Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you did not leave your gift-giving ideas until now…might be a tad bit too late…
Let’s start off with the elephant in the room. The Astros finally addressed everyone! And…what on earth is owner Jim Crane saying? I guess Crane likes to dig deeper and deeper holes…
To their credit, some Astros players must have realized how crazy the press conference sounded. Carlos Correa stepped up. As did others… one news station wasn’t impressed, and here is the result…
Some of the Angels decided to weigh in… Andrelton Simmons didn’t say anything, but one symbol spoke volumes… a week old, but Hank Aaron thinks they should be banned…
So what now? The Angels open the season in Houston, then after a quick saunter over to the new ballpark in Arlington, the team has the home opener against the Astros. All baseball eyes will be on us…is Joe Maddon going order Angel pitchers to hit batters…?
Now onto actual Angels business…nothing particularly of note or even out of the ordinary…
Bam! Two injuries right off the block…and position players haven’t even reported to Spring Training yet…
Who knows what is happening in the trade market right now (other than the fact that the Angels aren’t getting anyone)…but it seems the Colorado Rockies want to trade Nolan Arenado to the Chicago Cubs, who have Kris Bryant…go figure
I’m sure Blue Jays catcher Reese McGuire is not having a pleasurable time anymore…
CNN interviewed Anna Calcaterra, the daughter of the NBC Sports reporter…she drew a crazy map…this isn’t the first time she’s done something like this…
Jay Bouwmeester, a St. Louis Blues player who collapsed Tuesday night at Honda Center, is doing well…
Gee, I’ve always pronounced it BUTT-tree.
I don’t like the Twitter, and facebook, floaters
It bounces when you scroll down with the wheel. LoL
Also, this site is always upgrading daily now it seems. The comment window looks slick and clean just like the front page. It’s actually nice seeing the progression, unlike the lack of progression for the Angels org when it comes to pitching.
Element blocker 😉
Fast and Furious?
I should be paying bills, and doing my taxes, but …
A fast and furious 5000 cameo in the future?! Say it ain’t so, Sho!
You’re looking at 7045 hits, 1415 of which were home runs. I was fortunate to see both of these guys play.
Whenever the question of where you would go if you had a time machine comes up, I always think how cool it would be to see the greats of years past. Like, what if you could bring Babe Ruth to the present and have him watch Trout? The possibilities are endless and fascinating.
Babe would encourage Mike to go to the brothel with him
Better to bang prostitutes than trash cans.
the bad: those of us who saw those guys are now closer to dead than you. So I’m told. I have no interest in that.
the good: we saw them play. And thanks to old-timers’ games I got to see players going way back. They looked like old men to me except for Joe DiMaggio. Some were probably 50 or 55! So that means born in like 1905. Red Ruffing, for example. Bill Dickey. Rudy York.
I’m not so sure the next 60 years are going to be the best of times. You may be glad that you got to live the years you did.
Someday I’ll be able to spin some great stories about watching the GOAT play baseball. And watching the resurgence of the 2-way player. Also was alive for the biggest cheating scandal in memory.
Lots of TV views over here.
Lots of SF games, and SuperStation WTBS. I got to see that 714 live, was not too sure of what I was watching.
Being an Angel (AL) fan, i didn’t see many of the NL superstars in the late 60s and 70s. I saw Willie Mays play a spring training game in PS, but don’t believe i ever saw Hammerin’ Hank. But i saw Yaz, Brooks Robinson, Big Frank Howard, and Mickey Mantle hit a HR in first game i remember seeing at the Big A.
The one NL team i remember seeing at Chavez Ravine was the Pirates so there was Clemente and Stargell. Wish i would have seen those Big Red Machin teams
Just saw that a couple of California youth leagues are banning the use of “Astros” as a team name………a movement begins.
Here’s some Saturday pictures. Shohei and the NRIs in the batting cage as Billy Epp looks on, Brian Goodwin has a bigger beard, more catchers, pitchers, and more.
now I really want one of those red belts.
No wonder Billy can’t pick up good players. He can’t even pick a good cap, and he gets them, for free.
Well maybe not totally. Arte probably makes him pay for S&H.
Also, when you highlight a selection on this, AWESOME SITE, it is highlighted in Angels Red now.
Billy’s been Buttercapped
Two down
Ah, the old intercostal clavicle. . .

They just don’t make humans like they used to.
I recently watched the movie “The Island” with E Mcgregor and Scarjo. I hope that’s not the way to fix us faster. LoL
Oh i forgot to mention…
I know it makes me sound elderly and senile but I keep getting our new site’s name wrong.
I think of it as “crawling from the wreckage”, which it kind of is.
In any case, I type in “cr” and the link pops up so in the end it doesn’t matter. I’ll have it straight in my head soon enough.
It’s still Spring
It’s early as they used to say on some other site.
I think the acronym is LTBU, but tell my son Halos Heaven when I dicuss what’s going on here.
Yeah, that embodies my great fear going forward. Ever since Brendan Donnelly (whom I know a lot of you don’t like) left the lineup, we haven’t had a pitcher who could administer the coup de grace without ramifications. Sure, WTY would willingly do it, but that never seemed to turn out with a net positive.
So I’m hoping that whoever they send out there to administer the fait accompli, it’s someone we can afford to be suspended for five games.
Props to KTLA for getting real.
So sweet.
How Sweet It Is

I wonder if this will hurt Altuve’s Hall of Fame chances
Guaranteed. Altuve, Bregman, Beltran. They should be treated the same way steroid users are. If Bonds isn’t in the Hall, these guys shouldn’t be either.
Pictures from Arizona today.
Thanks Rex!
Awesome, thank you.
Gets me amped for baseball!
Heck yeah!
Fuck the asstros and their tone-deaf, clueless owner.
I made this for a friend of mine in the event anyone wants to use it. We’re gonna make up some shirts to wear this year.
You gonna go viral. Already blazing on its way through the Downing Dude circles.
Checking our Rex’s spring training pics and it looks like Houston already has their spy camera in training, too.
I am so looking forward to the first exhibition game.
its Monday for me. when position players show up.
Happy Valentines Day Halo Fans
The More You Suffer
The More It Shows
You Really Care
Love Arte
I have 3 million reasons to say “I love you”
This heartwarming messages sponsored by 714-TICKETS. 714-TICKETS. 714-TICKETS!
my valentine!
He’s here! <3
No no, he’s mine!
Hell yeah!
who ‘dis?
Don’t know.
Looks Short and Scrawny
i think its that 3b that won the World Series MVP
David Freese
Maybe, he is definitely to small to be 3B WS MVP Troy Glaus?
Look, it’s Enrico Palazzo!!!!!
Rays sign Brooks Pounders and Deck McGuire.
Their goes our Starting Pitching hope’s…
They will both turn into Cy Young 2.0
I just want my z key
Well, I want my Mtv
Mtv is still around, but not the same network that used to play music videos all the time… sadly.
@spy Do you also want money for nothing and your chicks for free?
That would make me a Sultan of swingers
I’d buy that for a dollar!