Here is a short video of Mike Trout batting as a high schooler. I wonder who is being described here.
Noah Syndergaard made this list of the ten MLB players with the most to prove in 2022.
Did you know Garret Anderson was only hit eight times in his baseball career?
The Phillies signed six pitchers to minor league deals, including Cam Bedrosian.
The Milwaukee Brewers are hiring for sports performance and scouting positions.
The Yankees are seeking an Advance Scout Analyst.
Correction: Apparently Yasiel Puig also settled the case about his alleged assaulting of the woman at Staples Center.
With friends like this, who needs enemies? Alternative title: Batting Cage Follies. (about a grown man who can’t be trusted to hit off a tee)
International signings are still possible. Get a load of this guy’s name.
Photo credit: Rex Fregosi
It’s so GA of GA to only have been hit 8 times in his career. Well done. I also love the photo in the link where it’s so GA of GA to be barely celebrating the WS ring. Who is pouring the sparkling water on him? Finally, thanks again to him for that bases-clearing WS winning double in Game 7.
The United States of Ohtani
Go to Fanatics and see what a Ohtani signed baseball goes for now! Hint: It has doubled in price since June.
Anywhere from $800 to $1200.
Yep, good thing I purchased one for my son back in June when I thought he was having a good year. My son will get it in n Christmas morning.
I cherish the signed baseballs I have accumulated over the years, and each one is tied to a memory of meeting that player.
I don’t think I could shell out that kind of money for a ball someone else got signed.
But i’m not a collector, so I assume it’s different for others.
Now would I pay $800 to meet Shohei and get a picture? Maybe.
Oh the fury and grit! Imagine how he would’ve treated Dylan Bundy!
Is it fury and grit?
Or is he just a giant arrogant asshole?
An asshole and a dumbass. A multitasker!!!
Is that your daddy tooty two?
Just nine more days and the Big Guy will get to rest after one humdinger of a night. How many of Santa’s Reindeer can you name really fast? My ten-year-old grandson last night hit the 8 names and added Rudy to boot as fast as lightning. Ah kids making Christmas time special, got to love them all.
Now as expected the lock down continues, and under the white flocked tree with the red and blue ornaments hanging with Angels names from past and present there are no presents neatly wrapped with the names of SS’s or the names of pitcher’s or catchers. It’s going to be a sad day in Angels Fansville. So the two Grinches really gone and done It this Christmas.
Have yourselves a great day today my friends ☃ 🎀
Hmmmm….. there are eight reindeer right?
Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph, Mixon, Reinsdorf, Hasselhoff, Vixen and Tchala?
I think you forgot Manfred?
Dasher, Dancer, Donner, Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Prancer and Vixen. That took me about 5 seconds because I struggled for a second or two on Prancer.
But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all?
Jager Meister.
😂 Let’s all take a shot of something that tastes like NyQuil while we are at the bar/club/party.
I remember that when NyQuil was first sold, it was rather controversial because it was like 25% alcohol and sold OTC. That’s why they made the taste engage the gag reflex.
True story about NyQuil, in 2014 I was in DC for the Angels game (Pujols hit 499 and 500, I got 499) and afterwards we headed for Cooperstown and the HOF. On the way the wife wasn’t feeling well so we stopped to get NyQuil, the guy at checkout looks like he is at least 65 and I am 62 but he caught me completely off guard when he carded me because of the alcohol content
I assume your reaction was “Thank you!”?