MLB TV Subscription Blues

Did MLB TV automatically charge your Credit Card for this season, and are you going to ask for a refund?

I really dislike the automatic charge feature. What if I had died of COVID-19? A little black humor, but not entirely a joke when you consider where I live (King County, WA).

This year it seems especially cheeky, since they charged my card on the day that Spring Training was shut down . At that time they said the season start would likely be delayed by two weeks.

I don’t think the content they’re currently offering really commands the price they charge. I mean, how many Greatest Yankee Games* do you want to watch while you’re stuck at home?

*The current show as I type this is MLB’s 20 Greatest Games: 2001, Yankeest at Diamondbacks.

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4 years ago

If you don’t complain, and I mean call, email, write, and call your credit card company and dispute the charge, then they will keep doing it. That figure a full 30 to 50% won’t spend the time to get a refund. Money in their pockets.

Trusted Member
4 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

I asked for a refund around the middle of last month and had the money back into my account on the 27th, no problems at all. My beef is with Stubhub. Since the season is “postponed”, not “cancelled”, they won’t refund my money for the tickets I bought for the 3/31-4/2 Angel-stRanger series. It’s ridiculous.

4 years ago
Reply to  steelgolf

I don’t care about the money. It’s only twenty bucks. I want the games. This day in history would be great, but at the very least I should be able to hear the games which are actually being broadcast on am830.

4 years ago
Reply to  SeaAngels

I’ll retract a little. AM830 does stream games as they’re being rebroadcast, but i don’t see anything on their webpage which says games are currently being streamed. Their webpages clearly state they don’t stream any games but Ducks games. Link to streaming games :

Thanks, mlb. My subscription has yet to purchase anything from you. Not feeling the love.

4 years ago

Longtime subscriber to gameday audio. I haven’t listened to a game on the radio since moving outside the radio market during Jim Abbott’s rookie season. (My last home game had him pitching for the Edmonton Trappers against the Angels. He wore a visiting Angel uniform while pitching against the Angels in this exibition game.) All I’ve received for this year’s auto subscription was a charge to my credit card. Yay! So such love shown by mlb. I can hardly stand it.

The Angels and the other mlb teams are blowing a great opportunity to rebroadcast a daily, on-this-day game from the past. The local teams go through their archives and provide product for mlb to broadcast. There are only so many Angels games on Need some Angels games dag nabbit!

Jeff Joiner
4 years ago

Bad move MLB. Looks like they are trying to trap you into paying full pop for what will be a partial season at best.

Even worse, they are taking the money right when many people need it most, as jobs and businesses are being lost in droves.

Trusted Member
4 years ago

I had actually made a comment about this like a day or two after the season had been suspended, My account doesn’t have this money and they are making interest on it.

red floyd
4 years ago

Not, but At Bat Gameday Audio.