LA Angels Thursday News Crash: Regular Meetings

MLB and the MLBPA have actually agreed on some things and appear to be having regular meetings. At least that’s something. calls it significant progress, but most of the progress seems to be people abandoning their previous positions in the face of staunch opposition. Not everybody considers that “significant progress.”

Yikes! No team in baseball had a lower non-pitching bWAR than the Angels. This article is about what the American League teams have all done to address their biggest weakness. It concludes that since Mike Trout and Anthony Rendon are expected back, shortstop is that weakness for the Angels. the hiring of Thor and Raisel Iglesias was not addressed and I think that would have made this a more positive article with respect to the Angels.

Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Curt Schilling and Sammy Sosa have now all fallen entirely off the Hall of Fame ballot. According to this writer, that is why the Hall of Fame is in trouble, not because of the election of David Ortiz. Should there just be a special class of admitted players who used PEDS or are suspected to have done so? For his part, Roger Clemens says the Hall of Fame is not his focus anyway. Ryan Howard also fell off the ballot, apparently a victim of the shift. Torii Hunter and Bobby Abreu hung on and will be on the ballot next year.

Mike Schildt is going to work for the Padres while he simultaneously works for Major League Baseball. It’s some kind of player development role.

Nick Tropeano has a minor league deal with the Texas Rangers.

Happy birthday Bob Uecker.

For all you gluttons for punishment, Lookout Landing is hiring writers.

Photo credit: Rex Fregosi

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Super Member
3 years ago

Angels vs Athletics……..Why can’t this be a exciting rivalry like…..
Giants vs Dodgers
Lakers vs Warriors
Rams vs Niners
Wish I could ask Arthur, John, and Dennis about that….
 😡  😠  😢 

Last edited 3 years ago by 2002heaven
3 years ago

Here’s what likely will happen. To gain momentum, the players and owners will focus on areas where they can agree. These are minor issues where agreement can be achieved. That will make it look to all of us fans that progress is being made and they really want a deal. Don’t be duped, they are miles apart on the core economic issues and an agreement is unlikely to be reached on them until both are truly ready to compromise their positions. We have basically reached February and are not any closer to MLB.

Last edited 3 years ago by Fansince1971
3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971

Yep, MLB needs to up the league minimum to around $645k minimum and the Luxury tax floor at about 235 mil to get the MLBPA to move on these items and towards some other items.

Reply to  Fansince1971

We’re still undefeated, so there’s that.

Trusted Member
3 years ago

At this rate we will be undefeated through May

3 years ago

We also haven’t won…

3 years ago

So a half empty kind of guy eh?

3 years ago
Reply to  Cowboy26

How about not to full, not to empty?

Just about right.

Jeff Joiner
3 years ago
Reply to  Fansince1971


The only thing I can think of is that the newer faces might be trying to get some yes’s on the board and develop some sense of progress within the two factions. Get the staring contest to cool down a bit.

It is a very common sales tactic. Get a yes, anything, then build off it.

3 years ago

Place your bets now…

How many gems will Trop throw against us this season?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mia

3, and the number shall be 3.

red floyd
3 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

He shall not throw four, nor two, excepting that he shall then proceedeth on to throw a third. Five is right out.

Last edited 3 years ago by red floyd
3 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

I checked back into this discussion just so I could read these last few comments again.

red floyd
3 years ago

Glad to know someone else thought the same thing when they read steelgolf’s comment.

3 years ago
Reply to  red floyd
