LA Angels Weekend News Crash: Baseball is Back!

Welcome back from the All Star break! MLB features a full slate of games this weekend as we gear up towards the trade deadline and post season.

If there’s one thing the All Star break proved it is that Shohei Ohtani is the new face of baseball, just ask baseball.

Want some proof? Ratings for the Home Run Derby were the highest since 2017.

As much as we love Shohei, let’s take a minute to appreciate the incredible story and journey of Trey Mancini. His making the Derby at all seemed impossible last year. He won the entire thing just by being there. He described the experience as “surreal.”

Now that we are back to baseball:

The Angels host division rival Seattle for three games this weekend and top Mariners prospect Jarred Kelenic will be promoted for this series.

The Yankees and Red Sox provide further proof that we aren’t quite out of the Covid-19 woods yet. Still a good idea to be a little smart, folks.

Turns out Yankee All Star Aaron Judge returned from the ASG and tested positive for Covid. Let’s hope his fellow All Stars were spared. It is Friday afternoon so don’t be surprised if there are multiple updates on this one.

Draft coverage here was cracking. Multiple threads, hundreds of comments, and mostly positive vibes as the Angels drafted arm after arm.

Fangraphs does a phenomenal job wrapping up some odds and ends and brings up a point we hadn’t yet considered: College pitchers are most likely going to be shut down so the Angels won’t need to release many current minor league players like most clubs will.

Of course the Angels selected 19 college pitchers out of 20 total pitchers. Swanson anticipates signing all of them and the Angels set a record for number of pitchers selected in a single draft.

The name at the top of the draft was Sam Bachman despite the availability of Kumar Rocker. Why did the Angels make Bachman their highest draft selection in 24 years?

I know this was linked in Turk’s draft coverage, but I really like this piece on third round pick Landon Marceaux and have a feeling most of us missed it.

Sorry for the short links. Rates are low so business is way up. Please fill in what I missed below.

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3 years ago
3 years ago

in minor league news, homers by Marsh and Lund in an otherwise very forgettable Salt Lake City loss. Marsh with an 8 game hitting streak, now up to .255. I think he was at .195 or so when he came off the IL. Slegers going today. Oh boy! Detmers, too, in AA.

3 years ago

Ohtani donated his $150,000 HR Derby money to Angels employees

Super Member
3 years ago


Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  eyespy

That probably made Arte angry.

How dare you give them money!!
They don’t deserve it!

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

They need to work for it, next they will ask for gifts on XMas.

3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by Twebur
Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

We were all expecting this about Rendone

3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

No Upton either, smh. We’ll be lucky to see our favorite corpulent OF again this season with the way things are going

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to 

I wonder if the vets like Rendon and Upton and Trout are in cahoots and this is their form of rebellion against the org? I mean, all three ostensibly had “minor” injuries, and ALL of them have continually been pushed back.

This is starting to smell very fishy….

Last edited 3 years ago by JackFrost
3 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

So the animal doctors in the community that like our high priced stars are part of some giant Dr Doolittle QAnimal Anti Angel conspiracy?

Wow this is getting good.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

it’s similar to if I only have 2 minutes to live let them be the last 2 minutes of an NBA game.

red floyd
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

comment image

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

You’ve got to be kidding me, right?

Just what was this “set-back?”

He was taking it slow as it was, so why in the hell a “set-back?” I am getting very sick of Rendone. I have tried to be patient and have given him the benefit of the doubt, but I am about fed up with him. I get the feeling he does not want to be on the field.

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost

They finally read the report right side up, and “Ohhhhhhhhhh, that’s what that means.”

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

He always exceeds even my pessimistic expectations.

3 years ago

Question: What’s up with that “2002” guy? He just posts random incoherent shit then a headshot of a player he likes. At first i thought it was a CtPG meme that i wasn’t privy to, but now, I dunno man.

Is he ok? Does he need help?

3 years ago
Reply to 

I’ll also add that I understand how difficult to moderate an online community, so I sympathize with the folks running the site, but I appreciated how heavy-handed the mods at HH were with the banhammer when it came to trolls and insufferable posters.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to 

I don’t think anything is wrong with him, except that he is plagued with the unique and rare gift of hindsight. He uses said gift in evil and demented ways, as you have clearly noticed. If only he chose to use his powers for good and positivity I think this site, and the world, would be a better place.

Another way to look at it is every sports blog needs someone spitting out incoherency to keep things spicy. Every blog needs a Halowood.

3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

Hey nice to see you still around, my dude! Every now and then I see some of the oldheads pop up in these parts and it warms my cold, playoff-deprived heart.

Anyone heard from Phislamma lately?

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to 

You too my friend. Not sure about Phi, but I miss him and several of the other older crew. Suboptimal always gave good content. And I miss Wihalofan’s comics. I’m sure he’d be able to do a pretty damn good one on Ohtani, since the guy is basically a superhero already.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Thanks JJ. I come here often to read stuff, just hardly post. Maybe that’ll change if the Halos can stay interesting. Hope you’re well.

Reply to  2pints

HALOWOOD! Oh the hurrs, so much derrs! At least I understood what Halowwod was getting at and that it was stupid.
comment image

Last edited 3 years ago by gitchogritchoffmypettis
Trusted Member
3 years ago

What if Halowood invented Doge Coin after those memes directed at him back at HH and is now a billionaire? Then he buys the Angels next year and has the last laugh.

Reply to  2pints

I’m not gonna lie, I’d have to just roll with that, it would be very impressive.

Super Member
3 years ago

I’ll be up in RF if any if you panthers wanna meet up for a chat tonight. A group of 30 of us will be there.

3 years ago

Cubs are dismantling…Perry, go get Ryan Tepera. Will not cost much if anything, FA next year as not as flashy as Rodriguez. Get more just like him.

Super Member
3 years ago

Interesting there is no mention of RenDone returning. I will continue to bang the drum that he is the new Gramps, a rapidly aging washout, winding down his career with $240 million of Arte’s money, while giving the franchise an excuse for why they don’t sign any usable SP, recent draft choices notwithstanding.

3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

He’s eligible to play today so it will be interesting to see the lineup.

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

If he misses any more than one or two more games I think I might join the anti-Rendon bandwagon, otherwise known as the “RenDONE Club.”

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

So you plan to continue posting the same negative assessment over and over here? Sweet, looking forward to it.

Seems this drum will be about as annoying as the guy at A’s games.

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

I am annoyed by RenDone, but I will try not to annoy you.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

I’m definitely iffy on Rendon, but I’m going to be that when the season is over it’ll come out he has a fractured knee

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

but calling him RenDone annoys me

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

Like Gramps, it perfectly describes him.

3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

Cut him some slack. While I don’t know where else he posted this tidbit of joy at least it isnt the drum of “we missed on Kumar Rocker” comment any longer.

Reply to  MarineLayer

Rendon just turned 31 years-old on 6/6/21. Putting him in the same bucket as Pujols, especially since Pujols has known concerns with the accuracy with his birth certificate, seems a bit extreme…..

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Maybe they cook the birthdate books in Harris County?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Two years younger, 3 years less on his contract. That’s a +5 better than Albert’s deal, only half the Bitching Seasons that Alert gave us. This group needs high paid under performing whipping boy.

I’m buying Redon stock at this low, low price.

Reply to  Twebur

But haven’t you heard? He’s done.

3 years ago

Jeff – I would say ‘be a lot smart’ when it comes to Covid. I truly hate to say it but this is far from over. With rates up significantly, LA is now requiring masks again indoors. Why there was tolerance for indoor non-masking for ‘vaxxed’ individuals with no checking of proof of vaccination, I will never know. All of this seems like one big cluster-f.

Not trying to preach here and those who don’t want to get vaxxed – well I am not going to comment. But masking indoors and outdoors, particularly in crowded situations like baseball games, is the only way to prevent the increased spread if 50% of the population is going to remain adamant about not being vaxxed.

Please, everyone, take the simple step of wearing a mask and keeping your life decisions to yourselves. Since we are officially in a “you do you” world – masking up is the minimal thing we can do to help prevent another lockdown situation (which could very much happen with the Delta variant).

By the way, as an aside, can you all imagine where we would be if our greatest generation had not banded together and instead decided “you do you” and not thought about broader societal interests?

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Thanks Dr Fauci.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

Well that is quite telling.

Reply to  Fansince1971

Yup. When I look at today’s compliant American all I can think is “Yup, that’s definitely what my grandpa and all his contemporaries would have done.”

Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Yeahhhh. Covid’s not WWII at all.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

I’m sure the generation that lived through the Spanish Flu had sacrifices, much more than what we’ve gone through. They didn’t even have TV or the internet to occupy themselves while stuck at home. I couldn’t imagine how much worse this past year+ would’ve been without our easily attainable entertainment and ability to still connect with one another digitally. But I guess since that generation is further away from our own they don’t get lauded quite as much, even though they fought in WWI. So perhaps you’re comparing the wrong generations? I don’t know.

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

He’s just on the other side with his comments. Until he isn’t.

Right now I’m having a difficult time understanding where his argument is coming from.

Is it worse than, or not worse as WWII?

I brought up the possible death toll of not doing anything. And took it as if the pandemic was over, and could never fathom that a little more than one percent of the population would perish.

He went all ape about how smart he was, and denied it religiously that 4 million would have died.

He just posts things for replies. And trolls certain members to get some action going.

He really has no views that he is able to stick behind.

Reply to  eyespy

That’s me. A different view on the same topic all the time. Just a blade of grass in the wind. Religiously going ape about something, then apeishly religious to the other side of the topic the next day, all so I can sucker guys like you into awesome replies so I can see your incredible thoughts.

Reply to  2pints

What I meant was WWII was us responding directly to military aggression in a war that was to decide who runs the world. The Spanish Flu (or Kansas flu, poor Spain got the shaft on that one) killed ,70% of the population, mostly healthy young people. Covid, .0017% of the population, mostly people with underlying conditions, some with underlying conditions like another disease actually doing the killing, being shot, drowned, or killed in a car accident.

I’m saying Covid 19 isn’t close to the threat that those two events were. My contention is/has been that, while the death toll would have been higher, it wouldn’t have been by that much more if we’d just carried on with life, took normal “flu season” precautions, stayed home in bed for a while if we got it, gotten a lot of population exposed and healed fast, and then vaccinated everyone who wants it when it was ready. Instead we took really drastic measures, a lot of them purely theatrical, which are going to do a lot of damage to our society over the next decade or so.

In short, it’s just not that deadly a virus and we never needed to treat it like it’s the Great Influenza much less WWII.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

Appreciate the explanation. I’d counter though that if we just did the minimum and treated it like flu season, instead of over 600k Americans dead (as of recent numbers), the numbers would be much much higher than that. The negative effect of the precautions done may be tough for many in the coming years, and I sympathize with that, but so would the death of several hundred thousand, possibly millions, more Americans that would’ve happened if things have gone the way you’re saying you think they should have.

Preservation of life is the ultimate goal, and I’d argue much of the precautions done achieved that. It wasn’t perfect, but its not like there is a playbook on how the government should react to a new pandemic (oh wait).  😉 

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

The other problem is that there were relatively simple mitigation measures for the impacts of the lockdowns available to use. Namely: sustained stimulus payments for the duration of the crisis. Every other major industrialized country did something along these lines. We spent a year with one party almost religiously opposed to these solutions or seemingly any COVID measures at all, and like a third to half the other party nervous about it because of optics and some weird belief that people out of work during an emergency care about “bipartisanship” more than solving problems.

I’m sympathetic to the shit people went through when their jobs shut down. My brother lost the one he had at the time and had to move his family in with our parents. But, even he agrees with me on this, there were easy solutions to this problem the whole time. That was not the case for COVID itself until this January.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

Interestingly there was an anti-mask group during the 1918 flu outbreak as well.

Super Member
3 years ago

Our parents and grandparents eliminated smallpox and polio and reduced things like measles, saving their kids and grandkids a lot of unnecessary hardship by complying.

Kinda glad they did. But congrats on being a smart big boy who doesn’t comply.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

Right, it’s actually much simpler, or could’ve been. Like using a seatbelt, wearing shoes in the store, getting a drivers license, or taking the same vaccines we all took however many years ago to go to public school…

…oh wait, those are “iNfRiNgEmEnTs On MuH rIgHtS” now too.

Jeff’s general point is right. If WWII happened today, the Allies would lose handily. America would probably still be around because we’re too damn far away, but we’d eventually implode because around 50% of our population would believe the Axis was a deflection from a pedophile ring in FDR’s basement, the concentration camp refugees were crisis actors paid by the French and the USSR, and the Pearl Harbor vets were “rubes who shouldn’t have gotten surprise attacked,” among other nonsense they heard on YouRadio. And they’d actively resist or even sabotage efforts to win the war as a result in a demonstration of their freedumb and red-pilledness.

Enjoy your new normal and whatever comes next, folks. We’ve earned it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Commander_Nate

So what you are saying is, if we had our shit together we should be making plans to invade China before they invade us.

Got it.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

Pearl Harbor me once, shame on you. Pearl Harbor me twice, you can’t get Pearl Harbored again….

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

There was a great sense of community in regards to the war effort, but there sure were a lot of racists in the greatest generation who were a cancer on our shared sense of community.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

These masks are great — I haven’t had a runny nose, a sore throat, or a cold for over a year and a half. I’m going to continue to wear them when I’m indoors in public, covid or no covid.

3 years ago
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Especially on an airplane!

Reply to 

The problem with masks is that I’m used to mouthing “shut up” and “fuck off” with a mask on during conference calls. It’s taking every ounce of strength to break that habit with the mask off…..

3 years ago


Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

My daughter was in school full time this past year wearing masks and she didn’t get sick once, not even a sniffle. Typically she’d get a cold at least a couple times a year.

3 years ago
Reply to 

So how many less people have you interacted with in the last year and half?

3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

I’m normally a homebody, so there wasn’t much change in the amount of interactions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I believe 90% of people also look better with a mask on.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I’ve got a number of family members who are highest risk by no fault of their own (chronic illness). Also know a lot of people on immunosuppressants who cannot develop antibodies. These are the folks we, as a society, should be concerned about and help protect. It’s not a matter of losing weight or getting healthy for them. They have to fully isolate from people to stay safe by no fault of their own.

I would like to think as a society we would think of those people and take steps (getting vaxxed and wearing masks) not just to protect ourselves but them. And to try and gain herd immunity so that these very unfortunate people can join the ranks of the living again and not have to stay isolated.

In short I have been very disappointed in how selfish many people seem to be – focusing on their own lives and not the broader perspective of being a society. The people I know that have to remain isolated and are suffering depression and are lonely rely on the general public to do the right thing and protect society by getting vaxxed and wearing masks – I’m sad to say they are probably going to have to stay isolated for years because many cannot seem to think broader than their own lives.

Last edited 3 years ago by Fansince1971
Reply to  Fansince1971

I’m all for vaccines, herd immunity, etc. But how is it less selfish for hundreds of thousands of people to have their lives ruined by Covid restrictions to keep our particular loved ones safe? Or even just millions of people having their lives greatly screwed with for sake of someone’s special someone?

If a person is super worried about Covid THEY can be responsible for their own worries. Wear masks, goggles, a chem suite, what ever you want. Stay home from work. Keep your kids home from school. Live on MREs and watch all the episodes of Matlock. Or don’t. Or do some mixture of stuff. Technically I am high risk and there are some things I do because of that. What I DON’T do is shit on the rest of the world for being selfish because they want their lives back.

There’s a big pile of the world that’s under 60 years old and they have things they need to get done while they can. I say let’s get on with it. And yes, before everyone starts sobbing their heavy qualifiers at me, yes, I have had several loved ones die of Covid and my dad’s heart got messed up by it. I also happen to be making money from all the Covid fear. I’d still rather society run the gauntlet at this point.

Let’s not focus on our own lives and focus on the needs of broader society by handling our own business and letting broader society live a normal life.

3 years ago

Gitcho- respectfully – the “you do you” argument is one of convenience and separates people rather than bringing them together.

Much of what you say I don’t disagree with. However I would add the caveat that these folks who want to PAH-TEE like it’s 1999 could easily wear a mask or get vaccinated (or both) to help stomp this pandemic out for those who are forced to be isolated. To me it’s not okay for people to do neither (not wear masks or not get vaxxed) and act like Covid is not a big deal. To the vulnerable like cancer victims, chemotherapy patients, the immunosuppressed and many others who are isolated it’s a HUGE deal. They used to enjoy simple things that enriched their lives like going out to dinner but now can’t for fear that someone at the restaurant is not vaxxed and a carrier. These folks are suffering- I have seen it and helped counsel them. It’s cruel and unusual punishment that verges on torture.

So – I am all for people getting on with their lives – but doing so with societal interests also in mind and getting vaxxed and/or wearing a mask. I think it’s selfish to the point of the insane for folks to do neither (ie neither mask nor vaccine). It’s not that much to ask. And it’s not the govt running your life. It’s plain and simple thinking outside your own life and realizing the longer this goes on – the more people are deeply suffering.

I can tell you there are a lot of Americans who, through no fault of their own, are terribly vulnerable to Covid and therefore isolated. They are counting on their fellow Americans to be responsible and wear masks or get vaxxed to put an end to this pandemic. Those folks who are at low risk are free to live their own lives – but get vaxxed and wear a mask to help out the less fortunate who have to wait out this very difficult situation to it’s end point.

I am all for “you do you” with the caveat that it be done responsibly and with societal interests in mind. Get vaxxed or wear a mask – or better do both.

Last edited 3 years ago by Fansince1971
Reply to  Fansince1971

I totally appreciate how well you put that and your measured tone 1000%. I think we are also of a mind when it comes to vaccines and masks. But I am just not OK with putting restrictions on all of society to possibly preserve a vulnerable minority from possibly catching a disease that could possibly hurt or kill them. I understand that they are suffering and can’t go out to dinner, etc and that does suck, but my stance isn’t “you do you”, it’s unfortunately colder than that, it’s “that’s their (or my) problem.”

Why? Because it’s more than just people wanting to party, that stance belittles the issues the people whose behaviors you want to dictate face. The atmosphere of fear and worry and regulation and restriction you want so that the smaller number of people you care about can feel a little safer and be a little happier does real damage to the lives of a much larger group of people. They have put up with it for longer than a year, the statistical risks to society at large are really small, so I just don’t feel like we have the right to keep regulating everyone. It’s just not healthy for the idea that “you never know…. bad things could happen to a small percentage of people….” to act as the motive to make everyone behave in a way that is counterproductive to the whole of society. It’s sad but true. We need everyone to start working and living with less restriction again a lot more than we need to keep my dad and who ever you care about from possible exposure to possible grave danger. I also REALLY don’t think it’s OK for us to demand behavior from other people based on those fears, even if it’s behaviors I’d prefer.

Sure, I wish everyone would get the vaccine. I also wish everyone would use birth control, eat right and learn math, english and how our government actually works. But I don’t want to force any of that, and at risk people are not FORCED to do anything. They can take risks, or not. As a general rule I prefer that, especially at this point in the pandemic.

3 years ago

It’s not forcing people that I’m interested in. I would hope people might voluntarily want to wear a mask or get vaxxed if they knew it was helping the greater good. That is where the WW2 reference that was made earlier in the thread comes from. People voluntarily sacrificed for the greater good of society.

I am hopeful but not unrealistic. I agree that Govt forcing people to do things is not realistic in this divided and angry Country. My hope is that with education and with people realizing how much vaccination and mask wearing protects the vulnerable in society, they will stop looking at it as government intervention and start looking it as the minimum they can do to help out their fellow man/woman.

In other words I hope to do my small part to change the narrative to one of taking a broad perspective not because of anything the Govt says or does but because it’s the right thing to do.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

The problem with the “you do you” argument is that it’s only half an argument, and therefore logically unsound. The appeal to freedom (aka: you do you) also comes with an evil twin known as responsibility. Whether you like it or not, the evil twin always comes to collect and balance the equation eventually. With something like a new virus, the idea that you’re going to exercise the freedom half of the equation to the fullest and have any real control over when and how responsibility comes to get its payment is laughable at best. But you never hear that from the “you do you” crowd, or what they plan to do if their actions result in damage to others or themselves.

The other big problem with many who make this argument is hypocrisy. I have several old friends and associates that have had…”robust” discussions with me about COVID, self-reliance, government tyranny, freedom, and all the rest using many of the same points we’re debating here. I can name more than one of them that have, for example, thrown up a GoFundMe because they lost their job or had a major family medical emergency. All this not long after, or even while simultaneously arguing that things like the stimulus checks, publicly-funded healthcare, and COVID guidelines are socialist, un-American, handouts, or whatever else. It’s almost always “I’ll do me, you do you,” until life/responsibility comes for them, and then they’re always somehow a deserving exception to the other lazy freeloaders.

It would be nice if these folks would take a step back to reflect and make some minor compromises for the good of the team, but alas, here we are for the time being.

3 years ago

The current covid restriction is wearing a mask. I don’t see how thing ruins people’s lives.

Now unvaccinated people who are walking around without a mask saying they are vaccinated is another thing

3 years ago

So I guess you guys won’t be going to an Angel game anytime soon.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

I cannot for exactly this reason. I am fully vaxxed but helping care for very vulnerable people. So I cannot take the risk that some unvaccinated, unmasked person sits next to me for 4 hours and gives me the Delta variant. I would doubtlessly be fine but could unknowingly give it to one of the vulnerable. So I won’t go to a game even though I’d love to. If everyone was vaxxed at the game or all wore masks, I would go.

Reply to  Cowboy26

It kind of sounds like everyone is sort of doing things the way it should be done. High risk family guy is taking measures on his own to protect his situation. It is costing him some enjoyment and stuff, but it’s his choice and it’s worth it to him. Guy with less risk goes to games cause his situation is different. He’s having fun and the team is actually getting to be in business. I strictly manage Covid compliance during daylight hours because it’s in high risk areas, then joyfully run around without a mask having actual conversations I can understand at night with friends who have their jobs back because we can…. and then strictly follow protocols the next Monday just in case I was exposed at some point.

And none of us is forcing any total strangers to do anything.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

Jeff – do it for the vulnerable folks on chemotherapy, immunosuppressants and the like who are at risk by no fault of their own. These are very good people going through depression due to isolation. Go have fun but continue yo do it responsibly for them. We need to defeat Covid.

Last edited 3 years ago by Fansince1971
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

I don’t know anyone that likes wearing a mask unless you’re anthropomorphic or a batman sycophant . I got the vaccine (as did most in my family including my Mother-In-Law who had an unexplained heart attack 3 weeks after getting her 2nd Pfizer shot) and do not want to wear a mask now. What was the point of getting the vaccine if we still need to wear masks?

red floyd
3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

I’m anthropomorphic!! I’m just like a person.

I suspect you meant misanthropic.

Reply to  red floyd

Am I man? Or ASTROMAN?

3 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

misanthropic? No I’m all in favor of giving to charities.

Now I’m no doctor ( and I don’t play one of T.V.) but I would think that In order for a human to exhibit anthropomorphic behavior they would have to be wearing a mask and/or costume.

3 years ago

Lucky for us, a large percentage of those “walking around without a mask saying they are vaccinated“ knowingly or unknowingly had already caught the virus and have natural antibodies, the most effective kind, don’t even need to be vaccinated. Could even be tested to find out if they had natural antibodies if they so desired.

Reply to  Twebur

Plus, bonus, just about everyone getting sick now is people who weren’t vaccinated (or they are Yankees and God hates them).

Wow. It’s just like other Corona viruses. lurking in a population until immunity is reached with all the efforts to pacify it just making it last longer and mutate more when, in the end, the same number of people are either going to get it or “fake” it via a vaccine.

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

Have they, will they, be tested for antibodies to find out. That’s no ey out of their pocket while the vaccine is free and you have the answer.

Quit being ignorant to anyone, and just be good and effective towards humanity as a whole.

Why are you ever here if you don’t care about your fellow citizens of the world the common people. Why try to I get nice people that care, infect them with nonsense that you have no proof of making things better for everyone.

Why all the hate.

3 years ago
Reply to  eyespy

Not anti vaccine, I got 2, not anti mask, wore one. I frequently do not articulated properly, vaccinations rates are high and those that haven’t been Vaccinated have a high chance of having antibodies due to already having the virus. The goal is to to get heard immunity. The spread has slowed to a crawl with those 2 things happening side by side. Them not knowing is less important now.

Don’t think the comment above shows a lack of care for citizens of the world, or hate. Apologies if it appears that way.
Back to baseball, go Angels.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

Getting a vaccine and wearing a mask is not ruining anyone’s life unless you are physically or medically incapable of doing so. But everyone doing it who can do it could save the lives of the people who can’t. We’re talking about a half an hour of time to get a shot and putting a piece of cloth over your face. Not doing that because of comfort or laziness or some misguided protest about personal freedom is selfish.

Reply to  Gorbachav5

That’s not what I’m talking about. I personally don’t see the big hassle in getting a shot. I’m saying that mandated behavior, the atmosphere it creates, and especially lock downs ruin people’s lives. All you have to do is look around and see the difference in how people are living since the mask mandate ended to see that masking up had a negative effect on a lot of aspects of life. And we can both bitch about unvaccinated people all we want, I don’t want to force them to do anything just to protect a very small minority, nor do I want our fantastic government trying buffalo them into compliance by making us all more miserable (and most likely failing).

3 years ago

No need to wear a mask.
Wearing a mask might deflect the virus here or there.
Wear a mask, N-95 or it’s not effective.
Where the mask outside, even on the beach.
Wear 2 masks.

Tony Fauci – Dr., Saint, Rock Star, Financial expert, Psychology expert, Expert in all things Business, Mr. Stay inside where it spreads more easily, Mr. Vaccines won’t be ready for 2 years, Mr. I trust that China is being honest and forthright with reliable information, Mr. indirect funding of the Wuhan lab, etc., etc.,

That Dr. Fauci

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

Oh jeez. Its almost as if science changes as scientists study brand new shit that pops up. Crazy concept, I know! Every other scientist, especially those that appear on Fox News on the reg, those guys always know the right scientific answers the first minute they study something, and that answer never changes. They’re THAT good at science stuff!

Fauci is clearly the worst scientist ever, his decades in the field mean nothing. Dr. Drew should be the nation’s leading infectious disease doctor from now on. He was always super smart on Love Line, and never changed his mind ever about a disease.

3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

Exactly, very complicated….Sounds to me like you agree, he might not be the expert you think he is on all things “world pandemic,” very difficult and unfortunately life changing decisions to be made……doesn’t change the amount of mistakes and misinformation.

Nice reference to Fox News, that probably sums it up for you. Sure you don’t somehow to fit racism into this too while we’re at it?

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

I like how you bring racism into this as an argument that I am about to bring racism into it…when it is in fact you that brought it into it. Lol I’m sure you can’t see the circle jerk that you just made, but oh well.

Last edited 3 years ago by 2pints
3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

Was asking, why don’t you? You inserted the Fox News stereotype, that is just next steps.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

I mentioned FN because they seem to be the top media outlet spewing constant Fauci hate. I’m sure you know that, and perhaps have even been influenced by it, so not understanding why you’re acting all dismayed by the reference. Did it hurt your feelings? Are you outraged?

But to your question, I thought we were discussing Covid, not racism. Do you really want to veer off and discuss race relations in this country? Or are you just acting a bit douchey after my sarcastic reply to your dumb Fauci comment?

3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

I’m good, I’ll even capitulate, you win, we really should drop the racist sarcasm, that is my fault.

Oh well, need to run, want to watch Fox News and Q Anon has its Friday Zoom call. Need to get all of my proper talking points and opinions before the Angels games starts……..maybe next time we can share some opinions about baseball and not discuss Saint Fauci. That is why we are here.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

Next time don’t besmirch St. Fauci and we won’t have any issues. Haha, have a good night man, no hard feelings.

3 years ago
Reply to  2pints

Remember we don’t discuss Fight Club!
Enjoy the weekend

Reply to  Twebur

Is it OK if I hate Fauci, the WHO, Fox News and the Doyers all at the same time?

Trusted Member
3 years ago

Its pretty clear you joined the Sith years ago, so let the hate continue to flow through you.

3 years ago

What the hell did Pete Townshend ever do to you?

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

Probably has something to do with a teenage wasteland…

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Twebur

Like science never changes. You lean new things all the time.

3 years ago
Reply to  eyespy

I also Fat new things all the time

3 years ago

I fart new things all the time.

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  DowningDude

I fart new things all the time.

[stands arms akimbo]

3 years ago

Starting another winning streak tonight? Yup it starts tonight. Fletch is rested and roaring to go set a team record in Hitting Streaks.

College players very much very popular this year especially in pitching as every team feels the need for pitching and now the White Sox went and did the prep position players thing. Hope we get a lot of help from the infusion of experienced college arms. There is hope for the future yet.

Possibly no Trout in the for seeable future, but returning healthy is most important. Time may now be here to start thinking of a position change to RF or 1B moving Walsh to the OF like Bellinger did.

3 years ago

I have a funny bunch the Eaton signing was more about Trout and less about Upton. I believe there is concern within the organization that he may not be able to return until September.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Hopefully Lagares did some soul searching at the plate during this break. He’s literally an automatic out. Hoping for the best tho till Trout get 100%

3 years ago
Reply to  Chap24

Lagares has never been able to hit RHP consistently . This is the immediate reason that Angels signed Eaton. Evem with Adam’s down year this year, he’s still has a 130 points higher than GG. ( .554 vs. .684) Provided Eaton’s defense still plays I’m sure this is the plan for CF until the GOAT can get his lower right appendage successfully reattached.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I agree with you here, Mike will need to rehab properly to return fully healthy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I see nothing funny about that bunch.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

Yeah – autocorrect from ‘hunch’

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I still don’t understand how jogging to third turned into this.

3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

Me neither

Super Member
3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer


3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

The athletic trainers of the 1960s and early 70s all said that the more muscle you take on, the less flexible your body becomes.

3 years ago
Reply to 

When I’d attend a Mariners-Angels game, I’d see Ichiro in right field stretching in between every pitch. Always thought that was smart.

Trusted Member
3 years ago
Reply to  MarineLayer

I once tore my calf muscle just running the bases – was coming up on third and I thought the outfielder hit me with a thrown ball. Had to hop on one foot to get home. Partial tear of the medial gastrocnemius. Wore a boot and then used crutches for months.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I think it is more about Ward and having depth. Eaton has not played CF since 2016. He is a RF now. I’m sure he can play CF in a pinch if he had to.

We needed an accomplished outfielder with a glove. Something I have been clamoring about after witnessing Rengifo, Wong and Rojas pretending to play RF. Cost us zero. If he cannot perform, DFA.

3 years ago
Reply to  FungoAle

Yep, that is why his signing didn’t move the needle for me one way or the other. It is a roll of the dice that you really can’t lose.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

I think it’s about not having Gosselin in left field watching balls fall in for doubles that any run of the mill outfielder would have been able to catch for an out.

3 years ago

We are already on a 1 game winning streak

Trusted Member
3 years ago

I did not realize this. That the Angels have been selecting a lot of pitchers the last few years, according to the Swanson link:

“This is becoming a trend for the Angels. Last year, the club picked two pitchers and two hitters with its four picks in the five-round draft.
In 2019, the Angels did pick position players with their first two picks, but 17 of the team’s remaining 18 picks in the top 20 rounds were pitchers. It was similar in 2018. The team’s top two picks were hitters but 16 of the remaining 18 in the top 20 rounds were pitchers.”

3 years ago
Reply to  ScoopleDoople

Yeah, I’ve reported this on the site a couple of times trying to annunciate that Mr. Eppler (who landed Ohtani), was not a diabolical, anti-pitching drafting advocate.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Joiner

It seems to me with last years shortened prep season and accordingly, very limited draft size it made so much sense to focus on a pitcher laden draft this year where talent abounds and the draftees’ leverage is down.

Charles Sutton
Super Member
3 years ago

Happy Friday, everybody!

3 years ago

Marceaux welcome to the Halos, you are a driven individual and WE need you. Well we needed pitching and boy oh boy Christmas came early. Go Angels!