Going back to the days of HH, this has always been billed as “an Angels community” and that sense of community has been a real draw.
Times are tough for the community right now. The Angels are bad in a year in which many of us had playoff hopes. The strikeouts, the bad play, the constant chatter about our favorite team wasting two all time greats; it is a lot to bear.
And times are tough outside our community right now. The pain at the gas pump, the rising cost of food, the constant predictions of a recession; it is a lot to bear and some of that frustration likely carries over when you log in.
We get it, life isn’t sunshine and rainbows right now.
That said, the community guidelines and rules exist to keep this little section of digital heaven running for all of us but aren’t being followed.
Community members disagree, that’s cool. And familiarity can breed contempt. But the name calling is getting more prevalent and needs to stop.
Community members get frustrated and want to vent. That’s cool but don’t drop racist or homophobic remarks or slurs. We all know what terms were thrown around in locker rooms up until recently. Leave them there.
I’m writing this post because I genuinely care about this community. In the last week we’ve had to ban two posters for breaking the community guidelines. Yes, I’ve linked the guidelines twice because I hope we all take a refresher and read them through.
In case you don’t click those links, here’s the meat and potatoes:

Sadly, each time we reached out to the accounts that were banned we were met with anger and criticism rather than an apology.
This isn’t about supressing genuine discussion, becoming “woke” or anything else. This is about keeping our fun little Angels site a fun little Angels site.
Thanks for reading this. And let’s go Halos!
Thank you to Jeff, Jessica, Charles and all the rest of you site editors I’m omitting. I actually have been finding myself not wanting to be here since mid-May while my beloved team has been imploding. Not because I can’t handle it, but simply because I don’t need to see a constant sea of hopeless negativity, and then worse — jerks insulting other posters for not agreeing with them. It’s refreshing that you’ve cleaned up a bit.
Now I’m ready to get back to rightly criticizing our team that is playing like crap whenever Ohtani is not the starting pitcher. LOL
Get IMGUR dude.

Hope the real team has a team meeting like this. Maybe tonight’s win will finally end the figurative hitting the brick wall that seemed to happen when Ward hit that real concrete wall.
If we can’t make up ground against the pigeons, we’re done for.
I don’t comment here much, but thanks for what all of you admin and moderators and authors do here to maintain the community.
TEST…If you (or I) can read this post, I wasn’t one of the banned for being an obnoxious d-bag…
And…I see it! I got away with it this time!
To quote Homer Simpson, “Woo hoo!”
As someone who loses my temper here now and then, I co-sign all of this. Everyone can be better myself included.
At the end of the day, this is an Angels blog to talk to Angels fans about the Angels. The Angels are chronically frustrating in recent years so I think if people being frustrated annoys you, either separately post what you feel is more important or ignore it?
Different opinions and even some agitated debate are usually awesome. It’s why most of us probably come here. I don’t think anyone comes here to be shamed for caring about the team though. It’s a weird flex to come to a fan blog and constantly snark at people for being fans.
Being a fan is certainly frustrating as you say, but when 95% of your post are negative, well that’s not being a fan that just being redundant along with being negative. It stirs up unnecessary post with no point being made that everyone already is aware of. How many times does anyone want to read about how many strikeouts we have and how we lead the league? Caring about the team is not firing everyone every night, we get it. Debate and different opinions are great but putting up pictures of players that I don’t even recognize and referencing past drafts and mocking the past GM for not choosing the guy in the picture is not being a fan, that’s being annoying.
Now shame on you for losing your temper 😀 😂 😄 😃
BTW, Gitch snarks at everyone, so don’t take it personal, it takes a while sometimes to see his humor, but he means well really. Plus, he is knowledgeable for being a Gitch, so there is that.
Definitely agree! I wasn’t excusing the type of posts that become endless trolling specifically to agitate people. That’s worthless.
I was saying more that things like lamenting the owner, the GM, the scouts, the manager, the shortstop etc. should be taken with a grain of salt even if it seems like someone falls on that point most days. It’s like seeing gas prices not change….you’re probably gonna keep thinking about the gas price until it changes.
Disagree w/you grandpa. I definitely want to hear about the K’s. Because the angels have put me in such a mood I could scream!!!!
But seriously, some guys didn’t see the post from the game before, maybe they didn’t bother to watch/listen to the game. If they want to throw out a K count, more power to them. If they do it 20 times a game (unless we strikeout 20 times in one but that’s crazy talk!) then there’s an issue. Most of us here are tossing out gallows humor posts. This is a comically bad team, coached by a comically bad staff owner and run by incompetents. Those guys aren’t comical at all.
If they run out of chips they run out of chips. Til then unless they’re being jack asses, just scroll on by. I know I had to skip a few of yours grandpa when they got to be too “we’re gonna win!” Sweet lol!
Our angels are gonna be a bad team for the foreseeable future. We better thicken our skin and line up a whole lot of new jokes about the fat kid and whatever black hole we have at catcher next year.
You are most welcome to disagree with me, and certainly I can scroll on by, this all something we can hash out between us, but redundant still is redundant, the same stuff over and over that we have no control of and the K’s just pile up. Now how do we fix it? That is what is most interesting, giving ideas for change, not opining the same narrative every game.
But what about my freeze peach?
You guys do a great job, thanks for putting the effort in to keep this an enjoyable place to discuss the most maddening team in sports right now.
Believe me, the freeze peach was mentioned! Apparently this site is what is wrong with America.
I’m almost sad I missed all the drama the last few weeks 😂
Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere!

That cat’s awesome.
Rally cat??
Can it pitch?!
If somebody calls you an A-hole I invite you to flag the comment instead of responding in kind. That’s what the flag is there for.
Flagged for unnecessary roughness.
I agree wholeheartedly with your write-up, I have but one small aside. Considering all of what you have described taking place, and in the context of our current societal mindset, should the word “misandry” be added to the list?
Tom Landry’s daughter? 😂
I don’t hate Wade anymore. He’s gone.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If I see something like that I will regard it as treading on this rule:
Just a brief note – I may have floated an F bomb in one post.
And, I know we should be more civil here.
I appreciate this board and the efforts the Editors and content providers put into publishing information that we can enjoy on the board.
Thank you…..
It’s nice as an Angels fan to have an opportunity for expression. And, it’s great reading the comments from the participants and the editorials.
Crashingthepearlygates is much appreciated…..
F bomb policy hasn’t changed.
Just don’t use it in a “f@$k you” manner.
Even if it’s directed at the asstros?
I’ve directed one at the Roid Sux.
But never a fellow poster.
The Asstros are a fine target for your once a month F-bomb; not other members here.
Do not ever direct that three letter f word at anybody whether inside or out of here.
Team thank you very much for all the hard work you do to maintain this site. I come here to forget what is happening in the real world, have some laughs and vent. I appreciate that you folks have to deal with the knuckleheads in order for the rest of us to enjoy the community.
I agree that times are tough, but I think the biggest factor is how awful the Angels are and how frustrating that is. We come here for a little refuge, and instead we get 14 game losing streaks and 20 K’s against per game. I know there are times I must take a deep breath to avoid posting something I might regret. But mostly it’s directed at how awful the team is, not my fellow posters.
We should all try to be friends here. After all, we’re all here for the common goal of rooting for our team, albeit in our own ways. I have respect for all the Pollyanna’s and all the Doomers.
Thanks to all the moderators who are doing their level best to maintain civility for all of us and continue to make it a safe, fun place. Or at least as fun as following the 2022 edition of the Angels can be.
We follow the Angels. We went through some awful times (1995). We should have built up some tolerance to awfulness even if it’s frustrating. As for the banned, well, hopefully, they’ll cool their heads down and reconsider.
Should have also added a few words of gratitude and appreciation for our wonderful editors!
It’s called balance. I consider myself a diehard Angels fan but in no way do I let their failures or successes have an outsized impact on my daily life.
Whether the Angels win or lose, the sun is going to come up tomorrow, my wife is still going to love me (I think/hope), and I’ll still have my friends and family, including the internet peeps at CtPG.
I think that likely applies to everyone here. The thing though is that an Angels blog or any team blog is *where you go* to vent about failures and revel in success so it’s easy to get the impression that someone cares too much by virtue of them having a similar energy or thought to every post….because the Angels are all there is to post about here and all the Angels do is frustrate.
It’s like going to a shrink’s office. Someone venting about everything on their mind to their shrink doesn’t mean that’s how they are when they leave the office.
Well said. After games like yesterday’s (the HOU series, the 14 Game Debacle, and oh-so-many others), I know I have my strategies to circuit-break the sadness and frustration of my beloved team playing so relentlessly poorly.
I really like what BruinsAngelsKings says about perspective and being a fan.
Cultivate those other non-sports-fan things that keep our perspective. I have at least six things that are reliable. And thank Goddess!, especially during a season like this.
Finally: it seems like goofy and self-deprecating (NOT defecating) humor goes a long way, too. And baseball lore. We’re all fans not only of our team, but of the sport, or at least I’d hope so.
…Which reminds me of something Van Lingle Mungo once said to Heinie Manush…
STFD Salmon, the games on, 😂
Thanks fer the reminder, Grandfather Clock!
Please vent. Be mad at the team, the umps, Arte, etc.
Don’t call them slurs or attack fellow posters and it’s good.
Ok, we can all agree that the ump are idiots, right? Or at least blind.
How dare you call them Pollyannas!!! They prefer rainbow farters. I think….
I am so very pleased with cleaning out the CTPG gutters. Constantly reading the negative post that just keep coming was beginning to be eliminating of a lot of good people that post here. It was changing how the good posters were responding toothers and how they were responding to the team’s failures in a constant negative way also. I don’t care who is gone, I just hope that they were the DOOMERS, and we all know who they are/were. Thank you all who work so very hard to making this a great place to come and spend time, offering our thoughts to improve the team, critique the team, and suffer through the games together without everything being so depressing.
Now if only we could get Downing Dude to have a sense of humor, 😂 lol
Downing Rules was such a Funnier Guy.
Are you calling my old username a mushroom? A fun-guy?
You really are a funny guy.
I was relieved to see that I can still log in here. Whew
I wish the doomers well – hopefully, they see the silver lining and learn from the ban. 😛
I’d a left if you were locked out…..Funny Stuff 😂
Nice, I wondered the same. 🙂 If I have crossed a line for anyone please let me know and I’ll ride off into the sunset. I have been checking in less and less or just lurking with the team’s regression along with the infighting that has been too common lately as I can get sucked into that abyss. Over the weekend, I was thinking about how many of the former HH diehards no longer seem as active and how I missed their civility (I was Grahams98 or Swinghard77 there, can’t remember.). So Rev, Lana, Jessica, Downing, Mia, Joiner, Eric in Oregon, GPB and the rest I missed thanks for the discourse and perspective.
Kind of funny note as I went off on a regular poster here a few months ago as I thought it was fake account and it was really a Ranger’s fan trolling OUR site.
Lastly, I also appreciate the staff’s efforts and I know that you all are true fans that do it out of kindness.
Dude: you’re HH/CtPG HoFer, first ballot.
Those guys weren’t doomers. They went beyond that to a place where there’s zero humor. Doomers can toss a funny shot now and then to cleanse the palate. These guys wanted a scrap in my opinion.
Jeff Joiner – 2024…..!
I’m guessing bradlee is one of them. Dude has a mouth of a 1960’s sailor.
love that spongebob episode with Mr. Krabs sounding like Flipper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlPrdaq8VyI
People who do things to get banned from a message board probably aren’t going to be apologetic when they do get banned.
Jeff, this is a much needed post! Honestly, I use a curse word more than once a month and add gifs into game threads when we are being brutalized. I actually know those against the guidelines yet that is about the extent of me venting my mounting frustrations about a poor team with terrible operations (see RexHaloFan post about Angels in the last few years). You might know me a little, and that I like to give back, but I’ve been reluctant to offer diamond club seats to the CtPG community this year because of the overwhelming negativity. I really want to get some of us together to enjoy a ballgame and talk about the glass half full things of life/baseball but the reset you, Jessica and the other admins are doing is much needed.
Thanks. I hope this finds the right audience.
The guidelines say to try to keep it PG13 and most do, including you.
Honestly, I cuss a lot in real life so the occasional bad word doesn’t bother me. But when a poster drops a slur or calls another poster an a-hole things are getting out of hand.
The “ban hammer”. Don’t leave home without it.
Tempted to share the emails we got.. lol.
Lovely comments like “Angels suck, just like you bitch”
Nothing like confirming the ban was a good idea!
Thank you Jessica and all involved!!
I’m sorry you and the crew are dealing with this type of crap. There’s just no excuse for anyone to receive those types of messages.
wow! I’d ask who got banned but I’ll be able to tell by their absence
Good grief!
While shocking, it is funny that someone could be so rude and stupid.
The rest of that email was downright appalling.
Not surprising, given the high-octane “Lead follow or get out of MY way” style of the posts scattered about. No one should be subjected to abuse like that, thanks for all you and the staff do!
Funny thing about cyber post like those is that almost nobody would speak that way to you in person. Cowards have always relied upon the lack of likely retribution.
That type of comment is certainly uncalled for.
Sounds like a ranting tantrum by a 15 yr old.
Wait…. that didn’t change your mind?