Better to be Lucky: Why I am Here

Best 20 dollars I have ever spent

I have been consuming Angels news through the various fan websites scattered across the internet for well over a decade now. So a few months ago, when the opportunity came to actually contribute, I naturally was conflicted.

Did people really want to read what I will write? Am I really up for this? Taking the initiative was something I didn’t do. I hid behind the same username all last decade, refused to show anything to anyone online, keep that separate from my offline self. How could I possibly do this?

Well others told me I really should and I thought, ‘No way I actually get accepted.’ But I did. Somehow my approach to topics in a stats heavy and lighthearted way was good enough to be accepted and I was on my way to actually doing something productive online rather than just posting funny gifs and trying to be witty in comments.

But then everything changed when the [REDACTED] Nation attacked and that opportunity was thrown out the door. The whole experiment was over.

Or so I thought. Apparently, the other writers, being far more experienced and knowledgeable, decided to make their own website where they can stick it to those that wronged them [Ed Note: this dude’s a quick learner]. Since I was there at the final days, that included me, even though I was at the bottom of the ladder.

As someone who just goes with things I decided to join here. Because people pushed me and because I was in the right place at the right time, I can actually make a name for myself. Using my real name for once. Sure, this community will be getting a giant boost from others, but it is technically still new. To get in on day 0 is amazing.

What I will be Writing About

My goal is to write about the Angels in a statistical manner. This will include basic stats that appear at every game as well as sabermetrics. Of course, I will also be writing whatever I am assigned to as well. However, these stats focused posts will be what I will attempt to do to stand out. It is more aligned with my passion and I hope to bring some insights to the site.

I will also attempt to educate where I can. A smart Angels fandom will go a long way to stand out. While I am sure that plenty who come here will know more than enough, there will be those that have heard terms like DRS for the first time here. The goal isn’t to alienate fans, after all.

Expect my pieces to be long and with detail. I do not know the current situation in terms of image right use, but until that is sorted out I will do the best I can to keep them from being visually boring. Please be patient. I am still very new to this.

I look forward to writing here. Thank you for having me Jessica.

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5 years ago

Super excited to make an account here. I mostly lurked on HalosHeaven. Looking forward to your posts! Everyone here does a FANtastic job!

Super Member
5 years ago

I appreciate your work. Once I saw the anime gifs I knew who this was lol.

5 years ago

Burn it to the ground

5 years ago

Breaking news- looks like Joc Pederson is headed to Anaheim as part of the Betts to Dodgers deal. Angels give up Refingo to the Dodgers.

Makes Angels offense even stronger. Pederson fits in nicely into the lineup!

Jim Atkins
Super Member
5 years ago

Math! Yes! Haven’t done any real math except for measuring a bathroom remodel since I retired. Looking forward to some geekage.

Trusted Member
5 years ago

My math brain just got “stimulated”

5 years ago

Great to see you over here! Thanks for being a contributor. Looking forward to your posts.

Rahul Setty
Trusted Member
5 years ago

Excited to read your stuff, Noy!

Trusted Member
5 years ago


Trusted Member
5 years ago


Trusted Member
5 years ago

I look forward to reading your stuff. My background on this site is similar to yours except for the writing part that you are now doing… “I hid behind the same username all last decade, refused to show anything to anyone online, keep that separate from my offline self. How could I possibly do this?” Yes I get that!

Good luck!

5 years ago

I am looking forward to reading your posts throughout this season. Go #1 Angels.

5 years ago

That’s a great picture. 😉

5 years ago

What do you think of this? I do not think the Astros will do that well, especially the first half of the season.

Trusted Member
5 years ago
Reply to  johnlweitzel

My IQ dropped 10 points just reading that.

They don’t have to project the Angels winning it all—I’d rather they not—but some of the team analysis for the other 29 teams was likewise phoned-in, superficial, and suspect.

And frankly, what is served by ranking the teams before camps even open? Just about all teams make moves in the next 60 days.