So you have something to say about the Angels (or baseball) and you want to write about it? Have no fear – fan posts are here!
Absolutely ANYONE can write for this site, even if you are not on the mast head. Here are some tips on how to get that done.
The editing tools are pretty simple and should be straight forward, but feel free to contact us if you need help. You won’t be able to add pictures to your posts, but we (site staff) may add them once we publish them.
Give your post a catchy headline. Make sure to write a well thought out post. A few sentences about how you think we should trade Mike Trout for Mookie Betts is probably not going to do well. Remember – if your post is great, we will also feature it on the main section of the site.
Do not just repost articles from elsewhere. Those copyrights are owned by someone else, so mods will have to delete them.
Write your posts about topics we or another Fanpost editor haven’t covered — at least, haven’t covered in the same way you would. We all have our own takes on the bullpen, and that’s fine.
If you want to comment on a post on another site, link to it, and quote a few lines. (On the menu bar, use the chain-link button). Then share your take. Again, don’t just grab huge chunks of someone else’s story.
Other notes:
Read other people’s Fanposts. You can always find them on the right sidebar.
If you like something, “rec” it. The posts with more commendations filter to the top and it’s a nice way to say “good job.”
Comment on other people’s posts. Reply to comments on your posts.
We want you to get involved. Don’t just make us do all the talking!
Once your fan post is done, you can submit it. Someone on the site staff will have to actually publish it. We will do our best to publish promptly, but if we are lagging, feel free to give us a gentle nudge in one of the other posts on the site.
So happy to have this site!!!! I have followed for many, many years but have not been an active commenter. I “vow” to change that. My memory is not too good – was it Rev who used to post videos from his backyard? Did he have his hair dyed red too? Seems like I recall something like that. Weird, I feel like I know many of you because I have read all the articles and every fan post for so long. Thanks to the organizers for putting this together 🙂
Just testing to see if any HTML tags work here.
Apparently they do.
Excited to be a part of this community!! I was a long tome lurker on HH and I’m vowing to be a more active participant here. So glad to see my favorite writers (and commenters) coming over here!
Thanks everyone!
Happy to move over to the new site…. Thank you Jessica. Will this become the new mothership?!!
T40 checking in!
Signing in. Looking forward to another 10+ years of Angels commentary with you lot. Site looks great, and with ST just around the corner, we will see how these new digs really work. Thanks for setting all of this up 🙂
Wow, what trip that l figured this gettin’ ‘ere stuff ott by me lonesum’ Yup eyes surly done dit it. So happy to see you folks here and thank you Jessica and staff for our new home. lt will take me awhile to figure things out but by reading what you folks write down l won’t be far behind, Now where is that Downing? Probably out in left field again l bet………lol Good Morning guys it’s a good day today as l drink the Joe and sit here and type.
Testing. Trying to reply to Grandpa Baseball from my phone.
What a trip and a half, for being non computer literate l’m surprised that l made it, meaning if l could do it anybody can! Thank you Jessica and staff, wonderful stuff. Now where is that Kid Downing?! HaHaHa great test drive, lol Good Morning folks.
My goal is to 1/1000 of the comments Red Floyd will have… So far so good.
I think he already has 578
Afternoon all – London calling…
What up dude. The old gang back together.
Hi, Limey! It’s great to see some of the old gang checking in. Come on, QFR and Sothball and Christie2002!
Hey halofans! Thanks for the bright shiny new site Jessica- I’m logged in, I just got my spring training tickets and Tempe hotel reservations,we’re all ready for 2020!
YAY!! I’m here!!!
Will there be greening of comments?
Hopefully at some point. Not sure we can do that yet though.
The Party has Arrived
Huzzah! Thanks for building it.
Wow! This place has that new blog smell.
As long as you keep you Pants on!
I make no promises.
Yeah yeah I just say, don’t make eye contact. You will be OK.
Hey, I’m a good guy, feel free to contact me anytime
Fan Posts, like a gamethread, are pants optional.
How’d you all get spaces in your names?
Can’t wait to see how it performs in a game thread!