Birthday Postgame

Happy Birthday Ron Washington!

Inning #1

Kyle Schwarber hit one on the ground through the right. Trea Turner got hit by a pitch. Bryce Harper walked to load the bases with no outs. Alec Bohm singled in two runners to put the Phillies in the lead with no outs in the first inning. Brandon Marsh sacrificed another run in. 3-0 Phillies. Nick Castellanos grounded into a double play.

Mike Trout grounded out to first. Jo Adell homered. 3-1 Phillies.

Taylor Ward grounded out to second. Brandon Drury grounded out to the pitcher.

Inning #2

Bryson Stott flied out to center. Johan Rojas walked. The Angels picked off Rojas.

Garrett Stubbs also walked. Kyle Schwarber grounded out to second. Luis Rengifo doubled to left field. Logan O’Hoppe grounded out to third. Cole Tucker walked. Ehire Adrianza was at bat when the Angels pulled off a double steal. Adrianza singled to drive in Luis Rengifo. 3-2 Angels.

Zach Neto then lined out.

Inning #3

Trea Turner came up and grounded out to third. Bryce Harper lined out to Mike Trout. Alec Bohm flied out to Jo Adell. Mike Trout came up and walked. Jo Adell grounded into a force out but avoided the double play. Taylor Ward lined out to right. Brandon Drury singled to center sending Jo Adell to third. Luis Rengifo popped out to first.

Inning #4

Brandon Marsh walked. Nick Castellanos flied out to right. Get a load of this play. A few years ago Adell probably would have knocked this over the wall for a home run.

Bryson Stott grounded out to second but Brandon Marsh advanced to second. Johan Rojas grounded out to third. Logan O’Hoppe flied out to right center. Cole Tucker grounded out to second. Erire Adrianza lined out to center.

Inning #5

Garrett Stubbs grounded out to first. Kyle Schwarber walked. Trey Turner hit one through to the right and advanced Schwarber to third base. Bryce Harper was batting when Canning committed a disengagement violation sending Schwarber home and Turner to second base. 4-2 Phillies.

Bryce Harper struck out. Alec Bohm flied out to second base.

Zach Neto singled through to left. Mike Trout struck out, unfortunately. Jo Adell grounded into a double play. Jo giveth and Jo taketh away.

Inning #6

Hunter Strickland came in to replace Griffin Canning. He got Brandon Marsh to ground out to second. Nick Castellanos grounded out to third. Bryson Stott walked on a pitch timer violation. He proceeded to steal second base. Johan Rojas popped out to end the top of the sixth inning.

Taylor Ward singled to right. Brandon Drury hit his single to center. A guy named Orion Kerkering came in to pitch for the Phillies. I guess I’m OK with astronomical names. Just don’t name your kids “Uranus.” They’ll have a hard time in school. That was my public service message for the day. Luis Rengifo hit a sacrifice bunt that moved both runners into scoring position with one out. Logan O’Hoppe grounded out but Taylor Ward scored. 4-3 Phillies.

Cole Tucker grounded to center for a single that scored Drury. 4-4 tie. Tucker got caught trying to steal second base to end the inning.

Inning #7

Now Adam Cimber came in to replace Hunter Strickland. Garrett Stubbs singled to left. Kyle Schwarber grounded out, driving Stubbs to second base. Trea Turner grounded, out driving Stubbs to third base. Bryce Harper was intentionally walked. Alec Bohm walked to load the bases for Brandon Marsh. Marsh grounded out. (Whew!)

It’s Seventh Inning Stretch Time!

Ehire Adrianza and Zach Neto both singled to set the table for Mike Trout. Trout hit into a force out at second. Trout then stole second base. Jo Adell struck out swinging. Taylor Ward was batting while Seranthony Dominguez threw a wild pitch followed by a catcher throwing error. Both Adrianza and Trout score. 6-4 Angels.

Taylor Ward doubled and then advanced to third on another wild pitch. Brandon Drury grounded out to end the inning.

Inning #8

Matt Moore came in to pitch. Nick Castellanos struck out swinging. Bryson Stott walked. Johan Rojas struck out swinging. Garrett Stubbs flied out to right. Luis Rengifo struck out swinging. Logan O’Hoppe walked. Cole Tucker grounded out for the second out. Ehire Adrianza also grounded out.

Inning #9

Carlos Estevez came in to pitch. He got Kyle Schwarber to line out. Trea Turner singled on a liner to center. Bryce Harper hit a ground rule double to send Turner to third. Alec Bohm represented the winning run. He hit a sacrifice fly to score Trea Turner. 6-5 Angels. Brandon Marsh struck out. Angels won 6-5! Adam Cimber got the win.

Photo credit: Rex Fregosi

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Super Member
9 months ago

Wow… this was a pleasant thing to see waking up today.

Super Member
9 months ago
Reply to  Brent

It was even better watching it last night live.

Super Member
9 months ago

I just saw the highlights of the game.
Man, y’all must have been freaking out when Marsh was up as the winning run.

9 months ago

I’m liking Hunter Strickland more and more each game.

Super Member
9 months ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

LOL, they always say that pitchers should throw a punch with their non-throwing hand……Strickland was sticking him.

9 months ago

Nice birthday gift for Wash. Fun game all the way through. Top nine was a hold your breath time, Marsh still can’t lay off high stuff and we won. We got the breaks rather than gave them, so nice to receive though. Trouty still has the wheels to motor home, all the way from second base on a passed ball followed by a throw to pitcher running to the plate and the catcher tossing the ball over his head and the race was on, Trouty won.

Turns out Ward would have got 2 more RBI if not for the Keystone Phillies helping us out. Ward slammed a ball that came off the front top face of the left center field wall for a double. Sorry Ward. Another play of note, with runners on 1st and 2nd base Rengifo tries to bunt and misses, next pitch he swings for strike 2, then on the third pitch he bunted again to move the runners over to 3rd and 2nd with 2 strikes and he does it, although thrown out we have one out and runners on 2nd and 3rd. Plus Moore pitched in two innings.

We only struck out 3 times, and had 11 hits. Funny stuff, we struck out 4.

Great Win because it was close, we came from behind, Estevez make it close in 9th.

Trusted Member
9 months ago

A cheap win is a win. Canning 1k, 5 walks? Trout finally contributed to offense with scoring on wild pitch! Darn, Philly upset about this one, gonna take it out on Angels tomorrow on OHoppe bobble head night.

Super Member
9 months ago
Reply to  Charles Sutton

Nice the Halos were on the other side of a Little League play.

9 months ago

Otto > Hicks

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9 months ago

Occasionally the breaks go the Angels’ way. That 2 run error by Philly proved to be the difference.

Last edited 9 months ago by Fansince1971
Trusted Member
9 months ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Yes. At least it resulted in a win. Nothing is easy as always though.

Trusted Member
9 months ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

A few of our wins have come about because of shoddy defense and nothing to do w/our hitting w/RISP prowess.

They count the same but man, how much worse would our record be if other teams didn’t gift us runs. I’d like to say it evens out cuz we do the same but no, after we shoot ourselves in the foot, the bullpen makes sure that error wasn’t the reason we lost.

But hey, we won a game. Woo. On to tomorrows game where hopefully Anderson continues to pitch well.

9 months ago

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9 months ago


Trusted Member
9 months ago

So blame Hicks for April? Nice win tonight.

9 months ago
Reply to  DaveChalk

We are on pace for a 1.000 win % without Hicks on our ball club

Trusted Member
9 months ago
Reply to  DowningDude

1%? Not looking forward to that.

John Henry Weitzel
Super Member
9 months ago

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Very dusty

9 months ago

That new Marc Bolan looking kid did fine tonight.

9 months ago
Reply to  Charles Sutton

😆 I can see that!

9 months ago
Reply to  Charles Sutton

Otto Mann. Had to Google it. That’s f-in hilarious!!!

9 months ago
Reply to  DowningDude

It was in the Game thread

9 months ago
Reply to  Charles Sutton

We do have an Estevez