The opponents scored the usual 2 runs in the first inning. this time it was the Braves, of course. it was on a Dansby Swanson single and a Travis d’Arnaud fielder’s choice. they then scored more in the third on a Marcell Ozuna single and a 2 ryun single by Michael Harris II.
The Angels scored one of their runs in the fourth off of a Kurt Suzuki single. In the bottom of the fourth, though, Austin Riley hit a two run homer to make it 7-1. Shohei hit a solo homer to make it 7-2 but it wasn’t enough. The Angels lose 7-2.
Photo credit: Rex Fregosi
According to Nevin, we lost 5-2. So there is that.
Completed Season 3 of Stranger Things last night and now locked in to the beginning of A League of Their Own. Hoping for some Ohtani magic as a side dish.
Go team.
Cue the Tom Slick crowd for my Angels “team excitement” reaction:
Shame on us for all believing that Mike Trout would be the next Willie Mays. Willie had 15 great seasons, Trout had 7, maybe 8 at best. Trout is comparable more to Mickey Mantle but not as good as the Mick. Trout like Mantle was robbed of one or two MVP’s too.
Ummm, Trout > Mantle.
Go back to New York and root for the Yankees there…
Take it easy there Lord Optimism
You’re the one to talk, lol. The one who pretends to know what I am thinking.
Stop attacking people Jack. Gramps has a right to his opinion
Ha ha. You have a strange way of defining “attacking.” Saying “go back to New York and root for the Yankees” is not actually an “attack.” There is no name calling there, no insults etc.
It continues to occur to me that if most of your money is invested in five players: two chronically injured players, a DFAd player, a free agent who has been severely injured for years, and have a GM intern who isn’t very good at bargain shopping the rest of your roster, you won’t be very good.
What you post is true, but PTP bargain shopped last season and we did well until September (Over .500 ball w/o Trout). Bargain shopping is not easy nor an exact blueprint to winning. When you cut back in Scouting and Player Development and coaching and teaching you will just continue to be losers even with the 2 greatest of current players on the roster. Don’t put too much blame on the GM, look what happens when GM’s leave here. There just might be other reasons for our poor showing. HMM, I’ll have to expore what might be the reasons and get back with you. 🙃
Funny stuff: So far this season between the team and collectively all of us here, we have fired or demoted or traded everyone on the team from Arte down to the clubhouse guys. “Who’s next”?
No, who’s on first.
We Won’t Get Fooled Again? Oh yes we did, Minasian.
I love the Who but this is the most classless album cover of all time (that was probably the point). Though, I forgive them because of Baba O’Riley.
“It hurts to be in love, especially when the one you love”…… fill in as needed. If you have two Mega-Stars and it sells, why is that enough for the average fan we may ask ourselves. But those of us that are deeply involved with this team just expect better, so in failure we are affected differently than the folks just looking to have a fun night out at a baseball game. If we go to the game, we are disappointed if the team loses and when starting the car, we tune into KLAA to hear the recap why? to see if our pain is being felt by others.
In the past we saw the players we hoped would be stars fail and then rooted for the next one coming up, that was how it was being an Angels fan. Remember Jim Spencer, Carney Lansford, Donte Bichette, Jim Edmonds, all going elsewhere to have good years, but not with us, so we saw let downs before this.
But this time, this time is different. Different because we won in 2002, different because we for ten years or so were damn good as a team and we came to expect it that we would always be winners. We have Trout, Ohtani and then we have Fletch and Walsh and Ward, we have Sandy and Detmers and Iggy, but sadly very little after that. It does not stop us from rooting for Marsh and Adell to be the Stars we hoped for, but in failure this time unlike in the past we have been let down and let down hard.
In response we may watch only parts of games on TV as TV shows or movies or reading the latest report on the economy might be of more fun. We may not attend as many games as we once did or even listen to Terry and Langer and Roger as much as we used to, but we at heart know that we can come here and share how we are feeling with those that understand and feel the same pain. Frustration. Anger. We know and acknowledge we won’t wander afar; we won’t really change to some other team as we love out red on.
But what we all face is the game we think we know so well is changing and change is difficult at times, but more so when the team we love is trying to change and not keeping up. But fear not, all is not that bad, for we currently draft 7th next year ( 😂 ) and we have some time left with Shohei and can always hope to see the Trouty of old. So there is always hope and we have not yet arrived at the bottom of the ninth just getting close.
You know we are going to win today don’t you? 😄 😀 😂
Bachman pitch well last night for the Pandas. 3 innings 1 hit 4K’s.
Something positive
We need all the trade bait we can muster.
For what ? Why would you trade Bachman ? We used a 1st Round Draft Pick on him and he actually looks like he might be good !
We need pitching desperately ! He is not somebody you consider trading, lol.
I’d argue the Angels need a legit, SS, C, 1st baseman and OF (x2) much more than one bullpen arm. Are we going to watch Walsh, Squid, Rengifo, Stassi and Marsh again next year? There is no talent in the minors, so we need to acquire via the trade market. Something that Jedi adeptly does but Perry doesn’t do.
Lastly, bad backs with pitchers are a serious thing that can crop up at any time. We waited too long to move Canning in a deal. Cannot make the same mistake with Sammy Boy.
Disagree. We have Fletch coming back, Stassi is having an off year offensively (I look for a bounce back next season) and there are always OF options available (we can start by giving Adell a REAL shot, instead of bringing up Thomas ), as it is not a hard position to find/fill. Pitching is STILL our greatest need, both BP and SP.
Have you been watching the last two months??? We cannot even get to a save situation.
Trout has been out much of that time and of course Rendon has been gone for what seems like an eternity. This recent offensively slump notwithstanding, going into 2023 I think our offensive outlook (when healthy) is much better than our pitching.
This is why you do whatever it takes to keep Ohtani, and of course you don’t trade a guy like Bachman or Bush. You seem to disagree, but that is okay. I feel like everything flows out of the pitching.
Wow. I had covid so I watched a few games from start to finish before the all star break. Im convinced the Angels delayed my negative results a few days. I bought everything Arte and the boys upstairs gave us. Now, my question is not, will the Angels have a 100 loss season? That answer is yes. It’s how the Angels will loose 110 games and how bad does that look with sho and trout playing most of the season? My guess is they will shut down Trout and in Sept shut down Ohtani so it doesn’t look so bad. I’m not saying trout is not really hurt. Im just saying I cant trust anything the Angels do. I’ve been duped too many years. I have no faith in any of the players on that roster. Brutal. Arte, tear down that roster!
Villar DFAd. Sure he sucks, but we don’t exactly have some stud burning in up on The Farm.
Assuming Fletcher coming back soon.
And why do we make that assumption. I have not heard a thing about that actually happening.
“Infielder David Fletcher (hip surgery) is still playing at Triple-A. ‘He says every day is an improvement from the day before,’ Frostad said. Fletcher had said before the break that the plan was for him to be activated at the start of the Angels’ next homestand, on Thursday.”
He went 2 for 3 with a walk including a double and a stolen base last night at SL. He’s was also part of this nifty defensive play:
Oh its happening.
I heard July 28th is targeted for return of Fletch.

PC: Rhett Bollinger twitter, but extracted as img in order to avoid the CtPG waiting period for posting.
Goooooose. He did not embarrass himself last year like most in the team. Glad he was basically switched in for Villar.
The good news keeps on coming:
Mike Trout hasn’t played since July 12 due to back spasms, and that absence morphed into a stint on the 10-day injured list due to inflammation in his left ribcage. The Angels placed the superstar on the IL on July 18, but head trainer Mike Frostad told reporters (including Jeff Fletcher of the Southern California News Group) that Trout will miss more than the minimum 10 days. Trout received a cortisone shot in his back “a few days ago.”
He’s a brittle old lady at this point. Maybe he could stand to lose a bit of weight. 🤷🏼♂️
Good thing he’s on a huge contract until the end of time. He and Rendon can hang together at the nursing home.
What makes you so sure they don’t already?
Point taken, although Rendon may be too GA to hang out with Trout.
Suspect the weight is key to his power.
Damn, I haven’t seen it this bad in years.
It’s not me, it’s you Ångels. You’ve got no plan. It’s ugly. I’ve had enough
The plan seems to be to sell as many Ohtani tshirts as possible until he leaves to sign a huge MFY free agent contract.
Maybe it’s time to take up kite flying…?
Why can’t we let go of something that brings us absolutely no joy?
Easy. Let go of toxicity. Boundaries.
It’s like heroin.
Let’s face it.
We are addicts.
We come here on this board, now, to seek solace, to vent, to find some humor, to commiserate with other Angels fans, to find some realistic pathways that might turn this team around. We also try to find reasons why we should suffer through watching more of this stuff the Angels organization put on the field that they consider baseball….
For me, it’s loyalty. I keep my wife, my dog, my team no matter what. There’s love for my wife and dog, none left for this team.
Stockholm Syndrome
Speak for yourself. I was musing to myself yesterday, “Am I still an Angels fan?” and my answer was, “No, not really. I’ll always be an Angels fan before I’m a fan of any other baseball team — I could never adopt someone else — but it’s ok for me to be a fan of no one right now.” I feel shitty being a fair weather friend, but at the same time, as you say, how can I be a fan of a team that brings me absolutely no joy? To the contrary, in fact, a team that brings me pain? What is there to be a fan of?
I am a big fan of CTPG though, so I do drop by here once in a while because I miss all of you.
Very well put.
The Angels lose a lot. I just deleted a big paragraph describing it. Everyone knows so no point. Just not a very good team.
Arte, your team is embarrassing and I hope you are embarrassed. Yeah yeah, tons of money cry me a river, but I hope a piece of you is still embarrassed
He doesn’t care. Dollar signs is all he sees. Trout and Ohtani will sell tickets. That’s all that matters.
Unfortunately, these normie fans will still go to the game just to watch Ohtani.
A shameless person can’t feel shame….
At this point, trying to spend more money is this team would be equivalent of pouring fire onto the gasoline.
I love you Angels and I have really tried to be a good, loyal fan. But you keep hurting me. I tell my friends about how fun you used to be and how much fun we had together. They don’t get it. I told them they don’t understand you. But now I’m understanding where they are coming from. Maybe it’s time for a trial separation? I just think it might be best for both of us.
I haven’t watched a game a couple weeks. kinda nice
Oh ye of little faith….
Don’t do it….!
Think about the kids…
I’d be fine with a rebuild. This halfhearted attempt to contend that just ends in mediocre season after mediocre season, is just depressing
That’s the problem. The angels haven’t fully embraced a tank or completely went all in on buying their way to the playoffs. Just meddling between the two for 10 years.
That’s what I’m saying, yes