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Angels News
The Angels lose again last night. Brutally buttercupped after a comeback rally is all for naught. Seriously though, not watching was the right move.
Speaking of moves, MLB Trade rumors has a list of moves the Angels may make at the deadline.
However, the real news is that Trout is hurt. Again. Back Spasms. Ow, back pain never goes away, just ask Kershaw.
Oh yeah and Jeff Fletcher’s Ohtani book is out July 19th. Which is why he isn’t even watching the team right now.
Perry still believes in building around Troutani. Somehow.
Around Baseball
The All Star Game is almost here, and trouble is brewing. Or, not brewing, as the concession workers at Dodger Stadium voted to strike The All Star Game due to low pay.
Speaking of, the home run derby participates are finally being announced. Pujols, Schwarber, Alonso, Soto, and Acuna jr. 3 more spots left, wonder who they will be.
There will be new faces on the All Star Team, however. Garrett Cooper, JD Martinez, and Carlos Rodon are injury replacements.
Baltimore is still on a roll, and are making history. Yeesh, seems like all teams are doing better than the Angels right now.
Hey, remember Jim Abbott? Seems like someone is determined to follow in his footsteps. A one armed home run.
Former Angel Packy Naughton has been a great relief pitcher for St. Louis. Curse you Perry the GM! You let him get away!
Anything I missed? Post below for upvotes.
I’m stoked to see Adell back up with us, and, while his play in the outfield would make a guy like Kiermaier hemorrhage from his eyes just watching it, we still need offense.
Just coming from the team store… $499.99 for an all star jersey of Ohtani or Trout. The softball jerseys were more affordable last year. Hats are the usual price. I’m sure this could all be found out online.
Probably like 400% profit on that item, lol.
Gotta love Facebook memories… on this day 10 years ago….
“So I’m gonna do something a bit crazy for me now and just stop following the Angels for the next 54 days until I get home. No twitter, no FB, no ESPN/Fox Sports… nothing. Hopefully they turn this pretty much disappointment of a season around and win the division, but I doubt it.”
I know we’re not supposed to call “ballgame” even before play has started, but DAMN:

3 thru 9 looks like some scorched earth.
They all laffed with Velazquez picked up a bat. They’re still laffing now.
Adell 5… I’ll be taking my bathroom break and leisurely stroll around the park from the top of the 2nd through the 4th.
You know times are tough when Rengifo is batting 3rd. Also, Win Today’s Game!
No plumber or Lil Thor?
Who do you thinks gonna get the PH grand slams?!?
Michael Nelson Trout
I’ve always wanted to know what the baseball equivalent of “throwing the white towel” looks like
Win today confirmed.
Nevin should be fired for not finding a way to get Stefanic and MacKinnon both in the lineup. I can’t imagine a single good argument against having those two in.
Nevin should be fired for agreeing to take this job
Everyone should be fired for both agreeing and declining to take jobs in the organization.
Had a brainstorm earlier while replacing some light bulbs and daydreaming, so just hear me out, this is brilliant:
All this incessant losing will just make it all that much better when that day comes when we WIN THE WORLD SERIES!
Damn. Now that I’ve typed it out it looks not all that brilliant. Still…
You sound like Angel Fan circa 2001
Well, hear me out. Tonight we have Shohei pitching and if he starts us a winning streak and then we sweep the doyers going into the all star break and then Trout comes back and also Fletcher and then we could be onto something.
I had to type this with my eyes closed so keep from laughing so sry for speeling.
Per Bollinger:
Mike Trout said his back had been bothering him for the last week or week and a half but it flared up worse last night. But he said he doesn’t think he’ll need an IL stint and thinks he’ll be OK for the All-Star Game. Said he hopes to pinch-hit tonight
Bollinger again:
Head trainer Mike Frostad said Trout underwent both an MRI exam and a CT scan on his back. No strain was revealed so they believe it’ll only be a couple days
I mean it’s what I want to hear, PH tonight would be dope
Wouldn’t it be funny if we found out that our CT/MRI machines are not functioning properly, are considered outdated and need to be replaced…….Because. Cheap. Art.
I’m envisioning the bird telephone and bird typewriter in the Flintstones. Thanks for that visual Twebur.
Etchasketch. Moreno Malvado strikes EVERYWHERE!
Hmm. Wasn’t plugged in.
Angelspeak translation: he’s out til August
KC to be without FORTY PERCENT of their players this weekend due to anti-vaxxers.
Whoa that’s still going on
Maybe they just don’t like Canada?
They got touques, mounties, back-bacon, Rush: unpossible.
Found while digging through some of my old hard copy photos. Back in the SLR days.
Archive day, great idea. Makes me wonder what the oldest angels picture that I have on file 🤔
Jo Adell called up
So he’s NOT going to be playing in the Futures Game Saturday??
He never was invited.
Pastures Game maybe
Old timers game?
All the above 🙌🏼
Giants just claimed Rondon.
That make the decision clear that we must package Ohtani with Redone and send him to the Giants, so they can have Rondon, Rendon and Rodon.
Now if they can convince Rodan to join the team, they’d really kick rear.
The Dodgers would get Godzilla though.
But no rerun?
Is it a good thing when the pitcher with the second most losses on the team is your closer?
Is Jeff Fletcher off the beat? His Twatter feed has turned into a marketing campaign for his new Ohtani book.
Can you get a link? It’s the only way I can see Twitter posts, when I go to the site it wants me to create an account/can’t look up stuff.
When it asks you for an account, click “LOG IN” and then the X in the top-left corner. I’ve never had a Twitter account and recently this log-in shit has been really irritating my viewing of Tweets. Someone on Twitter posted how to get past this and it works.
Again: click “LOG IN” and then the X in the top-left corner… (you don’t log in but instead just play “patty-cake” with their log-in prompt.
Harrison misplays that ball hit to center last night: DFA!
YES! I feel REVENGE to assuage my ANGER at how bad we SUCK!
(But we do suck. O! How we suck, blow, hurl. Lemme count the ways.)
You’re sounding a bit like the Gitcho man there.
We sucked. Now that we sent Harrison down that should fix it.
I mean…first it was Wade: DFA’d his azz! YESH!
Now: Harrison!
3 weeks ago it was Lagares! (He’s now in Korea, with a team called the SSG Landers, not that literally anyone cares. GO! Fightin’ Lands!)
It just keeps gettin’ bettuh.
I hafta find something that sorta kinda feels like “winning,” fer crissakes.
David Vassegh w/ the dodgers is how a beat writer should do his job.
Jeff is a complete hack.
You’d think he could take a little time out of his book tour and provide us with an update on MNT’s bulky back.
this is exactly why i jaunted over to twitter and instead – I got a damn bookstore billboard in muh-face.
As a writer today you got to have a podcast and a book out or you aint nothin
Another Fletcher….This might be old news to everyone.
07/12/22 Los Angeles Angels sent SS David Fletcher on a rehab assignment to Salt Lake .
got 2 uneventful at bats at Vegas last night and some more on the way tonight
in that same LV-SLC game Tyler Wade was batting 1.000 for a few minutes.
Yeahhhh…. I’m still waiting for the winning streak that was supposed to happen once we were shed of him to get rolling.
We had some serious win-bumps when we shed:
We’re really on a roll with this whole uddisshin by subtrakchin thing.
Not baseball related (other than the Rams played at the Big A from 1980-1994) but the Rams training camp tickets have gone on ‘sale’ …. It’s free. Here’s the link they sent in an email:
Which is where you can find more news relating to the Rams.
Thanks DD, tag team back again
😎 🙌 😎
Perry says he can’t blame coaches for the players he put in place. Yeah I could agree when it comes to Wade and Squid but what happened to players like Marsh and Stassi who fell off a cliff when the crash occurred? The problems include the top of the line=up as well, so why not hold the coaches accountable. Same gfoes for the pitching, is it your star OF’ers job to tell your pitchers when they are tipping?
So, is there any reason he should stay and be replaced with Arturo’s next unqualified intern? The new GM and manager can bring in their own new set of coaches and scrub players.
I don’t believe the coaching staff was his, but my point is that there is a lot off blame here and it isn’t just Perry
The last few years have really dimmed my view of MLB players. Apparently 75% of them can’t figure out how to hit to the opposite field when all of the defensive players move over to their pull side, basically saying “come get it bitch”. Having actually pitched to a shift in the past, I understand that it’s not as simple as just slowing the head of the bat down. But these are “the best” and they’ve had what? 9 years to figure this out?
Now, if the Angelswebs are to be believed, MLB players have pretty much always been incapable of hitting above .200 without a coach there to hold their hand every at bat and walk them through video, etc. This desperate need for coach help is to the point that when 8 out of 10 MLB hitters can’t hit for shit it’s Jeremy Reed’s fault…. not the millionaire baseball player who can’t, you know, baseball.
That missing milk carton with reed on it is still probably one of the most like jpgs on here to date! Brilliant
You gave me an idea though. Maybe if we just removed the coaches altogether?
Let’s just let the pitchers bro each other out with their pitch tactics and the hitters bro it out with each others batting stances.
I’m kinda sorta only half joking.
Smacks of socialism, even anarchy. I like you style!
Anaheim (AP): The Los Angeles Angels have announced they are going coach-less for the 2023 season, a team functionary told The Press today.
“We just ya know, think we can like, do all this without outside help,” a player who wished to remain nameless said.
The team seems desperate after losing every game of the 2022 season after their 5-2 win in Miami on July 6th, setting an all-time record for baseball, including the minor leagues, Negro Leagues, international play, college, high school, even Little League.
“When it got to be that we were a punchline for comedians worldwide we felt we had to put our cleats down somewhere,” said another player, who also wished to remain anonymous.
“Hey, the checks still go through,” said Anthony Rendon, to the laughter of his teammates.
Why is Trout uniquely unqualified to hit high heat. Let Jeremy Reed explain why. If it’s so easy to get the GOAT out this way, why isn’t every other batter faced with a steady diet of this impossible to hit pitch.
Interesting read , defiantly must just be unique to him ha
Just noticed at age 30 and 31, Willie Mays played in every single game, 154 and 162 with huge numbers. Sadly, Trout should have been hitting his prime at the same age range
Perhaps it’s his body type. He seems to be breaking down physically.
Sometimes I think working out insanely for 12 months a year to gain maximum strength is not always the best option. Being lean and flexible like Willie may be the better approach.
It is a marvel to me that guys like Frank Robinson and George Brett basically had mechanic’s bodies, not a well defined muscle amongst them, and yet held up so much better.
Well it wasn’t due to their well defined sphincter muscles
My gram and gramps always used to call him “hemorrhoid”
Brett really became the representative face of ass-rash.
“I took a step and AAAAAAAHHHH right down my leg.”
Body shaming is not allowed. Next thing you’ll be saying Stefanic has Plumbers butt.
he already CRACKED the lineup!!!!
Blue Jays just fired Charlie Montoyo.
WOW! 4 games over 500 and still in the mix for a wildcard, we could only be so lucky.
It helps to have a bunch of awesome players and a fanastic farm system. They have at least three catchers who are way better than anyone we have.
Angels Law says they will hire now Maddon and do well in the postseason with him.
This is so true and would be yet another dagger to the heart for Angels fans.
Hmmmm. That was the primary “Guy from the Rays who should be a manager”. I’m surprised they made this move, not just cause the Jays aren’t terrible, but how do you get a more “futureboy” manager than Montoyo?
I think I’ve solved his ultimate goals and motives!!!
💪 💪 💪 💪
You bought a Mercedes Benz and Season Tickets?????
Should’ve sprung for the Lex, good parking bennys at the stadium
This is what he means
I wrote an “If I Were Perry” article yesterday that I think is aging like milk. Is there a certain individual on the site that reviews these?
Would definitely like to read that!!
It’s good you alerted us. There are so many pending articles things can get lost in the shuffle.
It’s here.
No stress! I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t user error (me). #noob
I forgot tht Minasian surrendered a draft pick to sign Thor. You are so slick, Minasian. $21 million for a half season rental, if you’re lucky enough to pawn him off on somebody.
So what’s the rule on that… was he a restricted free agent? If you spend over a certain amount does that trigger the compensatory pick? I generally done know the draft rule of baseball as well as some of the other sports. The international signing rules especially confuse me.
Which means the Doyers will make off like Fat Rats for Tyler Anderson who’s 9-1 while we get screwed for a guy whose last good seasons were 2016 and 2018
and 4mph slower.
It’s awarded if there’s a QO from the players team. The Mets gave Thor that offer so we surrendered our pick.
Really appreciate the explanation!
To be fair, if he’s a half season rental that means we’re probably not paying $21M and will get something in return to offset the value of the draft pick.
It will be a loss overall but they will be able to cut the losses to a level that still makes the move a smart one based on how things looked heading into 2022.
It may turn out to be one of Minasian’s best moves, considering how terrible most of the other ones were.
Maybe we can trade him to a team that owns a compensatory pick and get it back. The Braves just did this. But just TRADE THOR. Earlier the better.
I’m up for that. The question arising is what happens to the Mini Me. Is he part of the package. No way we should break them up. They complete each other.
Should get Dylan Bundy back from Minn and that will complete the Bros trio of lookalikes.