Sunday baseball at Tempe Diablo Stadium.
Mike Trout, Shohei Ohtani, and David Fletcher are in the lineup. Jaime Barria on the mound. Reid Detmers and Chris Rodriguez listed on the lineup card.
Sunday baseball at Tempe Diablo Stadium.
Mike Trout, Shohei Ohtani, and David Fletcher are in the lineup. Jaime Barria on the mound. Reid Detmers and Chris Rodriguez listed on the lineup card.
Would have liked to see Detmers and Rodriguez, but quite happy with the way Barria, Pena and Suarez pitched today.
And what happened to Jose Alberto Rivera? I thought he was going to make his debut today. Considering what’s at stake as a Rule 5 pickup you’d think they would want to get him some innings in front of major league hitters
This is why I come here. Good thought
Nice 2 innings by Suarez
And does an auto-walk count as 4 pitches?
So if you have a 3 run lead going into the bottom of the final inning do you just throws 21 straight balls and walk off the field winning by one run?
16 pitches to score a run.
Hahaha! This is like cricket!!
Good T20 match aus v blackcaps just finished yesterday. All your comments have me laughing and thinking of the other game.
Ohtani ready to start the season now
He looks really licked in. Completely different than last ‘Spring’.
So pumped! A bright spot for sure
Trying not to get too excited about it but it certainly puts a smile on my face
How do you edit posts?! I hate the auto spell and typos I don’t notice before posting
Honestly I would think managers would want to see how their pitchers handle pressure situations during Spring Training.
Such a wimpy thing to do. Bases loaded. 1 out. Let’s get back to the dugout boys!
Weird, had to go to section/game thread to see this. Normally whatever news links/game threads just come up on the home page.
I’m tired of the Angels innings ending with the bases loaded when they haven’t made 3 ours.
That is annoying.
Are the Angels the only team that doesn’t use the 20 pitch rule
Their pitchers don’t pitch inside/hit anyone either.
LaRussa pretty much said NFW to the 20 pitch rule
But he used it against the Angels
He also said NFW to a BAL of 0.08% or being accountable for past and current actions.
Yes but he likes to rescue animals.
Good day everyone!
A good day indeed!!
Forrest Whitley UCL Sprain.
To bad for Forrest, but Karma for the Astros
Is that three starters they have lost (Verlander, Framber and Forest)? Oddorizzi can only replace so much.
The bill comes due. Always.
Final Destination
You can’t “Cheat” death.
Thanks for the updates. Unless it makes the main MLB headlines, I don’t seek out news on the other AL West teams.
With a short game I’m afraid of another tie. I know they don’t count but they make me feel dirty.
Or like watching meant nothing. Though you can always evaluate player performances
Joe is unleashing the full power of Ohtani. Nice!
1, 2, 3 first inning for Barria. That is some good news.
Has anyone heard about Victors replacement? Please don’t say Mota
Gubi doesn’t usually call spring games, so it does feel like they are testing out Mota and him.
Nothing against Jose, but he’s not the answer. Hope i’m wrong. But, like, where is Terry?
It is not as dynamic as Victor and Gubi. Gubi seems to be taking more of a backseat role – more hesitant, and it isn’t working (so far).
Not a fan of Terry either, he makes mistakes that can’t be hidden on tt
I’m not either, my point was that he usually calls spring games so the change to Mota/Gubi makes me wonder.
I definitely think Terry is at his best on the radio.
Mota and Gubi have been calling Soring games for years. Even Alex Curry will make her Spring debut soon
I have no memory of Gubi calling games. It’s always been Terry with Mota doing the color.
If i’m wrong then that’s my bad.
Seen them together back in 2016. Was talking to Jose about his Dad
I haven’t watched EVERY ST game the last few years but did notice/like when terry/jose were together.
The tv crew usually show up the last week of st
But only for the 8th and 9th innings?
The last week was their tune-up for the regular season, including the freeway series
Good to know, thanks!!
I’ve commented that I like listening to Terry, his voice is great for baseball, but other commenters say he messes up/his mistakes play better on radio. I don’t notice/care if a “long fly ball to left” is actually caught by the SS or LF. Nothing agains Jose or Gubi but 2 color commentators sounds a lot more painful to listen to (I’m think chicago white Sox out one on for the good guys sort of commenting) than what seems like our only option in terry. Just an opinion
Oh cool, the thread got here early enough to watch BP
Only 6 innings today. BP will probably be longer than the game.
These short games make w/l records more meaningless than ever.
I would rather keep the players safe, and avoid an Astros pitching type quarantine, than have a ST W-L record that people might take seriously.
agreed. I don’t know if this accomplishes that but if it was suggested by actual physicians it’s ok with me.
As far as I understand, they are limiting the number of people in the dugout. Consequently, there are fewer pitchers on stand-by, so they are regulating the innings based on how many pitchers (and back-up position players) they bring to each game.
got it, thanks!
It makes sense, just different than what we are “used” to.
Going to ST games has to be much different now. I still want to go, but wouldn’t have the same expectations to get/see what I have before.