging on those trash cans?
Get over it dammit. BTW whatever happened to all the hate on Quirky Joe and Max Stassi? Then Albert and Dipoto both became Antichrists. Stoopid ain’t it. Lets give thanks to good umpiring too anytime we win. Anything else jeenius? bet you still can’t catch either.
Fizz and Hud say hello!
Pretty hilarious coming from a sideline reporter with nothing ever interesting or important to say. Go away Tafoya
So has Aaron Lately…..
Best part of this video, audio or visual?
I think they’re both good. The fact his wing basically looks the same and has the same sound each time.
What got me was how much loft he gets on his HRs. Not too many top spin line drives in that mix.
Good morning my friends, the Angels took care of business over the weekend by winning 3 out of 4 games against the A’s who have been known to give us a tough time in the past. Have to beat the poorer teams along with the tougher teams to get where we are going. We have to win in April and May just like winning in August and September.
Jump on the Win Train for the ToD today and don’t look back as we roll down the line.
Yuckees got only 2 hits yesterday and 5 runs for a win. A pitched no hitter and still you lose the game. Well Baseball is a Wild Game where anything can, and just when you think you have seen it all, you haven’t.
Yes indeed. Baseball is a crazy game… anything can happen, but it usually doesn’t.
Finally…pants optional baseball.
Life as it’s meant to be.
Is Flatulence Fun Night sponsored by Taco Bell? If not, someone from their promotions department is missing a golden opportunity.
With TacoBell’s Canon in D playing in the background.
Performed by highly tuned flatulence.
Orchestra conducted by William J. LePetomane.
Horn section is ready to, uh, go
Hey Tooty Toots . they’re calling you.
Wow, Yoo must reelly hate mee. 😆 😆
Aren’t any Kudos due for Dipoto for Taylor Ward or you just being obstinate again. How about some for Joe since I know for a fact you spent the better part of all of 2021 bashing him for his pitching moves. You should eat a Mission Burrito made of Rocky Mountain Oysters.
No smoking allowed?
This is amazing, and now I want to take a trip to Savannah.
I love the Bananas. Hope they come out west sometime.
They have to do a special performance for Lana.
Theme song already in the can.
Punk version is better.
Loved them as a kid!
Fun trivia – Richard Donner directed most of the Danger Island segments. He went on to direct The Omen, the Lethal Weapon movies, Superman and a ton more.
Went to a KBO game in Seoul over the weekend… holy cow. If you’ve never been, I highly recommend. Never seen such an intense crowd. One side of the stadium is sold to the home team, the other to the away team. Both have MC’s/cheerleaders/drummers (but not like the annoying A’s fans) and from first pitch to last pitch I’ve never seen such a fun crowd. I’m talking cheering like Ohtani just hit a grand slam over a simple single/out caught. And then there’s the food/beer which was also a plus. Just… get out here sometime and you’ll never look at any American sporting event the same (save for maybe college football at times).
That’s awesome. I went to a game in Tokyo a few years back and had a similar experience. They had different chants and songs for all 9 players in the lineup and kept the energy up the whole game.
I too have experienced Japanese baseball. I went to a couple of games in 2015. It was the Pacific League. My team was the Saitama Seibu Lions. The crowds were great, similar to a good college football crowd, with chants and songs etc.
Great experience.
Love me some Lions!
Yup! I had to ask what they were singing and found it awesome how each player had their own chant/song within the crowd.
I have family in Seoul, we visit every few years but haven’t been to a game there since I was a kid.
Gotta get back there. Glad you had fun!
Mia is a ‘legend’ now, wow 😯 😮
If we were all at the same work place, would she be know as the one that never stops talking?
We’ll annoy, tease, bug, etc… her, because, she’s the bratty baby sister. But she’s OUR bratty baby sister, and we’ll beat up anyone else who bothers her.
CtPG: putting the FUN in dysFUNctional family since 2019!
I believe I cut her hair and broke her Favorite toy when we were kids
I don’t know, but I do know she’s a legend