Welcome to double header links! There aren’t very many. It was a slow news day yesterday. Joe Maddon thought there was a lot to like in Reid Detmers’ second big league outing. For his own part Detmers admits he made a few mistakes and he hopes to stop doing that.
It looks like they are bringing Chris Rodriguez back up again.
The Dodgers claimed Anthony Bemboom off waivers from the Angels. He had been on waivers because the Angels needed to make room for catcher Chad Wallach, who they claimed from the Dodgers.
Links From Around Baseball
That racist slur at the Rockies game turns out to have been a big misunderstanding.
It was a groin injury that knocked Justin Turner out of Sunday’s game. He’ll miss a few games they say.
Brock Holt brings the 31 mph slow ball. I wonder what his spin rate was.
Do you think moving Fernando Tatis Jr. to the outfield will help his shoulder issues any? I, for one, am skeptical.
It looks like Alex Bregman might be back just in time for the Angels series.
J.D. Martinez is on the COVID IL because he is experiencing symptoms. His test results are pending.
Photo credit: Rex Fregosi
WOW holy shit! I spit out my coffee after logging on here today.
I’ve seen some crazy stuff through the years as I grew up following Halos Heaven and it’s fair share of site controversies, but openly allowing crazy Antivaxx and QAnon conspiracies to be spewed on this site is a new low.
That it’s coming from a familiar contingent of voices that have expressed far-right views in the past is not surprising.
I encourage the people up at the masthead to evaluate the direction their site heading in because having an Angels blog devolve into some breeding ground for extremist views is surely not what they envisioned.
If we see conspiracy theories or extremism on either side we call it out. Pretty straight forward discussion on vaccines and variants is probably toeing waters we don’t want around here, but there’s zero danger of this site becoming a breeding ground for anything.
I think this thread jumped the shark the moment you started entertaining such crazy talking points as “Vaccine shots cause variants” and “Keeping your blood pH alkaline will fight the virus”. 😱 😱
At best, they are misinformed and ignorant. And at worst, they are purposefully peddling dangerous ideas.
The whole thing screams of misguided individuals who have done their “own research” regarding this thing. Again, I don’t think those sorts of discussions have any place on a baseball blog.
Hyperbole much? Whoa.
If you are unhappy here…..
First statement was wildly entertained with a correction and the second one was about the flu and looks quite wacky to me. Not our normal material and it won’t be on here often.
I appreciate the concern, but HaloAnon we will never be.
Ah mine? Not taking ad yearly flu shot is anti-vax? Yikes. It’s my personal experience. FWIW … I take my kids to get the flu shot every year.
Ha! I didn’t get a flu shot a couple of years ago and my doctor accused me of being an anti-vaxxer. I pointed out that I took the tetanus shot she told me to get and she mellowed out.
Excuse me, but PLEASE DO NOT MISQUOTE ME! I said keeping blood ph alkaline will significantly decrease chance of getting common flu and the common cold!
I never said anything about the corona virus. Fool.
You don’t belong posting here if you are going to so grievously misquote and misrepresent what people say.
Yesterday you called somebody an a-hole and today you called somebody a fool. While the Community Guidelines say disagreement and intelligent critique are welcome, I don’t think name calling qualifies as either of those things.
For the record, I’ve been troubled by the non-baseball nature of the vax sub-thread. We have been trying to stay away from heavy handed censorship around here. If I see more personal name calling from anybody directed to any member, my inclination will be to hide the comment and take it up with the other Masthead people for what the final resolution should be. This rant does not necessarily reflect the views of the other people on the Masthead. It’s what I’m thinking.
You are not doing your homework Charles.
If you had done your homework you would have known that the very person I directed the “a-hole” comment at (2pints)) had hurled the EXACT same insult at me over a month ago.
In fact, that person had seemingly sought me out and for whatever reason chose to attack me. Unprovoked I might add.
Generally speaking I am not the one to insult somebody out of the blue. I may question their judgment but I don’t resort to name calling outside of self-defense.
Strange, I don’t remember you chastising 2pints for calling ME an a-hole.
And one wonders if there is tacit agreement with BIO when he libels me and insults my intelligence through his Strawman and you come at me for rightly defending myself and calling him a “Fool.” A mild insult, all things considered.
If you are going to police this site you should at least do it fairly and even-handedly.
I am fine with not engaging in insults. But I will be damned if I am going to sit back silently while OTHERS insult me first and not a peep comes out of you.
In communication with the other editors for that very reason. You may notice that I said “anybody” and “any member.” I am not perfect and I know it. I feel it every morning when I wake up.
If we fall into the trap of “He did it first” then we continue to have this crappy world where nobody can be bothered to behave in a civil manner.
Calling someone a fool for misquoting them is against community rules? That’s soft as charmin.
Rec’d, OK. All one has to do is say “You misquoted me.” and specify how. Not personal. Not offensive. Why are we talking about each other this way? Is there anything productive about that? At all?
I know that you’re a grown man, but sometimes I like to pretend that you’re a too-smart-for-his-own-good10 year old aggressively typing away on your laptop. It fits with what you say much better. This comment by you backs up that thought pretty firmly.
P.S. I told you to quit acting like an ahole, whereas you called me an ahole. Pretty big difference there as you are saying I am 100% of the time an ahole, while I was saying that you are acting like one in that instance. And the reason I ‘seemingly sought you out” was because you were acting like an ahole. Deal with it.
Lmao, you’re making this way more serious than any of the comments did. Relax, man.
Well, just be a little more dramatic, that should solve it.
Being redundant, but paying for a 7 inning game is really pathetic business practice by the owners. It is cheap. Start game one at 1pm and a second game at 7:05. But instead of sticking it to the fans, Start at 1pm and let those that want stay for the second game like the old days. Or charge 5 bucks more at purchase time for both games and allow walk ups pay for the second game 1 hour prior. Or even try one price ticket at 20 bucks and you can sit where ever you want, earlier the better, Folks will be there early and buying food and drinks as fast as an order could be made. Have a Kids for free Friday night with a free kids T shirt.
Another thing is with ordering only 14,000 give away items when 32 to 37 thousand fans will be coming is the biggest chicken shit promotion of all time.
I’m done, game in 45 minutes.
On the promotions … My original take was “just arrive early” … After having been to a few games and soon headed to duplicate giveaways – it IS INDEED chicken shit splitting giveaways across 3 games. Pretty sneaky marketing – make many games “promo” games to garner increased ticket sales.
Exactly. Give out the promo to all fans. First 14,000 is garbage.
Yah, it’s lame. I have heard that some of the MiLB teams had a hard time even getting items for give aways because of Covid so maybe MLB teams have too. Still, if they are short on stuff to give away they should just bite the bullet, have fewer give away nights, and give away the items to all the folks who show up.
That is the way they USED TO do it. In the good old days. Like cap night.
Everyone got an Angels cap.
No more. Only the “select few” enjoy.
Remember the give away, I think it was a Star Wars giveaway, that you had to buy a “special ticket” to get the promotional give away, and a very large group of fans never read the “fine print” and were pissed that they didn’t get the promo item.
Don’t remember that, but it does not surprise me.
May have been 2015 or 2016.
When was the last time they had a real cap night?
You know, a real, quality Angels cap? Even the adjustable ones are good. But not those straw farmers hats with the white cloth Angels band.
A quality Cap Night? Maybe 2012? I remember in the 80s and 90s they would have some fairly nice cap give away nights /days.
All the hype / per cap returns are in bobble heads apparently.
Yep. I guess that is what they did.
The last good Angels hat I remember getting in a Cap Night must have been at least 8-10 years ago if not more. So perhaps your 2012 estimate is pretty close.
I think it has been awhile.
I remember that as well. People showed up but didn’t buy some special ticket that wasn’t all that clear to find on the web site.
32,000 to 37,000? People? In seats?
next thing you’ll say, we draw 3,000,000,000 fans a year.
Totally agree GP. Ownership has sunk to new lows. And I am assuming that it is not just ARTE and that one would find that other team owners limit game day giveaways and also are not giving the old two for one doubleheader value.
But I agree with you. The old “Doubleheader” was one of the things that made baseball great. I have only been to a couple in my life, but both were very enjoyable (Angels/Tigers in the Reggie era, and Angels/A’s in mid to late 80’s).
It is a shame really. Society in general has lost sight of what it means to provide value to customers. That is how you keep them! Instead business owners are constantly on the lookout for how they can give the customer less. This is what the world has become. Greed and selfishness.
The best business model is still giving the customer more. That way you have a customer for life. This is what made “The Cheesecake Factory” great when they first appeared on the scene.
In just his 3rd year in Frisco ( best record in MLB as opposed to 5 straight losing seasons ). 😥 😖 😠 💩 💪 💪 👍 🤘 👈 Also inherited a team with expensive veterans ( Mad Bum ) and a lousy farm system. Zaidi knows how to use data while other teams think they kinda know like John Carf*no and our former GM did.
They’re paying Gabe Kapler who was supozed tew bee a idiyet in Filly only a shade abuv $1M a yeer but alas, not us wee pay our feelyd skippers more in A*te land becauz thatz how wee roll over here at Gene Autry Way……….
Good idea acquiring this guy. What would it take to get him?
Hopefully more than John Carf*no and Matt Swanson.
IDK what’s a bad farm system director and no POBO worth?
As long as we’re just posting pointless shit, yall should know that I friggin LOVE watermelon salsa. Also, mole is delicious. Also I wish I owned a horse that someone else kept alive cause buff stallions are cool.
Make replies relevant to the OP’s.
Go get him!
As opposed to just randopooping something about Farhan Zaidi?
It is baseball related. Other members thought it was an honest comment.
I know you’ve gotta stroke that rage boner you have for me, and I get it, I think you’re stupid and you know it and it bugs you. Makes sense. But WTF does a random comment about the Giants POBO have to do with any of the topics that were previously being discussed? And where are all these people who were saying “Ah yes, Zaidi! Well said 2002Heaven!” In fact, what do 90% of this guy’s comments have to do with the topic that’s being discussed ever?
“Hurr Derr, it’s baseball related bro….” You don’t have to play dumb to leg hump every comment I make. I get it, you’re fragile, life has made you feel small and it burns inside you like a tiny Bessemer converter. I exacerbate that. But don’t try so hard, it makes you look desperate and pathetic. Just give it a day or two, I’ll say something you can legitimately watchdog without coming off like a child who got stuck with the lemon Starburst. Knock back a few drinks, wait a while, then you can semi-articulate a comment that really zings me when it counts instead of just making shit up.
What you got against Lemon Starburst?
Dem Fightin Words!
Taste like cleaning solution
He started a discussion, you just replied, complained. Bring something to the table. You say you are so smart, intelligent, and better than all else. Use the skills you brag about, and bring something to the table.
If you are such a good person, be one to the other members of this site. Don’t discourage baseball discussions.
Come on now. Posting a photo like that isn’t starting a discussion. It’s the classic “here’s a bunny with a pancake on its head” kind of deal.
So enlighten us as to how we should discuss a clearly unavailable GM/player development candidate now that his photo has been plopped into our vax thread? I’m genuinely interested as to how we are supposed to take a photo and have some sort of deep discussion. Notice my reply comment led to the whole “Wilson 4/58” comedy. That’s pretty much all we can do at this point.
2002heaven was talking about Zaidi being hired three years ago, and the Giants now have the best record in baseball.
Then 2002heaven goes on to say that the Angels spend so much more on things here compared to other teams, but nothing gets better.
2002heaven has a rant against the Angels, didn’t request a trade or pick-up. 2002heaven comments in some speculative spelling -don’t we all- but I didn’t read that 2002heaven was calling anyone out, just a baseball-related comment.
Thanks. didn’t realize there was actual text beneath the photo. 😀
Valid points – we need to grow the farm and not just throw money at drug-addicted outfielders.
So now what?
That was 2002heavens point, ask 2002heaven.
4/58, but then we’d be out on Buehrle.
Can we still get Wilson?
Whatever, dude.
Perry would take him in a street fight…..believe it in my heart. 💪💪🤛🤜 💩 out of him.
Perry is a Mafioso, so we have that going for us ! 😉
Canning is done for 2021. The back strain was really a stress fracture.
Thanks Dr. Nick
We need a bi-weekly injury/player health update press conference, Jen Psaki style.
So many questions it makes my head spin…..start with one, when do they think Canning’s injury occurred?
Here’s another, is Walsh coming off the IL today? If the answer is no, why?
Trout next
Next week…spread out the bad news..
The way this team works, they’re gonna wind up amputating his leg.
How did he get a stress fracture in his back with that smooth, easy flowing delivery of his?
Typical Angels.
Minor setback = done for the year.
Indian burial ground.
Why do people keep bringing this shit up?
Here’s another way to look at RenDone – is his bloated contract going to stand in the way of us paying Ohtani when he becomes a free agent?
Its a little late for that analysis
Why is that?
Especially if his value as a pitcher goes up. You and Gritchy Poo don’t always have all the answers so just accept it. BTW we don’t have to have unconditional love to the owner either.
No. It won’t. That isn’t how any of this works. One cannot make contracts in hindsight.
Nah. Ohtani makes Arte a lot of money. I think he’ll go deep into pocket to keep Ohtani. The problem could be further down the line when we have to pay Trout/Rendon/Ohtani. Then we won’t be able to pay “pitcher”.
Of course there’s the chance Ohtani wants to go play someplace else in a couple years from now.
Here’s my concern…I was watching the last game and the one of the Latriners hit a ball through into leftfield. The throw from left came home or something approximating it. I thought “Upton sure has a noodle arm” but it wasn’t Upton. So here’s my question: is Adell going to be a defensive liability *because* of his arm?
Just his arm?
And what’s with the question mark? Should be “Man … Adell is a total defensive liability.”
Arm accuracy, arm strength, route running, balls hit at him (both hard and soft) seems to freeze when he gets close enough to dive or dive when he shouldn’t, awareness near walls other outfielders, isn’t clean transferring glove to throw, bad at hits directly at him on the ground, not a clean quick….looks like he’s smoothed out some from last year, but I’m not sure.
Hope it’s a confidence/experience thing, in his head and he’ll be become a decent athletic OF’er.
Maybe Marsh will go full Kelly Leak for him and cover everything hit to the outfield
Maybe he will work on it like Trout did.
Long toss Calhoun style
1pm and 6pm are game times today and tonight. Have a wonderful morning and see you at lunch time. Go Halos!, Go Angels!
3:07 & 6:07 folks!!!
Another Hawaiian Shirt night? Gonna miss Sutton sipping his rum from an Arte Moreno facial feature custom tiki cup.
3:07 & 7:07 folks!!!
Covid-19 Virus is making a comeback with the Delta version hitting MLB. Is this the beginning of something big or just a hiccup? This could really affect the NFL and NBA for their coming season’s. NCAA Football and Basketball too. And just when we all were told it was safe again, Ka-Boom. What’s that? You can’t understand me? That’s because I have 3 masks on at the moment.
As long as people refuse to get vaccinated, this will never end
Correction: As long the virus keeps mutating because of the vaccine and subsequent booster shots this will never end.
Translation: Learn how to live with it because this will never end.
Bingo. Influenza strains mutate all the time. It’s a yearly vaccination because of all the different strains.
That’s why I get a flu shot every year and never get the flu.
I never get a flu shot and I never get the flu.
If you keep your blood ph more alkaline you can significantly decrease the risk of catching the flu or getting colds etc. That can be done through diet etc.
When I got covid back in January that was the first time I was sick in over 7 years. My diet isn’t the best, I just got lucky with a strong immune system.
It’s following the Angels……gave you a strong immune system, made you physically strong, like bull…even with a poor diet….because Arte is cheap.
But you’ll never escape the mental anguish.
our minor leaguers? 😫
I wonder what’s in those buckets????💩
Soup. Slow cooked “Sun Soup”
Chunky……sun soup
Roof leaks
Lol possibly. I’ve lost plenty of money and shit talking ability because of this team
Normal blood levels are slightly alkaline (7.34 to 7.38) Anything else is either abnormal or fatal.
Yes, but a heavy acidic diet (sugars, alot of meat etc) will make one more towards the acid side. By eating alot of greens (alkalizing) and drinking alkaline water you can maintain a good balance, actually to be slightly more alkaline.
What about alkaline batteries?
That’s the same chart for pool water……..
What the hell are you going on about? What’s you scientific basis for such a stupid claim?
I have always gotten some kind of flu in the winter and an occasional short one in the summer yet I haven’t had a sick day since March 2020. I think it’s because I wash my hands more than I ever have. Go to the store, come home, wash my hands. Get the mail, wash my hands. Any kind of contact with others and I’m washing up. Also not standing eye to eye with anyone other than my wife.
Good for you bringing the washing of hands up, it is hugely important to do. But standing eye to eye with my wife is difficult as she is 13 inches shorter than myself. I have from the beginning always worn the mask since the start of this Covid 19 and have dodged the ball. Stay safe my friends, stay smart. 🙊
Viruses are always mutating.
Sometimes they mutate into a much weaker variant of themselves ( that’s probably what happened to the 1918 Spanish Flu……you’re welcome for my enlightening you ). 😆 💪
I don’t know if that’s a correction or a contradiction
ok, then!
but seriously, I’m not a doctor (you already knew?) but I don’t think the virus is mutating because of the vaccine. I think it’s a pretty natural occurrence for viruses to mutate.
The way it’s been explained (by a doctor fella) to me is that it is always mutating, from both vaccines and also via conflict with all kinds of people’s immune systems. There are thousands of “variants”, we actually take note of one when it starts to actually get a larger number of people sick. Then it gets named “delta” etc. But the virus is always making little changes and trying new things as it replicates.
Those of us who are vaccinated will still catch the virus. We just won’t end up in the hospital.
Athletes will test positive for Covid years from now. Hopefully by then the treatment and vaccines have reduced the severity of the disease substantially enough that it’s no longer a deadly threat.
Not necessarily true. I know 2 vaccinated people who had to be hospitalized. One of them had the COVID prior to the vaccine so he got it again!.
The statistics show the vast majority of people who are hospitalized/die as the result of Covid are unvaccinated. Nobody ever claimed the vaccinations were 100% effective. Just up to 95% effective and even more effective if everybody continues to wear masks, socially distance, and stay away from superspreader events and indoor gatherings.
Do they? Whats your source? The data I’ve seen out of Europe & Israel indicate the exact opposite
Here’s one article. It’s pretty stark. Get vaccinated, people. It’s good for you, it’s good for everyone else.
I’ve been watching Israel for the last year or so too. They are basically 2 months ahead of us in everything.
They released a study saying Pfizer was only 39% effective at preventing a Delta infection but over 90% effective at preventing hospitalization. Not enough data yet on the others.
At some point we’re probably all going to get it. Let’s just take our best shots at not dying or nearly dying from it. Get in shape and take the jab.
The problem with ‘we will all get it’ thought process is that there are approximately 40 million immunosuppressed individuals who are likely to die or have very serious health impact if ‘everyone’ gets it. We as a society need to come together and help protect these people by, at a minimum, wearing masks in public places. It’s torture to just say those folks can stay at home in isolation.
I think, and I could be wrong, that Jeff is saying that, given that this is a Corona Virus, it is going to keep traveling through it’s host population (the world) infecting people until there are no more (or a much lower number of) bodies that will allow it to live in them.
So the steps people like you keep asking for, though well intentioned, pretty much just extend the amount of time that these people are at risk. It’s not a thought process, it’s a fact, these types of viruses tend to stick around, they don’t just go home because everyone masked up, or even got a shot. So the big hope is that they can find better and better treatments for at risk patients who catch it, while everyone else gets vaccines and tries to be as healthy as possible.
Also, you have a very broad definition of the word torture.
Not quite. I’m just being real that the vaccine is designed to keep the majority out of the hospital or morgue. there’s no force shield against this thing.
Well – my wife of 31 years is immunocompromised and therefore the vaccines don’t work on her (we tried). So we have been fully isolated now since March 12, 2020. 18 months of isolation is a form of torture. We can’t travel to see our kids. We are stuck at home 24/7.
All I ask is that people mask up – vaxxed or not. That protects the immunocompromised from exposure to other people’s life choices. If everyone is masked, we can go to a grocery store or maybe even Target (believe it or not a luxury at this point). If they are not masked it’s too much risk to my wife. To me it’s part of living in a society. We should all be watching out for each other.
The plural of anecdote is not “data”.
Refereed studies have shown that in general, vaccinated people have much less severe cases. There will still be outliers.
Do those referees have instant replay at their disposal?
Look at the exchange above and below re vaccinations and Covid. Is it any wonder this country is so hopelessly divided? Is there any escape to the constant bickering and negative energy?
Yeah. Why can’t everyone have the same opinion? 😇
Ha! Correct. Better yet – my opinion!!
Honestly, though, the division in this Country is stunning. No one wants to listen or consider other opinions. Minds are made up.
The vaccine issue is but one example. It’s free and effective. Is it perfect?- no. But it definitely protects against serious illness a whole lot better than no vaccine.
Similarly, wearing a mask clearly helps the spread of disease and is the best way to fight against Covid from a public health perspective whether or not vaxxed. But the anti-vaxxers and maskers don’t want to hear any of it; and the pro-maskers and pro-vaccine folks view the anti-crowd as lunatics.
Mixed in is a healthy dose of divisive politics and, of course, religion.
So where does that leave us except hopelessly divided with no one willing to listen to each other and folks only communicating with like-minded individuals (mostly through social media)? It’s a recipe for hate and resentment.
I don’t buy this “hopelessly” nonsense. There I go again arguing – does it mean we are divided? Nope. Don’t let the programming change your thought processes and leave you hopeless. Let’s have a discussion and meet somewhere in the middle.
I’m all for that always. I just don’t see it happening anymore. Like hang out with and talk to like. It’s very similar to the Dr Seuss Sneetches book with Stars on Thars taken to the extreme.
I think it’s very much fed by social media algorithms.
Love a good discussion. Now that discussions have moved from real life to social media, there are no counter arguments, though. No respectful listening to an opposing view and weighing its merits.
Too many variables, man. Not everything is political. I’ve heard so many different reasons on both sides to why they haven’t received their shot. Me personally, I’m just giving it more time. I’ll get it when I’m ready, but the more I feel forced to take it, the longer it makes me want to wait.
Is that distrust of the government or just not liking to be told what to do? I’m curious. Not judging.
Just how I feel. I was in the army and they gave me all kinds of shots that I had no idea what they were. I’d like to take the shot and not get sick again. Once that is guaranteed then I’ll do it.
What about the idea of doing it to protect others in society?
I wear a mask where it’s asked of me and keep my distance. If the event isn’t asking for it, then I’m living my life as normal.
But the CDC is asking you for it. We are in a high risk area and the CDC has recommended masks for vaxxed and unvaxxed in those areas. So it is recommended. Please consider protecting the people who can’t protect themselves abd wear a mask indoors.
And by the way, as an unvaxxed person, the CDC says you have to wear a mask indoors no matter what.
Where I live I think we have to wear one indoors vax or no now…. at least that’s what the guidelines I got for work just told me.
That’s very good news. Appreciate the update.
To be perfectly honest, I was going to wait a year. This thing was so rushed and is still not fully approved. I figured with my health already putting my risk at hospitalization at about 1 in 100,000 (cycling is a great thing) I’d wait for the science to make the inevitable tweaks.
If my profile was different, I’d have run to it.
But getting the jab was the only way my wife would feel comfortable with me going back to the gym. So I took JnJ largely because it isn’t a new technology.
The mRNA technology fascinates me. It just fascinates me a lot more when it is tried on other people.
I think it sounds safer injecting something that uses your cells to produce only a single protein that’s part of a virus rather injecting the entire virus, even if inactivated.
The fascinating technology part is how they get the mRNA to survive long enough, since our bodies tend to be pretty good at getting rid of stuff that shouldn’t be there.
I love the theory. And I’m looking forward to seeing how it works in practice and what we know 5 years from now that we don’t know right now.
To be fair, this is my default setting. I never buy new tech, I always wait for a second or third version.
But if the new tech let’s you go to the gym, you will buy the new tech?
With the talk that a booster with Maderna and Pfizer vaccine is a bit of proof that 6 months as mentioned by both companies is maybe the shelf life in our bodies. But as of yet I have not heard anything from the Feds or State or even county about receiving a booster.
People who think their personal freedoms are at stake should think about drunk driving laws then. Do drunk drivers have a right to possibly kill and injure other people?
I never stated my freedoms were at stake. But giving science an extra few months to monitor and possibly improve something I’m going to inject in my body is defensible IMO.
Flat out refusing to protect yourself due to BS theories and politics, not defensible.
Must be a USMC thing.
Glad the SOD mandated it BTW. People are expendable sometimes especially if theyre wrong.
Don’t know if it is the Delta variant. Could be the Lambda, or some other new and improved strain.
Good luck, good health, take deep breaths.
I wonder if Delta airlines is collecting any royalties? Or are they offended by the name?
The Delta house is the worst house on campus.
Fake news by Niedermeyer. Delta produces more Senators than Omega House.
Perfect reply, Senator.
Thanks Spy, I like to joke that I have one foot out of the end zone already. But waking up in the morning and getting out of bed and getting my cup of Joe is a great start.
C-Rod back on the bump today!
Why send him down, just admit he is in the rotation.
To gain an extra roster spot but he can return early due to the Double header. He probably never left the team.
Hey Its hard scheduling an 8 man rotation
Cheap Arte, not goona purchase the kid a ticket
What a Game of the Night in Kansas City last night between the MFNYY and the Dodger look a like Royals. No score thru 6 innings, Yanks score one in the top of 7th, Royals score one in bottom 7th, ditto for the 8th and 9th. So 3-3 at regulation and into extras they go. Top 10th yanks score 2 but Royals are not done they come right back with 2 in the bottom 10. NY scores 3 in their half of the 11th and Royals could only answer with 1 in the bottom of the inning. So MFNYY win darn it. But what a finish. Good for MLB in that game.
So a study should be made if starting a runner in extras at second is better for MLB, or starting a runner in the twelfth would be better or just continue with the old way. No one asked me but I think the 12th inning would be good.
Runner starting on second in extra innings is the worst rule in baseball history.
I could see starting a runner on first with no outs in the 12th or something. But this is asinine. I stand corrected because the Olympics rules featured starting extra innings with runners on first AND second. From the Department of Something Awful Actually Made Worse. 🤦🏼♂️
Detmers will have his lumps, but I like that Maddon is letting him stay out there and fight through it. He’s been hit around, but I like how he hangs in there and doesn’t roll over. Once he learns to locate better, watch out.
Brutal last night as there was no Halos Game, no Olympics, no Football and only American Ninja Warrior, so I watched. What a kick in the ass show and are those people in shape, Trouty should find some of them and learn how to get in shape. Yikes!
There were the cornhole national championships on the sports leader. What an amazing event that was.
Tatis’ best option is to play first base.
Yes you’re right but the Padres already have big $ playing 1B and in addition have a minor league kid almost ready who plays first, so that for now leaves an OF’er going to the bench. Unfortunate for the team and Tatis that this is an issue.
But I thought he’s injured the shoulder multiple times swinging.
Too young to move to first…
I predict he’ll be at either SS( normal position) or 2B (shorter throws) for 2022 and beyond.
But what happens to Who?
He’s still on 1st !
No, what is on 2nd
Also a good way to keep Hosmer on the bench.
No. Best option is to start sliding feet first!
Tatis will be better off in the Outfield with a weak shoulder because the throwing is different and the fielder can set up and use the whole mention of throwing to hit a cut off. In the infield you do not get the same set up and often a SS is throwing from a twisting action or coming to a skid stop and throwing before setting up. But he also will be mostly DH at some point soon if both leagues have it.
Getting 14 innings of baseball today with some decent seats. Go Hålos
Go Angels x2
two tickets for two games? Bringing the tots?
They kick you out of the first game and need a second ticket for the next game. Might be bringing the kids to the night game.
What about hiding in the bathroom stalls between games?
Those Diamond Club crappers are pretty darn cushy. 😂
Mike the usher is wise to that scam. He will make sure the bathrooms are cleared out.
Never been…..is it worth the splurge? Not the shitter, the seats?
But if I was in that section, I might take a 2 bagger at the stadium.
I had a buddy who would get some kicked down. Sat in diamond maybe 10 times. Mostly free and I paid once. $75 per ticket is my pain threshold and I bought there ONCE at that price. Doubt you get them under $150 anymore as people aren’t into lighting their cash on fire.
Still have yet to sample a dugout suite – but i need to figure a way to meet up with handlebar stache bro to get access to that seating experience. Someday
Handlebar bro is Arte’s eyes and ears…..muscle if needed.
I have been in the Platinum Suites, still have not managed the Dugout Suite, but this season or next I’m going to splurge for my son and I to sit in the Diamond Club. Usher Mike is a golfing friend of mine who usually works the Diamond Club, and when The Angels are out of town, he may be found on a Sunday morning trying to crush me on the golf course.
Have not seen those, but just the Club Level restrooms are alot better than the other levels….
Yes. Worth the few extra bucks just to have access to them.
It’s hard, but try to work your way to the training room, nobody’s there, hide in between games…..everyone from the medical staff is seeing patients at Dr. Nick’s clinic on Katella near the freeway.