How Long Will the Season Last?

I really wanted to put this up as a survey (and yes, this should have been a fanshot 🙂 )

Anyways, given the restrictions once someone on ANY team catches COVID-19, I personally believe it’s highly unlikely that the season will complete. I also do not believe that Trout will play a full season, given his personal situation (and I don’t blame him).

In any case, I plan to enjoy it while it lasts, but my personal over/under for the season being canceled is August 8.

What are your expectations?

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4 years ago

Phillies, Cardinals, it’ll just keep spreading. You can see how seriously they take the ‘social distancing’ stuff by watching them in the dugout. And some teams are worse than others, but none do a very good job of it. Plus, that’s what you see on TV, I’m sure it’s worse in the clubhouse and in their off time.

It’s slowly dawning on me that folks their age, early 20s to late 30s have worried about all this the least believing they’re just not that at risk. And it’s not just ball players, it’s many American’s that age. And beyond all that, as a generalization, baseball folks make good money, aren’t very educated and therefore likely Fox news fans which convinces them to take everything pandemic related even less seriously.

4 years ago

I think I said this weekend is what we’ll get, when you asked on Book of Faces. Can’t remember.
I’m kind of bummed that I can’t find the game on Extra Innings, so we have to watch ESPN, and no Victor and Gubi? Or is it just that I haven’t paid my dues yet? I’ll look into it tomorrow.

4 years ago

I think it’ll go the full 60 games. That’s why they have the expanded rosters, in the event that there are several players out simultaneously.

4 years ago

I think the season goes the distance, Trout has a 3 week baby birth hiatus, comes back, Angels grab a wild card, starters stay relatively healthy, and as in 02, they end up with trophy# 2

Trusted Member
4 years ago

I’ll go with a couple of weeks, say 10-15.. Overall Covid 19 situation is dicey and, given reliance on flights with whole team aboard, if there is just one case on a team, the entire roster may need to be out for a few weeks. I just don’t think the entire league could go without incidents like this.

Super Member
4 years ago

I’ll go with 10 games

4 years ago

here in Portland there’s a college level league that started and then closed down in 2 days. The word is, though, that they’ll start up again.

If MLB is anything like it we might get the season simply interrupted, maybe end up with 45 games instead of 60.

Super Member
4 years ago

I give it 2-3 weeks.

Super Member
4 years ago

Aug 6 will be the end of the season.

H.T. Ennis
Super Member
4 years ago

I think the season will finish as long as there isn’t a widespread outbreak of player cases, regardless of what happens in the country. I don’t know how likely that is.

So basically this is a roundabout way of saying I don’t know. =)

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  H.T. Ennis

The recent outbreak on the Miami Marlins.
MLB needs to bring down the hammer ( have a bubble like the NBA and players and coaches need to quarantine and stay in it!!! And like anybody in CTPG who was in the military and remembers bootcamp if one person ruins it, then he ruins it for his whole damm team……See the movie Biloxi Blues starring Mathew Broderick and Christopher Walken, young guys are stupid, reckless and undisciplined. The threat of doing something stupid and pissing off the whole team is the only way to keep them in check. I know because I was young once…..

Charles Sutton
Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  2002heaven

Some of those guys are pretty damned scandalous, going down to the hotel bar to pick up women. Newsome’s got the bars closed in California at least.