Stay safe Angels fans. This has been a tough start for this site with the virus and all. That won’t stop the links though. I will try to stay as positive as I can.
Bad News
Well the State of California is officially telling people to stay home. This is more to try and force the rest of the stragglers to finally close. Places that need to stay open, will, but please do not go to the store unless you need something.
With the season in jeopardy, players are getting surgery. TJ for Sale. TJ for Beede.
No draft is likely. And there goes that number 10 pick. Also there goes millions for Omaha.
40 minor league teams could not make it through 2020 without help.
Good News
MLB will actually pay their minor league players. Until April 8th at least.
Free Athletic subscription for new people! Enjoy a backlog of baseball articles!
Dan Haren is still telling stories on Twitter. Like the time he decided to (kinda) take up smoking to pitch better.
Someone made a site to watch old baseball games.
Old news but here is the way to watch baseball games since 2009.
Trout looks like the next captain of the Axiom. Maybe where we’re headed if COVID destroys our planet.
Gubi, just dunks it
Looks like she changed Gubi’s eye level, stayed within her mechanics and trusted her stuff.
But whats the key to the game
Thank you Gubi. Way to trust your stuff.
Just want to thank the team for keeping the site up and running. Have not had time to check in lately, very busy with work contingency planning etc.. Hope the new site and writers can weather the storm, really looking forward to the content here when baseball returns. Like to still be visiting here when Trout goes into the HOF.
Just got off the phone with Michael Kohn. Great guy, happy to be back in the fold. I’ll get the interview up sometime soon.
Drawing for the Big Fly gear giveaway will take place this weekend and winner announced Monday.
Sweet JJ… You Rock!
I Kohn only hope we all enjoy the interview….
if we don’t we run the risk of enduring the wrath of Kohn
That’s InKohnceivable!
How’s that Wilson Wilson gaff/mulligan looking now……the whole 2020 MLB season cood beee kanseled. Matt Thaiss and Will Wilson…..Mye Gawd Guillermo!!
Damn, Trout’s really let himself go since ST shut down!!!!!
All that was left at the store was just bags of sugar.
one bright side, I’m keeping up with laundry. On the down side I’m noticing all the little things I’ve intended to do, that are sitting there undone.
No work. No baseball. No stores opened or stocked. Kinda reminds me of life right after the riots in ‘92.
Stay positive everyone.
Can’t last forever.
We are all shut down and all shut in and no sports except reruns of old games, yuk, that l know the outcome. Well l can walk the dogs more often now.
There is always this game” rel=”nofollow ugc”>
Besides the CWS, Omaha lost both the MLB draft and 2 rounds of March Madness. Businesses were ecstatic with the projected revenues and in the current situation, it’s a pretty bleak outlook. Everyone, take care of yourselves and be safe.
That is brutal. 60 days ago you were looking at hosting two great events during the greatest economy ever and now nothing. And its not like that revenue will be coming back, those events are just gone.
You guys ever notice how incredibly boring life is without baseball, or even the anticipation of baseball?
It’s so terrible!
In a normal year, I would be vibrating with anticipation right about now. Today, I’m about to go to the store during senior shopping hours to try and score a dozen eggs. Just a little different. Today is the first full day of spring, but no bat cracks, no thwop of the ball into the catcher’s mitt.
Baseball is life.
At least you can still check your 401k and hyperventilate!! Right, guys? 🙁
At this point I’ve conceded that I am cost averaging down and nothing more. For a guy who got a late start, being able to buy things at half what they cost last year could be a good thing.
I do feel for those closer to retirement age.
Yeah. For me, this is a good time to throw some extra money into a Roth IRA. For my 70-year old in-laws that run a small business and were finally hoping to retire this year, the loss of invested wealth, combined with the need to shut down the business for weeks or months just plain sucks.