Comedy of Errors Postgame

Jo Adell singled and then was caught stealing so things looked grim, but the Angels started the scoring in the top of the first today. Things were a little back and forth but the Angels took a late lead and held on to win 3-2.

Jared Walsh singled and made it to second on a fielding error. It sent Brandon Drury to third base. He scored on a Hunter Renfroe groundout. Throw in a couple of walks and Eric Lauer’s first inning was over. Logan O’Hoppe ended the festivities with a strikeout. 1-0 Angels.

Though he had been replaced in the first inning, Eric Lauer came back out to start the second inning. Being a glutton for punishment, he gave Jordyn Adams a one out four pitch walk. A couple of flyouts and a groundout rendered the point moot. Detmers was cruising, though. Six up six down through two.

In the third inning, Brandon Drury doubled to left. Jared Walsh also doubled to left field off of a lefty. 2-0 Angels. After a couple of outs Lauer gave up a four pitch walk to Logan O’Hoppe, but Livan Soto made the third out to end the threat. Detmers went nine up nine down over three innings.

A fielding error and a wild pitch put an Angel on second base with one out in the top of the fourth inning. Jo Adell struck out and William Contreras made an error to put Velazquez at third with two outs. Eric Lauer was removed, this time for good. Brandon Drury struck out. Reid Detmers retired twelve in a row through four innings; the best kind of monotony.

Things definitely settled down for the Angels in the fifth inning. Peter Strzelecki proved to be more effective than Lauer was and the rest of the Brewers remembered how to field. In the bottom of the fifth Luke Voit homered to break up the perfecto. 2-1 Angels. Josh VanMeter got a one out single but Detmers got out of the inning without further scoring.

Joel Payamps came in to pitch for the Brewers and Logan O’Hoppe finally got a hit. It went for naught, though. In the top of the seventh inning Luis Barrera reached on yet another fielding error by the Brewers. A line out and two strikeouts (including an automatic strike three on Adell) ensured there would be no scoring. Carlos Estevez came in in the bottom of the seventh and started walking guys. Blake Perkins singled to drive in a run. 2-2 tie.

In the top of the eighth inning, Chad Wallach singled to start things off. Livan Soto chipped in a single of his own and Wallach made it to third. Andrew Velazquez hit a sacrifice fly to make it 3-2 Angels. Brett Phillips walked to keep the inning alive but Kevin Padlo struck out to end it.

Ryan Tepera came in for thee bottom of the eighth inning and got three quick outs. The Angels went three up three down in the top of the ninth inning. Jacob Webb replaced Ryan Tepera on the mound and struck out three guys to preserve the win. (He did issue a four pitch walk in between).

Photo credit: Rex Fregosi

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Turk's Teeth
Super Member
1 year ago

Wasn’t ready to pass judgment a week ago, and time will certainly tell. But we’ve seen enough of spring training to see pitchers gain some stamina, control and achieve early season velocity. Estevez, though? Yikes. He’s always had control issues, distinct from elevation issues, but he doesn’t seem to just be “working on things”. He’s completely lost at the moment.

I don’t buy for a moment the Nevin/Perry meritocracy line that the best 26 will break with the club – I think Estevez will be there regardless. But three weeks into spring (and one impressive WBC appearance for the former), Joyce and Webb are looking like far fresher arms than creaky Carlos.

Reply to  Turk's Teeth

Estevez looks pretty crap, and I’m sure it’s not just “tryin stuff” too. Though I’m also not that worried yet. He can have more time to suss it out. And no, he’s not getting cut so Webb can take his spot. That would be some stupid shit. Of course they’ll give him more than 10 innings of rope.

On the other hand, if the whole team’s great but he sucks with what will be referred to as his “massive” contract while Ben “Can He Hit the Barn?” Joyce works out some of his understandable glitches in AA/AA that’ll be fine too. Gotta feed the donkeys something.

1 year ago

Get ready for Estevez’ season opening IL announcement for a yet to be determined phantom injury.

Its going to be long season for him.

1 year ago

I am so excited about our starting pitching that I am buzzing.

Love seeing Reid pick up where he left off.

Reply to  Mia

Wouldn’t it be lovely AF if we get to March 26th and we’re like “Damn…. Canning, Davidson, Silseth, Suarez? Who do we pick, they’re all so brilliant?”

I’d go Tucky D and “broken finished” Canning cause war on everyone.


Ohviously this team is horrible but will also dominate the play offs. Webb and Tepera are total crap, as any real ballman can see. They will help us win the division I’m sure. Detmers is from our system and is obviously a total bust. He will only battle Tucky D for the Cy Young. Stupid Arte. Evil Perry. Full TOD.

1 year ago

Eighty percenters driving Mercedes. Blah blah blah. Bachman barf. DiPoto rules, Perry drools.
/snark font

Reply to  DowningDude

I miss back in the day when real men in Ford Escorts were the only people who came to the big A, just like now, when all those blue color people Seattle is so known for go to Jerry’s World Lite.

So much very Bon Jovi.

1 year ago


Reply to  FungoAle

Si. Es verdad.

Super Member
1 year ago

Your pessimism-in-cheek is always refreshing.

1 year ago
Reply to  LanaBanana

Doom and gloomier

1 year ago
Reply to  FungoAle

By design. You either get it or are 2002heathen

Reply to  LanaBanana

Life gives you nothing but beets… make delicious soup that ruins all your clothing.

1 year ago

Beet it Schizo Gitcho. We want the old Gitcho back.