LA Angels Weekend News Crash: Motherload

Happy May 8th, Angels fans. Today, 9 years ago was the day when Mike Scioscia won his 1,000th game as a manager. It was on Mothers Day and I took a photo. Hope you enjoy the day, and that you are ready for US Mother’s Day on Sunday. As you panic, have some links!

Bad News

Poor Mets. A-Roid doesn’t want to buy them anymore. Be grateful for Arte this time.

Speaking of bad owners, some are planning to start cutting front office people. Worst time to get into baseball. (Thanks for sticking with us.)

Harper opened up about his FA thing. Said that the Nats lowballed him, which is why he left. Trout didn’t though because Arte gave him all he asked for and because Trout > Harper in all the ways.

Not Bad News

Speaking of Harper, he is pro Olympics for MLB players. If there were any Olympics for Baseball this year.

Angels Youtube is posting cool stuff about 2002 now. Some of which I have never seen before. Like this one about Eckstein and the Thundersticks.

Roy Halladay Documentary coming May 29th.

Watching Asian Baseball and confused about all the Metric units? Well here is a nice chart for pitches.

The world is becoming less bleak now. Because the Onion has some new Baseball material! Did Boston create that robot? SAS can finally rant about something new!

JD Martinez whines about the punishment the Red Sox got. Which was minimal.

KBO Dinos did their version of the Baby Shark song and dance.

MLB made a list of players every team hates the most. Many of these are retired though.

MLB is helping domestic abuse victims. 3 million dollars through 2021 for programs.

ESPN ranked every World Series. 2002 came in 22nd.

Cal Ripken JR. has an idea on how to fix sign stealing. Throw at hitters chins. Yeah, as if pitchers could pitch that precise.

Trout porn. Get your Trout porn here! (Not that kind) Keep your distance. Like Trout.

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Jim Atkins
Super Member
4 years ago

Read that article about A-Roid and the Mets. How on earth did anybody as stupid as the Wilpons ever amass that much money? Demanding continued control over the team, thinking they can hold on to the TV network, and the all time kicker, falling for Madoff’s ponzi scheme. That one had red flags all over it. Absolute blockheads.

Super Member
4 years ago

Roy Halladay doc? How big is it on his drug use?

Super Member
4 years ago

For me the most hated is Josh Beckett and it’s not even close. I bet if you asked the guys on the team between 2004-2010 they’d say the same.

In addition to being the biggest a-hole in the Keague (maybe Schilling tied him there) he threw at the heads of our players and threw at Vlad and Cabrera and even broke Vlad’s hand causing him to miss a lot of time.

The guy inflicted tangible, physical damage due to his assholery.

For me Pure-Shitsky is probably like 5 or 6 on the list, with cheating Red Sox Big Pappi and Manny being ahead. I would possibly put Varitek ahead as well. The top five are probably all Red Sox players. No surprises there.

Rahul Setty
Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  JackFrost


red floyd
4 years ago

Wrong hated player for the Halos. U-Haul was a rental. Yeah, it was annoying, but we HATED Pure-Shit-Ski. But then, so did everyone else in baseball.

Charles Sutton
Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

That’s what I thought, with dishonorable mention to Marisdick.

4 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

Yeah, U-Haul was a money grubbing douche, but NOBODY, is a more hated douche than AJ Pureshitski. He was an ass in Minnesota, and singlehandedly changed the ‘05 ALCS with his cheating.

red floyd
4 years ago
Reply to  halofolife

I think their problem was that if they were honest, it would be Pureshitski for everyone except the Chisox and (maybe) the Twinkies.

Super Member
4 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

no one will come close to being despised as Dave Henderson, God rest his soul.

4 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

I agree with everyone. That jerk was the first to come to mind. For me, the 2nd most hated player was one on our own team, a player named J.H. Cokehead.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

You hated Ortiz more than Man Ram? Curious.

Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  red floyd

We still have a magnet on our fridge stating “I PUNCHED A.J.”