Good Morning Angels fans. Grab a drink and enjoy some links.
MLB Owners vs. MLBPA
The two sides continue to fling stuff at each other until one gives in. Players counter from last offer with an 86 game season and agreeing to expanded playoffs for 2 seasons. Bet it was rejected already, as one owner said the players aren’t even trying.
The MLBPA has told Boras to stop paying the MiLB. Because they are trying to get the owners to do it.
Owners are betting on Manfred just pushing a 50 game season through.
This whole situation has soured fans enjoyment and a giant wasted opportunity.
It has dragged on long enough for Uninatingtree to come out of his hole and sum up what is going on so far.
There is hope though! Apparently despite all the fighting, there is an agreement on one thing, MLB starts back up on July 10th! Do not back out of this, PLEASE!
Draft Stuff
Someone figured out the Tigers’ first pick. The person was Furloughed though. Well, not that it is a shock.
Draft day today, and you can learn about what the Angels have to work with here at Crashing the Pearly Gates. It starts today at 4PM and can be seen on ESPN, MLB Network and Pay attention to how Turk’s Teeth reacts to know how good Billy did.
Other News
MLB messed up in a fresh new way this time as they lost their Coke sponsor.
People are breaking into ballparks. Like this guy who drove a tractor onto Miller Park.
Angel Hernandez got caught eavesdropping. Can he be fired for that?
How much money will MLB lose by having no fans anyway? Fangraphs found out, not much.
Denard Span retired because no one would pay him more than minimum.
Matt Harvey seems appealing to Korea and Japan.
A reason for a season, 24% of Baseball fans will cut cable if there is no season. You still have cable?
Anything else? Post for upvotes. Please come back, MLB!
The dumbest part about all this is that the negotiating drama will be upon us again almost immediately for the next CBA. Hopefully the union gets someone new who can actually negotiate and doesn’t rely on the “take it now or suck it” approach with no bartering or horse trading that Angel fans are sadly familiar with.
Buster Olney had a good overview on Sunday about how ineffective Tony Clark has been since Michael Weiner passed away in representing the players union. A lawyer is better suited here than a former player.
50 game season here we come.