The White Sox and Astros play, followed by the Red Sox and Rays. Under ratings logic, the Central Time Zone game goes first, and the Eastern Time Zone goes later. Go figure.
The White Sox and Astros play, followed by the Red Sox and Rays. Under ratings logic, the Central Time Zone game goes first, and the Eastern Time Zone goes later. Go figure.
Since I want Houston and Chicago to lose I think the best would be for their series to go five and disrupt their pitching so Tampa (please!!) Will have an easier time in the ALDS
And the Rays crush the Sux. As it was meant to be. How do you like those beans, Sux fans? Angels games when they are playing the Sux, and their transplant fans show up, are horrible.
Hahaha fuck Boston.
Stealing home in the ALDS lmao
Lmao yoooo. I was like, “okay he’s breaking for home to be cute” and two pitches later I forgot all about him.. as did the red Sox apparently
I’m not saying I’d like to kill John Smoltz. Or even that I wish him dead. That would be extreme. I just wish there was a drug that would permanently disable a guy’s ability to speak. Then I’d drop everything in my life, move to wherever he lives, a one-man sleeper cell, and get a job in the restaurant he frequents most. I’d work way way up from busboy to dishwasher to waiter. Then, I’d slip it in his drink.
Too extreme? Y? N?
I’d watch that movie
Will it work on both sexes? (at least the main 2?)
now up, Nelson “Pardon Me While I Take My ‘Medicine'” Cruz
It’s a real pain in the ass
Matt V is quitting his job at ESPN on Sunday. Does that mean he is going to spend more time with the Angels or less time?
Since he likes to work remotely maybe the A’ss will hire him? I’m not sharing him with the A’ss. They can have him.
I was just watching, on youtube, the Rich Eisen show and David Samson (former Prez of the Marlins) said, in no uncertain terms, the Angels have long had an agreement with Shohei to extend him to a large contract. Ok.
Well, that would be great news if true.
David Samson? You mean the guy who helped his Step father defraud the City of Miami and Dade County? I believe everything he says.
well now I’ve gotta go read what *that’s* all about!
Huh. Interesting
I am once again calling out Nelson Cruz for still benefitting from his PED use into his 40s.
I bet he’d test clean now, but the advantage is still there.
Same thing happened to David Ortiz.
Big Pill Poppi?
I completely agree with you. The illegal substance stays in their system far beyond the penalty.
some players hit wind-aided HRs, some hit steroids-aided HRs.
The Rays are too good to have to host playoff games in this stadium. It looks so damn drab on TV
just the one batter. Good. Now I can go back to hoping the Sux pitcher gets rocked.
He grew his hair back out. Looks like a rookie again
That hit by Renfroe reminded me of Don Baylor- he’d hit it so hard, it would rocket to right, bounce off the wall back to the fielder, and Groove would end up with a Warp 5 single. Let’s go Rays!!
Let’s go Tampa!
pretty sure I’ll be rooting against the winner of this series in the ALCS, even if the Sux are in it.
Oh god AJ Pierzynski is doing color commentary, gross.
Glad I’m not watching.
I want neither team to score but that would mean both teams are pitching well and I’d like all the pitchers to get hit hard but that would mean both teams would score, which I don’t want.
how about a bunch of errors, a bunch of hits, and a bunch of TOOTBLANs?
this is really funny. I see Lynn walked a batter and, because I want Lynn to do badly, I think “good!” and then I remember an Astro got on base and I think “oh f—!” The best thing to do is walk away from this series.
Lots of hits, errors, GIDP, LOBsters?
Wish McCullers was a FA after this season (he is good). At least, with the new contract, he gets more expensive moving forward – they can’t keep paying all of those players moving forward, and their window is clearly closing.
McCullers criminally underrated…due to injury and the fact that he was the #3 on the Astros their last few postseason trips
And he’s an asshole
one of the interesting things about the white sox is all their FA signings (Lynn, Hendriks) have basically worked out
if only we could have that…
they started with a good plan in 2020, I think it was. They went after guys and got ’em, while other teams (cough..) didn’t. Maybe I misremember but I believe they signed players quickly while others (cough…again) dithered.
Like I would’ve been so mad if we signed that Hendriks deal, but…can’t deny he’s been worth the $$ so far
It isn’t usually the first year, but the backend that gets you.
K on Altuve! That is a good start.
now *this* game needs a meteor!