Each Week this offseason, Crashing The Pearly Gates will be featuring coverage of our Top Ten Angels of All Time. We want you to be part of this too, so beyond enjoying the coverage and commenting on our posts, this is your chance to write a FanPost here to celebrate your Angels favorites.
Tomorrow will see the official Top Ten Angel article covering Darin Erstad as the Number 9 Angel of All Time and there is more coverage coming. He was the first player selected in the 1995 draft which yielded the Angels 32.6 Wins Above Replacement of self-sacrificing bat and (what is more valuable than platinum) glove like it has never been seen before.
Now it is your turn to tell us more in a FanPost during Darin Erstad Week!
My remaining top 8 (taking GA and Ersty as a given) in no particular order
Where’s Frankie?
As much as I love Percy I think you need K-Rod in there over him, not least because he holds the single season record for saves, and he did it with an Angels cap!
A Gold Glove at 2 different positions! His 240 hits in a season will last for two life times. Wish he was still involved on the field with the team.
Ersty definitely deserves to be in the Top Ten. You could argue for a spot or two higher, but Top Ten is still an honor.